Comments on: The Third Option Journalism for Citizens Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:04:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: nandasena Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:04:24 +0000 Sinhala_voice seems to be in a denial mode!!! Thiruvarangan is 100% correct when he says “majoritarian, non-secular character of the Sri Lankan state ” How else can you describe Sri Lanka when Budhist temples are being built with state funds where there are no Budhists living!!! Hindu temples and christian churches which are being regularly destroyed by sinhalese thugs aided and abetted by the security forces!!!! No one is charged or punished for the crime which happens in daylight!!!!

Minorities are abducted and killed!!! in broad daylight with army check points at every 50 yards. In Tamil areas people disappear and turn up as corpse, thanks to the security forces!!! no inquiry!! People who are responsible for the law and order in the country do not loose any sleep over this incidents!!! for them, business as usual!!!

History and Archaelogical findings are deliberately changed to deny the traditional homelands to the Tamils!!! Text books are written in such a way to potray that the minorities are inferior to the sinhalese!!! The list is endless!!!

By: Gamini Lindagedera Fri, 08 Jan 2010 08:42:48 +0000 This place seems a very sensible and descent Blog where a progressive and meaningful discussion can take place on matters that affect us.

Mr. Thiruvarangan is a scholar, it appears. He has summed up the vibes of the populace correctly with sentiments of different races given due respect and credence. Differences between races are a product of of our own, no matter who was responsible for creating them, but the tragedy is we seem inept to come to terms for a meaningful and peaceful coexistence, which is the key for stability, law and order which in turn is the very foundation for economic success.

Our problems are complex and can’t be addressed overnight, but a change in the quality of politicians that come to administer the country can. For that to happen, we a need verifiable and punishable ‘Code of Conduct’ for Politicians, administered by an independent body.

By: NILAMAL Fri, 08 Jan 2010 08:31:53 +0000 The voter all over the world is gullible…the simple fact that election manifestos and promisses are hardly kept. At all elections prior to the 2005 presidential elections the manifesto of a candidate was just a piece of propaganda. The Mahinda Chinthanaya put forward by MR is the only document which still prevails and is spoken and debated about as an election manifesto. A program of actions put forward to develop the nation along with the challenge to address the terrorist situation and the ethnic issue.
Toda after 4 years the Govt. is bold enough to quote the Chinthanaya document as it has implemented some and begun most of the work on projects. The document which was valid for 6 years has 2 more years. MR has the distinction of being the only person in SL politics who is bold enough to bring forth the same document to his next election campaign with extended projects for the new term.
Some of the projects may be altered to serve the trend and times but the manifesto of 2005 was a specific document with details of implementation process with figures and time frame for implementation. Not just another worthless peice of paper that would be forgotten after being elected. To that effect I trust MR and would have no qualms about siding for him.

By: Sinhala_Voice Fri, 08 Jan 2010 06:17:01 +0000 I do not understand the comment ” non-secular character of the Sri Lankan state” Sri Lanka is a secular state. There is a statement that says that state will give foremost place to Buddhism. But this is NOT the case. The state gives equal status to Buddhism on par with ALL other world views legally.

So to say that Sri Lanka is NON-SECUALR IS A MYTH.

The electoral system needs changing.
The powers of the President needs to be modified and curbed where necessary.
MERIT based promotions, jobs, education, needs to be taken.

The Education Sytem needs to be adjusted from K – University to suit the needs of the modern world requirements and at the same time keep our unique cultures that are unique to Sri Lanka.

By: Balaji Fri, 08 Jan 2010 02:58:28 +0000 why isn’t JVP considered the third option? Srilanka has good political parties than people are willing to concede. folksy socialism (SLFP), elite conservatism (UNP) and communism (JVP) are good options.

and ofcourse, executive presidency is a problem. and so is proportional representation. opposition parties shud be commended for backing a common candidate on such a mandate.
