Comments on: Guidance on Star Gazing: Government to set up Advisory Council for Astrologers? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:57:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Humanist Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:57:18 +0000 The President of the Free Astrology Movement Handahange Subhaneketh called upon all independent astrologers in the country to protect the the ancient indigenous art of astrology by protesting against the establishment of the Advisory Council. Meanwhile, Chairperson of Astrologers without Borders, Lady Fortuna Crystalball, O.B.E. said that Sri Lankan astrologers were known the world over for their high professional standards and accurate predictions and that their organization condemns the suppression of their rights by the Sri Lankan government. The Minister of International Affairs vehemently denied that the Sri Lankan government was targeting astrologers or constructing new prison cells and said it was an international conspiracy to tarnish the image of the government. Astrology, he pointed out, was an indigenous art and had much to contribute to home grown solutions to Sri Lankan problems. He further added that there was strong evidence that some astrologers were receiving funds from terrorist organizations and that they would be dealt with through existing laws of the country.

By: Humanist Thu, 07 Jan 2010 16:07:29 +0000 The Minstry spokesman further added that all astrologers who fall foul of the new Advisory Council can expect the same treatment as currently meted out to unpatriotic and terrorist journalists. Meanwhile, a spokesman from the Prisons Department confirmed on condition of anonymity that new cells were being constructed to accomodate an increase in inmates.

By: Atheist Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:05:17 +0000 Dear Banyanites:

It is the talk in Vavunia that an astrologer has sent a mantra through a gentleman from Colombo. This is how the gentleman chanted it for the people’s enjoyment:

Po da Mahinda po da!
Po da Basil po da!
Po da Rishad po da !

Won’t it be a lucrative business if you distributed t-shirts with the above mantra imprinted!

By: Jude Fernando Tue, 05 Jan 2010 00:36:24 +0000 More from the past

Caesar himself did not believe in astrology, but his successor, Augustus, did. He had coins printed with his astrological sign (Capricorn) on them, but had little involvement with astrologers for fear of public ridicule. Tiberius, Augustus’s successor, knew how to interpret horoscopes and kept Thrasyllus, an astrologer, as his advisor. Tiberius’ successor, Claudius, kept Thrasyllus’s son, Balbillus, as his astrologer. John Dee was a famous astrologer and had as his most famous client Queen Elizabeth. However, when he created a horoscope for Queen Mary’s half-sister, Princess Elizabeth, Dee was briefly imprisoned in 1555 for witchcraft and sorcery.

Nancy Regan used Nancy Reagan used astrologer Joan Quigley to help plan the president’s schedule of activities. Wilhelm Theodor H. Wulff was a German astrologer was required to work on the Ahnenerbe project, project founded by Nazi’s like Heinrich Himmler, commander of the Schutzstaffel, also known as the SS. After Himmler defected Hitler ordered Gastapo arrest for misguiding Himmler. Many believe Karl Ernst Krafft was Hilters astrologer. Krafft too was arrested after Hess’ flight and he spent a year in prison.

By: wijayapala Mon, 04 Jan 2010 22:31:41 +0000 Faizal, Banyan News Reporters was joking.

By: Jude Fernando Mon, 04 Jan 2010 21:30:47 +0000 Hello Banyans.

Thank you for the Hilarious posting… I just could not help writing this. Just for fun…please

Throughout history astrology has been used to determine if a king should go into war or if a country will have a financially successful year. If the astrologer was wrong, they would be killed or suffer some horrible punishment, either way their astrology career would be over. In 1556 Nostradamus so popular with the French ruling class, later he fell out of favor and was accused of witchcraft. John Dee was a famous astrologer and had as his most famous client Queen Elizabeth. So was Napoleon when his future looks bleak. Napoleon was a Leo.

Many of the powerful characters in Shakespeare, who were surrogates for rulers’ during Elizabethan time, have plenty to do with astrology. (and provides good insights for today)

The setting of the King Lear was in a time of remote antiquity where society is still quite barbaric and brutality was common. King Lear sinned knowingly and scoffed at the stars. Although Lear provided so many things to his family and supporters, but he could never rely on them. Prospero in Shakespeare’s The Tempest defied the stars and then used them to his benefit. Romeo believed the poison from the apothecary was the only thing that would “shake the yoke of inauspicious stars” from his “world-wearied flesh.” Anthony, in Julius Caesar, attributed his first defeat to the fact that the stars had forsaken him, blaming the moon’s eclipse for his ultimate fall. All these characteristics personify MR (I mean the Majestic Ruler)

Especially, King Lear is about a king who mismanaged kingdom, where immorality, betrayal, civil strife and expectation of foreign intervention were omnipresent and the political landscape was beset by intrigue and domestic and foreign intruders. So he was drawn to astrology, ofcourse somewhat cynically.

Following two scenes are pretty insightful.

In the tragedy King Lear, astrology is used to even greater effect. Gloucester first raises the issue of astrology:

Gloucester. These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to us. Though the wisdom of nature can reason it thus and thus, yet nature finds itself scourg’d by the sequent effects. Love cools, friendship falls off, brothers divide. In cities, mutinies; in countries, discord; in palaces, treason; and the bond crack’d ‘twixt son and father. This villain of mine comes under the prediction; there’s son against father: the King falls from bias of nature; there’s father against child. We have seen the best of our time. Machinations, hollowness, treachery, and all ruinous disorders follow us disquietly to our graves. Find out this villain, Edmund; it shall lose thee nothing; do it carefully. And the noble and true-hearted Kent banish’d! his offence, honesty! ‘Tis strange.

But Gloucester’s illegitimate son, Edmund, has a different take on astrology. He doesn’t believe in, understand, or respect astrology.

Edmund. This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune, often the surfeit of our own behaviour, we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and the stars; as if we were villains on necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical pre-dominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforc’d obedience of planetary influence; and all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on. An admirable evasion of whore-master man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star! My father compounded with my mother under the Dragon’s Tail, and my nativity was under Ursa Major, so that it follows I am rough and lecherous. Fut! I should have been that I am, had the maidenliest star in the firmament twinkled on my bastardizing.


By: Nimal Mon, 04 Jan 2010 20:37:32 +0000 Well said Fizal!
Politicians that believe in this nonsense should not rule a country.They lack self confidence.

By: faizal Mon, 04 Jan 2010 16:59:44 +0000 this is really silly mate. can somebody or a govt. stoop so low as to have an authority to check the predictions of astrologers. hasn’t the govt. anything better to do? no wonder we are a bananna republic. just imagine if all the predictions go to this committee for evaluation. people will be dead and gone by the time this committee gives the green light for a particular prediction to be handed over to the person who wanted it in the first place. really, really silly mates.

By: dyno Mon, 04 Jan 2010 16:06:44 +0000 Baya wechcha tharamak!!

By: Astrology Guru Mon, 04 Jan 2010 05:20:05 +0000 Kind Sirs @ BNR, may i humbly assume this advisory council will produce something like the “Yellow Journalism Blueprint” your esteemed organization produced to uphold and safeguard the values and ethics of yellow journalism? No pun intended. Honest 🙂

On a serious note, i think this business of election astrology sucks. One should arrive at rational decisions based on past performance, trend analysis etc.. Nonethless i have very little to hope for (logically that is), so like you suggest i’m wishing stars will bring some luck…… And when we lose, let’s blame it on the stars !
