Comments on: 26 January 2010: ‘Open Moment’, Closed Minds! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 09 Nov 2010 09:28:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: palitha Warnakulasuriya Tue, 09 Nov 2010 09:28:55 +0000 Those who has left Sri Lanka due to various reasons and been living abroad, please come back to meet yours old good friends now. We are looking for YOU TIK!

By: JTL Sat, 23 Jan 2010 03:33:03 +0000 Sri Lanka isn’t a place for people like the writer, I know because I share similar sentiments. Have hope, don’t give up, things will always be bad, but doesn’t mean you give up on it. If we lose this moment, another will arise. Believe me, just when you thought it can’t get any worse, an inkling of hope appeared. This will happen again, as for long as we fight the good fight, and in an event of greater turmoil than what we’ve already been through, we’ll hurdle together and survive that one too. Keep your chin up and keep going.

By: tikiri de zoysa Falk Fri, 22 Jan 2010 19:09:21 +0000 I could only add to the – frustrated yet hopeful dreamer’s- beautifully articulated sentiments: it is time “we the people” DEMANDED that our Leadership get off their self-erected pedestals and SERVE – in the true spirit of the public servant.

I too – like the writer – am in my forties. I consider this time in history – OUR time. OUR time… to ACT… and to DEMAND.
Yes…let me speak for myself. (For it is individuals who make a nation, tho we’re wont to speak in collectives.)

I was but in the imagination of life – during 450 years of Colonial rule.
I was in the pipelines of life – during the post independence years when Banda and Co. played expedient and divisive politics.
I was an adolescent when JR came in with the education, the experience and overwhelming power to pass just about any legislation he deemed – but failed.

My first vote went to one Premadasa. What promise that fellow came in with. and, yet, how well he displayed the truth behind “power corrupts.. and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.” I reamed that he would prove that axiom wrong. After all, my hero Lincoln ruled otherwise…
But then – I AM accused of being an idealist. Yes. But I’m an idealist with my feelt on the ground.

We all know – kids and oldies alike – just what a pitiful pit of corruption our country has been in the grip of in the past few decades.
Well… I’m now in my forties… and I’m no longer willing to be associated with the “this is our karma” mentality. There’s something called self respect. And something called willpower. I demand that the leadership of Our Time use every ounce of “will” to CHANGE. To change in the name of our golden country. Change the way politics is viewed: politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS. The President is the CHIEF PUBLIC SERVANT. Do your job accordingly. Else, fire your OWN staff. and do your own laundry. We the tax payer shall NOT pay your salary. So you could have your staff. And cronies. And stooges.

Prescription – from an idealist with feet on the ground – to stop our beautiful country from bleeding to death. Yes. Don’t for one moment imagine that crushing the bloody terrorists is the end of all problems. Corruption is the reason they were able to grow in the seemingly unchecked way, in the first place.
???? Yes. Fundamental to rooting out the bloody evil of corruption is for leader clean and committed enough to lay their hand off the POLICE, the Judiciary and the Press. Should these three entities be allowed to do their job – corruption in every other are can be rooted out.

So – Mahinda… Sarath… whichever of you are called upon to lead by a majority of our trusting people… get with the programe. Else, brace yourself for a people’s revolution. 22 million disgruntled citizens tearing down your door won’t be a pleasant Happy New Year. Yes, what do you expect is going to happen when corruption in your ranks lead to escalating economic hardship… whereby hardworking folks won’t be able to provide for their children? Folks will come knocking on your door, Chief Public Servant. Do NOT take our stoic and trusting people for granted. Change. Or brace yourself for pounding knuckles.
