Comments on: The Fonseka Effect? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 Jan 2010 01:30:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Siribiris Tue, 19 Jan 2010 01:30:54 +0000 RSF’s Press Freedom Index of 2009 ( has assigned Sri Lanka No 162 out of 175 countries ranked. This means the Paradise isle is among the bottom 15 in the world, among the worst places in which to practise journalism. Keeping company with Sri Lanka in this bottom 15 are our new found friends Vietnam (rank 166), China (168), Burma (171), Iran (172) and North Korea (174). At the very bottom of the index is Eritria (175), the latest country with which Sri Lanka has established diplomatic relations and dispatched an ambassador to.

Pearl, do you need more compelling evidence on how ‘safe’ it is to return to your beloved Sri Lanka?

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Mon, 18 Jan 2010 13:16:09 +0000 Dear London Dole,
Some 38 journalists were murdered since 1990 starting with Richard de Soysa. FYI, I was arrested while working for Sunday Leader. Since you seem to know something about me why not google my name and then decide if it is safe for me to return to SL.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than reporting in Sri Lanka.

Those who demonstrated in front of Defence Ministry for my release were my Sinhalese colleagues in Free Media Movement. And it was chandrika who gave direct orders for my release because they could not find a single charge other that I was doing my duty as a journalist.

As for my sweetness or sourness I do not need patronising. And I am growing old graciously.

As Matilda in Sunday Leader in the nineties would say, `I say, aren’t we digressing.’

By: London Dole Sun, 17 Jan 2010 23:57:32 +0000 Dear Pearl Thevanayagam,

I am unable to comprehend the reason the SL Govt. wants to arrest and imprison a sweet belle like you. I say, you should still take a chance and go with a bunch of cameramen in tow. Pearl, sweet belle, if ever the SL Govt. harasses you, we will have the mother of all demonstrations here in London.

By: Observer Sat, 16 Jan 2010 13:35:06 +0000 Oh well then, I just couldn’t help but notice the oxymoronic comment. That’s all!

In any case, if this is any help, I generally find that following the laws of the land may greatly alleviate the fears you have. Works for me.

Anyway, good luck not getting arrested! You work hard on it, don’t give up! It’s possible.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Sat, 16 Jan 2010 11:56:53 +0000 Deception is not my game dear Observer. Otherwise I would have entered politics long time ago. Perhaps I should have said `we may have hope’. Hope in the sense that the nepotic governance, extra-judicial killings, corruption and megalomaniacal attitudes among the recently elected politicians from Rajapakse family would cease.

I still do not think the presidential candidates have any genuine desire to right the wrongs done to minorities. But we have been living with that for a very long time. At least we could live our daily lives without fear of being arrested, imprisoned and murdered by goons of the govt. is what Iam hoping for.

By: Observer Sat, 16 Jan 2010 07:14:28 +0000 Pearl, first you say…

Democracy died a natural death since indendence when majority Sinhala hegemony made sure Tamils would always be segregated to second class citizens and that the upcountry Tamils who are the pivots of income generation in the tea industry would remai slaves for kingdom come.

Then you say…

But all is not lost.
We have exactly 11 days to determine who is the best possible of the worst lot to deliver.

As long as the voting populace desist from voting fo he Rajapakses. we have hope.

So let me get this. You say democracy is dead in Sri Lanka. Then you urge people to vote for the opposition because you think a democratic choice will change things. You’re being extremely deceitful in what you’re saying aren’t you? Little bit more honesty and people may seriously think about your rants.

By: Siribiris Sat, 16 Jan 2010 05:52:39 +0000 It is one thing for Rajapaksa to bend over backwards to outpromise Fonseka in every respect. But the entire nation is curious to know one thing. Why did he not consider or attempt any of these gestures for the 3 years he was Prime Minister and 4+ years he was Executive President (with more powers vested in his office than even the US President)?

If he pleads that it was the war that prevented him from doing anything else, are we to conclude that he is such a single-track person (one thing at a time)? And if that was the case, what good was the 116-member Jumbo Cabinet and over 200 Presidential Advisers who have been such a drain on public funds even while the war was being waged? Surely, they were not all part of the war effort?

By: Siribiris Sat, 16 Jan 2010 00:11:19 +0000 “Nothing focuses the mind like an impending hanging.” – Dr Samuel Johnson

Nixon asked Mao Tse Tung “How often do you have elections?”
Mao replied “Every morning before breakfast.”

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Fri, 15 Jan 2010 23:46:33 +0000 How the minority Tamils vote in this mother of all elections would determine whether Sri Lanka can be veered towards a semblance of democracy.
Democracy died a natural death since indendence when majority Sinhala hegemony made sure Tamils would always be segregated to second class citizens and that the upcountry Tamils who are the pivots of income generation in the tea industry would remai slaves for kingdom come.
They are still living in shanties along with their poultry and cattle and living a hand to mouth existence.
Thondaman tried but Upcountry Tamils and Muslims remain swing voters.
Few of these ethnic groups benefited but still we see upcountry Tamils and Kathan kudy Muslims living in abject poverty.
It takes a very generous soul be he a staunch Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Muslim with unselfish motives to make Sri Lanka, this serendip isle a haven for all its inhabitants.
Past leaders have failed and present leaders are bent on creating a nouveau royalty at the expense of vanquishing Tamils in their thousands.
But all is not lost.
We have exactly 11 days to determine who is the best possible of the worst lot to deliver.
As long as the voting populace desist from voting fo he Rajapakses. we have hope.

By: samuthra Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:26:29 +0000 Lets have election every other month, please. One, it will bring all these goodies to common man and the other, keep regime occupied in producing card board cut outs and offensive posters about everyone other than who are with them ( you are with us or you are a traitor )
