Comments on: The Tamil Variable In Lankan Politics Journalism for Citizens Tue, 26 Jan 2010 22:06:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Tue, 26 Jan 2010 22:06:53 +0000 Dear Kumar,

As you say the problem is in the “IF” of your statement

If the war has been won and the LTTE vanquished why do you waste so many words writing about it. Are you trying to overcome your guilt of how it was done. Or is it the Tamils you want Vanquished.

Yes the Military and Terror capability of the LTTE in SL seems to be subdued. Whether it has been VANQUISHED only time will tell. It will depend on the successful removal of all hidden Munitions before the now dormant LTTE cadres get their hands on it (they did not vaporize as the Trees in the non existent photographs of the London Times’ purportedly showed) and the continued flow of Intelligence to the SL security forces.

However the LTTE tentacles spread throughout the world still remain (TRO, WTM etc). Overcoming that requires continued vigilance on the part of ALL Sri Lankans.

Probably you have not heard of the Transitional Govts?

Fortunately 100% Tamils are not LTTE though unfortunately 100% LTTE are Tamil. Hence there is no Guilt feelings to be overcome for VANQUISHING the LTTE as far as Sri Lanka is concerned.

Those Tamils who do not have a LTTE ideology are always welcome to live in SL as equals with all other ethnic groups. Equal means equal in ALL respects. EVERY CITIZEN of SL should be able to LIVE & WORK anywhere within SL WITHOUT any EXCLUSIVE zones or special favours for ANY of them.

The day that happens, Sri Lanka will be free of ethnic strife. Till then, Sri Lankans will have to be on their guard. NoEalamInSL is not an exception.

By: kumar Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:57:58 +0000 No Eealam inSL: If the war has been won and the LTTE vanquished why do you waste so many words writing about it. Are you trying to overcome your guilt of how it was done. Or is it the Tamils you want Vanquished.Should not your name be noTamils in SL.That seems to be your heart

By: NoEalamInSL Sun, 24 Jan 2010 02:09:54 +0000 known or unknown or one who can deliver promises?

By: NoEalamInSL Sun, 24 Jan 2010 00:02:51 +0000 Its interesting video Its Presidential elections in Sri Lanka. Unlike previous 5 presidential elections in ,82, 88, 94, 99, 2005 this presidential election is held under one law, one president, and one country. The country is freed from LTTE brutal terrorism. Ever since President Rajapakse came to power in 2005 Sri Lanka has been on continuous development despite the bloody Eelam war IV erupted in 2006 against LTTE. The war was 24-7 for 2 years time and against super powers wishes. President Rajapakse not only fought a war against the most brutal terrorist organzation in the world, the LTTE but also against pro-LTTE west media and super powers’ diplomatic intimidations in UN, UNHRC lead by same super powers USA, UK, EU whom are still fighting their enemy Al Qaeda while President Mahinda Rajapakse not only totally eliminated LTTE and won the war but also accomplished 90% of his promises given to his people. What the west and the western media and its local agents still struggling are try and manupilate the ground realities. They will again hear from Sri Lankans on 26th January 2010 that they are not only wasteful but also brainless creatures!

The FBI called LTTE the most dangerous extreme and ruthless terrorists in the world followed by Al Qaeda the number one enemy of USA (March 2006) The war against Al qaeda terrorrist was supported by every state of the world while the war against LTTE was supported by only few countries. Surprisingly the superpowers US, UK, EU objected the Mahinda Rajapakse’s war against LTTE. President Mahinda Rajapakse Government might not be perfect yet it is the best government Sri Lanka ever had. There are certainly room for improvement but it is unlikely that Sri Lankans will choose another candidate as the President of Sri Lanka in 2010!

Anti-Rajapakse front also criticises President Rajapakse for sending a personalized greeting to his people’s mobile phone on a new year day. Thats an innovative thought. I would definitely be delighted to have a greeting from the president my country on the new year day. What they expect from this. Are suggesting to imply estern values nd standards in sri lanka too? We are a collective culture not a western induvidualistic culture. You may have been to west but do not try and criticise Sri Lanka in western perspectve.

The human rights violaions, media threats, corruptions and thuggery have been decreased since the end of war as it is said here. But some journalist who makes comment violates the right of the reader to make a comment in his so called citizen journalism. Before pointing others, criticize own mistakes and be an example to others.


By: In Your Face Sat, 23 Jan 2010 22:27:49 +0000 ” In our present state the unknown devil is better than the known devil!”

No wonder you are a “civil society type” and not a “thinking type”! That Mephistopheles will do our country immense good by remaining “unknown”.

By: Civil Society Type Sat, 23 Jan 2010 04:22:53 +0000 This article looks to me to be more about the travails of the government for not heeding the advice of DJ on election strategy. I fully agree with Fony on this point.
SF has a lot of weaknesses, who doesn’t, but with several political parties (some extreme e.g. JVP and UNP) there is hope that the administration can strike a balance.
If it cannot “accomplish” much, that is better as we need “less” government and more space for people and business. In our present state the unknown devil is better than the known devil!

By: Sri Thu, 21 Jan 2010 03:53:19 +0000 Dear Dayan,
So you want the Tamils to support Douglas Devananda to be the Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council.
But I want to emphasise that Douglas Devenanda is a tamil nationalist.
The TULF,TNA and ITAK does not have eelam tag in their name whereas EPDP refuses to remove Eelam from their name.
The separate state of Tamil Eelam is their ultimate objective. What is the difference between LTTE and EPDP. EDDP is more cautious and cunning! Does n’t it? Dayan be honest!
“A little now, more later”
This phrase was supposed to be coined by Mr S.J.V.Chelvanayagam to justify his gradualist approach to the Tamil question and highly critical comments were written on this strategy regularly by the Sinhala xenophobic intellectuals that include Malinda Seniveratnae.
In the light of this revelation, Dr Dayan, Would you like to revise your opinion of DD?

By: samuelj Wed, 20 Jan 2010 20:11:32 +0000 Dear dayan,
thanks for posting this article in ground views. One finds it very difficult to understand as to how you are able promote the 13th ammendment as if MR and his team have fully accepted it and are offering it to SL when it is already law but is not being implemented. I agree with ‘Sri Said’ on this. If MR was and was convinced of t13 what was the whole purpose of the APRC ? (as some one said was it to fund Tissa W)
How will Tamils accept the leadership of a politician who still has private military groups operating. Why is MR unable to promise the dismantling of such groups?

By: wijayapala Wed, 20 Jan 2010 18:34:18 +0000 Dear Dayan

And no, such a power shift had nothing to do with the victory. it was not even mentioned in the recent detailed interviews/public lectures by the top frontline combat commanders: Kamal Gunaratne, Shavi de Silva, Prasanna Silva, and Chagi Gallege.

Really? There was a commentator named “Dayan Jayatilleka” who stated in 2008, “The defeat of such an insurgency will require (a) greater use of small-unit tactics on the part of the Sri Lankan armed forces …”

The hard-nosed realism of General Sarath Fonseka

At the grand strategic level, yes the political will demonstrated by the Rajapakses played the key role. At the operational and tactical levels, though, it was small team tactics that won the war. Tammita-Delgoda stated under the “Mentality” section of his paper, “Instead of the large formations which they had used in the past, General Fonseka adopted the idea of fighting in small groups. The four-men and eight-men teams became the core of his new strategy.”

These war-winning teams would have been led mostly by corporals and sergeants, and not officers, so my dear Dayan there definitely was a power shift within the SLA from the officers to the NCOs. Why else have you concluded that the NCOs and enlisted ranks are backing Fonseka?

By: Burning_Issue Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:32:28 +0000 Dear Dr. Jeyatilleka,

“Then again, though the discriminatory disenfranchisement of the hill country Tamils had indeed taken place, ‘Sinhala Only’ was many years away and the quintessentially secular Ceylonese state as framed by the Soulbury Constitution remained intact when SJV Chelvanayagam demanded a federal system with a merged North-East and Trincomalee “as its capital”. This while quasi-federalism, not full federalism, was good enough for 70 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu!”

You have eloquently depicted that the bad cholesterol, the Tamil Nationalism has been the prime reason that caused the Sinhala Nationalism to reciprocate! It is amusing that you described Douglas D as a good cholesterol; he is a good cholesterol from the Sinhala Nationalistic point of view that he would not rock the boat! As long as he is looked after, he can run an armed malicea that has been responsible for numerous atrocities in the Jaffna district. If one is opposed to violence, then it should be for all forms of violence not just targeted at LTTE because they stood for a separate state.

That said; let’s analysis as to when exactly SJVC’s federal concept was articulated. In the 1948 general election, SJVC contested on the Tamil Congress ticket being headed by GG Ponnompalam. It was when GG and two others wanted to join the DS’s government, there was a split; SJVC formed the Federal party. Let me remind you that, only two seats were won by the Federal Party in the 1952 election with SJVC losing to Mr. Nadesan, a UNP candidate at the KKS seat! So, it was manifestly obvious that the support for federalism at that time was flimsy among the Tamil masses.

So, what actually caused that mammoth shift to occur within the Tamil masses towards embracing the federal concept? It is fair to say that, it was the Language Bill that promoted the Sinhala language as the state language that pushed the Tamils to side with SJVC leaving the Tamil Congress helpless.

In my view, until the Sinhalese deal with the small though malignant Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism that is the real cancer in Sri Lanka, there will never be peace. This cancerous phenomenon will not rest until a Sinhala Buddhist state is established in a true sense of the word. Now that, they have dealt with the Tamil Nationalism, their attention will turn towards the Christians and then Muslims and so on!
