Comments on: We will reap what we sow: Sri Lanka’s Presidential contenders Journalism for Citizens Sun, 06 Dec 2009 03:54:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Humanist Sun, 06 Dec 2009 03:54:09 +0000 Great analysis of the situation, Sudat. Too bad most of the commentators here have missed the point.

For all of those investors out there, Sabes is dead on the mark. The security industry will do for Sri Lanka what IT has done for India…sound investment advice.

By: PeraStud90TIES Mon, 30 Nov 2009 10:17:28 +0000 Yes PT, it would be better if SK could send MR home. Today, I was forced to read that MR´s son sits for his law exams providiing with special facilities including principal to sit with him while answering to the paper: President is seen to be over corupt by all levels as no other predecessors had been. This is people who really love the nation to react with their votes for SK who is clearly not the most educated person to run the country. But as you detailed Premadasa was also not a leader with uni degrees. There are good leaders in developing countries who are not degree holders but are running their states with honesty focusing the common man´s grievances rather than thinking about filling their pockets.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Mon, 30 Nov 2009 00:40:49 +0000 The General is a much scrutinised man in the coming months. He has no experience in politics and he is purported to have no conventional CV such as college or university education. Neither did Premadasa. But he went on to win a global award for building one million houses for the homeless and achieved this without not so much as a Bachelor’s.
What both Premadasa and the General have in common is deep-seated honesty and desire to better the lives of those less fortunate.
True, both are Sinhala chauvinists since they hardly knew Tamils are an ethnic group in the island they call Sinhala Buddhist nation.
The only difference between these two and the Rajapakses, Bandaranaikes and the Senanayakes were the former truly believe they could uplift the poor whereas the latter are bent on creating dynasties come what may.
I leave out the Tamil equation.
It takes a much broader mindset to understand the miseries perpetrated on a minority since the majority are blinded by this utopia of a Sinhala nation.
Neverhhteless if General Fonseka can convince the people that he is self-less the Rajapakses can be vanquished.
Fonseka could very well pave way for a better Sri Lanka if he carries out his promises in all honesty.

By: kail Sun, 29 Nov 2009 21:32:26 +0000 Me think, Sarath will be to M R what Karuna was to Prabha.

Let the Show start.

By: Sabes Sun, 29 Nov 2009 19:11:51 +0000 I was very impressed with Gen Fonseka’s reserach on the numbers of security/ protection personnel guarding all those deemed to be under threat. The large numbers involved in protecting people suggets the high demand for the security industry. Security/ protection industry must be one of the industries with the largest market share!

If this is the case, then it would not be in the interest of any of the money makers to bring a feeling of security and safety! Atleast keeping the sense of fear up and being under attack would be good for the business. By playing the victim, Gen Fonseka , certainly has come thumps up on this score! We can predict that he will do everything to prop up the Security/ Protection market!

By: Sincho -SL Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:28:11 +0000 Tharu:

cant agree with your point that the Rajapakse´s have the most qualified professionals to lead the country today. Even under CBK there were most educated cabinet ministers in her govt. Today when it goes with foreign affairs, taking it as the most good example- ambassdor to the US, is not at all a qualified person (how can a tea taster become SL ambassador to the US?). In several interviews he has shown his competence lately. No doubt about Prof RW, DrDJ, Minister RBogollagama, Mahinda S and handful of others they do/did their job at its best. But many of others – including the most wicked Mervin DS are the front henchmen and just corrupt politicians.

By: Economist Sun, 29 Nov 2009 13:41:41 +0000 actually, from an economic point of view, the rajapaksa policies have a far greater potential of working in the long run than the free market economics of the usa. the rajapaksa motto seems to be to develop the country by investing massively in infrastructure, industries and agriculture. state directed economic growth has been the only successful way in which poor economies became rich: in receding chronology china, south korea, taiwan, singapore, japan, etc., have all used this method. while there are missteps like mihin air, the overall idea works. what the developed countries foster on developing nations about free trade only helps them. the old economic hack about producing what you’re best at and sticking to it leaves everyone static.

By: saman Sun, 29 Nov 2009 13:22:39 +0000 [tharu, no u didn’t! how dare u say that? ur in so much trouble now buddy. gv is place where rajapakse is the classic villain. u just opened a pandora’s box. watch now the wrath from heshan, et al descend on you! may they have mercy.]

I am missing those classic Rajapaksa bashes in GV
Where is President Bean now?
Waiting to hear from all of you.

By: Observer Sun, 29 Nov 2009 11:00:55 +0000 tharu, no u didn’t! how dare u say that? ur in so much trouble now buddy. gv is place where rajapakse is the classic villain. u just opened a pandora’s box. watch now the wrath from heshan, et al descend on you! may they have mercy.

By: tharu Sun, 29 Nov 2009 07:40:59 +0000 I acknowledge the author’s criticism of President Rajapaksa’s economic policies as valid. However, I disagree with the author regarding foreign policy. It is no secret that the change of approach to diplomatic relations undertaken by the current government was what made the previously unthinkable triumph of this feeble island nation over terrorism possible. It is evident that Rajapksa has the ability to protect the national interest of Sri Lanka on the international stage – this is rare, of not unique, among third world countries at present, and also in Sri Lanka’s history. What I don’t understand is why so many people are lining up to take a shot at the Rajapaksa’s because of corruption (have they forgotten the time of Chandrika Kumaratunga) and allegations of impunity (anyone remember Ranasinghe Premadasa?). It is very common for politics to run in the family in South Asia (the entire world is familiar with India’s Ghandi family), so this should not be a problem either. Though they are not ideal, the fact is, the Rajapaska’s (the most educated and qualified group of induviduals ever to lead the island nation) are they best shot Sri Lanka has ever had of significant and sustained progress.
