Comments on: Wasted vote! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:20:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: undergroundview Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:20:19 +0000 A Marxist AND a democrat – I’d like to see one of those in power. For the first time ever. In Sri Lanka. What a coup that would be (if that;s the right term).

By: Nas Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:19:37 +0000 I agree with Old Man. The situation is dire indeed. Wickramabahu is an admirable and principled individual. I am surprised he doesn’t get more support in Sri Lanka. He could be like Iran’s Mousavi, if only the general population would wake up before it is too late.

By: Old Man Sat, 28 Nov 2009 09:04:42 +0000 Bogus Name, Just someone:

What is important about Wickramabahu Karunaratne is not whether he leans to the left or the right but that he is a democrat.

If either of the other two get in that may be the last election we will have.

By: BogusName Fri, 27 Nov 2009 19:45:15 +0000 Wickremabahu would certainly be the best of the three declared candidates.

With the collapse of World Marxism it is meaningless for “Someone” to say that Bahu is “extreme left.” Bahu is no doubt a committed Marxist, and he, himself, may be disappointed at our not taking Marxism seriously. But that’s his personal business. It’s like religion, in that respect. What matters is that he’s honest, educated and intelligent. The West will certainly welcome such a man. As I write it looks as though Gordon Brown’s Government in the U.K. and Canada are determined that Sri Lanka should NOT be allowed to host the Commonwealth Conference. I’m sure they’ll be quite happy with Bahu; not because he’s a stooge of the West but because he has not transgressed the common human decencies that the Liberal West holds so dear. For instance, he will never invite the Burmese dictator here.

But he has two great handicaps:
He’s being IGNORED by commentators from Sri Lanka who feed the World Media – e.g. search the Internet and discussion is in terms of a two CANDIDATE election (never mind equine vocabulary). Also, few realise that his doctorate is not in some esoteric and non-practical discipline like Philosophy, but in Engineering.
Secondly, for some people, like “Someone”, Marxism is regarded as something so dirty that any “religious” person should have no truck with a person infected by it.

Let’s keep clear of such religiosity and vote Bahu ‘cos he’s the one person who can straddle the ethnic divide. He’s been sincere and consistent for forty years in this. (I hasten to add that I have never met him.) He is most unlikely to win, but giving him the “First Preference” will send a powerful message to all chauvinists. After that, toss a coin and give the Second Preference to “Tweedledum or Tweedledee” just to satisfy yourself that you voted for “one of the main candidates”.

By: Just Someone Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:52:56 +0000 Vickremabahu Karunaratne is hardly a ‘moderate.’ He is just as bad as the far right – he’s the far left.

By: Nas Fri, 27 Nov 2009 12:48:25 +0000 I would vote for Wickramabahu Karunaratne if I could.
The Sinhalese moderates need to stop being so passive.

By: Uthungan Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:00:43 +0000 The ordinary voter whether a he or she in Lanka be of whatever race will have no clear reply if asked which of the two candidate is best preferred for a post which both promise to abolish if elected. The voter is confused and confounded because of the lack of a clear cut choice and is like the fish with the hook struck in the throat and being slowly hoisted out of the sea on to the boat..

As I see it, the incumbent has an edge because of his incumbency and already hold the reins of power when compared with the dark war horse ridden by the serial loser and his affiliates.The consequence of that for the voter is the same as for the fish; to be fried,grilled or stewed,or rot.The last would be the preferred and the most viable under the circumstances and so Presidency will willed by the Old Fox……….

By: Just Someone Fri, 27 Nov 2009 08:15:41 +0000 Let’s face it Wickramabahu Karunaratne has no chance in hell of winning. He joined the fray to take away the minority vote from the UNF, and will likely succeed in that endeavour Let’s not forget that he has been sitting pretty with Mahinda Rajapaksa all this time, with not a whimper against the war despite his prolific writings on “minority rights” and the odd screech or two thrown in for good measure. In my opinion he is nothign but another fake who is sick of sitting on the sidelines and is now greedy for power; he’s tasted it under Mahinda and now he wants more. Unfortunately the Sri Lankan political scene is not looking pretty at all these days. At least people’s true characters are showing through, heck these days even the UNP and the JVP don’t mind going to bed together.

By: Leon_d'_tigre Fri, 27 Nov 2009 06:45:23 +0000 ‘AMEN’ old Man!

By: old Man Fri, 27 Nov 2009 02:47:27 +0000 Hurrah for Wickramabahu Karunaratne.
