Comments on: The fate of Internally Detained Persons and the future of freedom and democracy Journalism for Citizens Wed, 09 Dec 2009 20:37:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jill Henry Wed, 09 Dec 2009 20:37:30 +0000 Isn’t the term “white supremacist” redundant?

After WWII, terms like supremacist and racist simply became code words that mean whitey.

By: Question Wed, 02 Dec 2009 19:03:24 +0000 what do you think is the media’s role in this conflict, and how should it change?

By: Nagalingam Ethirveerasingam Mon, 30 Nov 2009 17:37:54 +0000 Hello Ajit. Long time no see! Good to know you are well and active. Well, I have one vote. Who do you think I should vote for. Assuming of course no one votes for me before I get to the ballot box!!!

By: Reader Mon, 30 Nov 2009 16:32:29 +0000 The phrase ‘political prisoners’ is not appropriate for the Tamil youth who are in these rehabilitation camps. It is also not necessary to charge such a large number of people at this instant although they may have violated the Sri Lankan law. It is more appropriate to rehabilitate them and release to the society in the shortest possible time. This happened twice before with those JVP militants who rebelled against the state. Asking the government to charge or release them is not going to help anybody. Of course they can be charged and those convicted can be rehabilitated and the rest released as an alternative. But are we equipped to prosecute all these people in a short period of time? I think it will take much longer if that route is taken. What is done now is better than what is proposed by this writer and we should not crow this demand ‘charge or release’ these people. It is just a mindless demand picked from somewhere and has little relevance to what is at hand.

By: AJ Perera Mon, 30 Nov 2009 12:57:06 +0000 A wonderful piece from a fellow Sinhalese making the argument for Tamil self administration, better than any I have seen from either the Tamils themselves or any of the internationals making the case. Frankly, the sentiments are shared by thousands, if not millions of Sinhalese – the perceived “majority” view of “Sinhala Buddhist” nation is not intrinsic – it is one that has been fed and nurtured by the Politicos and supported, knowingly or unknowingly, by the media.

Unfortunately, the Tamils in their infinite wisdom have both dismissed and sidelined these visionaries as inconsequential and taken actions that have contributed to supporting the Politicos modus operandi rather than neutralizing them.

I think harnessing this strength of genuine, far sighted Sinhalese is the only solution for the long-term stability of the country as a whole, including that of the minorities, whether Tamils or otherwise. Media has a very responsible duty towards this end. If not, the Politicos will take the country down the same slippery path that they have done in the past six decades and at an even higher acceleration. We will continue to earn our living sending our mothers, sisters, wives and daughters to serve the ME masters for pittance. Shame on an educated, civilized country that used to be the pride of Asia not long ago!

By: LANKA MUSLIM, UK Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:01:51 +0000 It is really pleasing to read the words of ‘nandasena’ recognising the facts. If these facts are accepted by other other Sinhalese as well they will no doubt rise against the present political process in the country tha is responsible for the present unfortunate fate.

By: nandasena Mon, 30 Nov 2009 04:45:26 +0000 Thank you Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe for the truthful account of the history of the conflict. Most of the Sinhalese pretend that the whole problem was started by the LTTE and that the Tamils did not have any problems before that!!! They have even conveniently forgotten the state sponsored pogroms against the Tamils from time to time since 1956!!! Most Sinhalese don’t want to talk about the burning of the famous library in Jaffna or aerial bombardment of the Tamil areas with heavy civilian casualties. They are in denial of the rape, murder, abduction, extra judicial killings of Tamils by the security froces. Tamils have lost their lives, livelihood, property, dignity, education and self esteem because of STATE TERROR.

This piece should be translated into sinhalese and circulated widely.

By: shan777 Mon, 30 Nov 2009 00:19:47 +0000 “the sinhala nation” dont exist. Sri Lanka belongs to all sri lankans. using the same logic a tamil nation or muslim nation does not exist either.
