Comments on: Visualising Mahinda Chintanaya 2010: The President’s election manifesto Journalism for Citizens Sat, 16 Jan 2010 15:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Realist Sat, 16 Jan 2010 15:06:45 +0000 MR’s manifesto gives us more of the same- the infrastructure investment where much money is amde by way of commissions by the family. He does not understand that the country is bankrupt internally and externally. MR spends by printing money ( Rs 231 billion in 2008 vide Central Bank Report). If he is re-elected the country will default on foreign debt and pauperise the country through hyper inflation. He is the person who cannot understand economics. He foolishly said our per capita income in dollar terms has doubled in his term of office when t increased by a emre 21% vdie article by Dr uswatte Arachchi in the Island. He will make Sri Lanka another North Korea whcih the Chinese have to bail out.

By: sumane Sat, 16 Jan 2010 02:48:39 +0000 Above all it is development!! I think for the first we have a comprehensive plan for economic growth with clear target of increasing per capita income to US $ 4000. Less on democracy and inadequate on national question. It goes with my earlier argument that Sri Lanka is heading for East Asian type of democracy. On the other hand Sarath Fonseka has produced ‘thorombal’ economic program based totally wrong idea, namely. the elimination of corruption would lead to economic development. There is no positive relationship between the elimination of corruption and economic development. Some studies even suggest corrupt regimes are good for economic development. Ex” Robert Walpole, Park regime in South Korea etc.

By: NILAMAL Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:34:01 +0000 SF’s manifesto is full with a range of speculation and does not specifically say what he intends doing. In other words he leaves the reader to speculate and make his/her opinion.
Where MR’s manifesto 2010 is concerned he has dwelved deeply into the problems and shown specifically the actions to be taken with facts and figures.

One could say that the 100 page Chinthanaya 2010 as against the 10 page Wichvasaneey Wenasak comes out as the one which could deliver a more WISHVASANEEYA WENASA.
TO HIS CREDIT MR IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE IN THE HISTORY OF ELECTIONEERING IN SRI LANKA WHO HELD ONTO HIS MANIFESTO THOUGHOUT HIS TIME IN OFFICE AND DISCUSSED IT AT ALL FORUMS. That alone is enough to trust the man even though some of his ambitious projects in Mahinda chinthanaya 1 could not be completed but then again he has two more years to complete them.
THE CORRUPTION ALLEGATIONS AGAINST MR HAS NOT BEEN SUBTENTIATED BUT THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST SF SEEMS TO BE PILING ON DAY BY DAY. Is it a case of the pot calling the kettle black or is SF and clan barking up the wrong tree? only time will tell.
