Comments on: Sri Lanka’s new found friends: Looking for love in all the wrong places Journalism for Citizens Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:08:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pearl Thevanayagam Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:08:50 +0000 The writer is a much muddled person. Forigve my ignroance but I have sifted some of his arguments vis-a-vis NGOs. The Barefoot clad NGOs are the link between DPLs and the govt. While govt. sycophants are overtly enjoying privileges – read disinformation coulselleros and de facto diplomats who are in fact ex journalists for the House by the Beira-the neophyte NGO suckers such as National Peace Council, TRO and Sarvodaya; actually the predecessor for NPC.
This cottage industry which sprang from the internecine war between the govt and the LTTE are raking in much money as those politicians who are profiteering from the misery of the ordinary Sri Lankan.
NGOs are a worse curse to this island nation than all the Rajapakses and Ranils put together.
At least we know the govt and the opposition are in it for their own personal benefit.
But when those who profess to uphold democracy by appearing to appease the minority are taking foreign funds in the name of charity that’s when the rot sets in.
In this I’ll side with Mahinda come what may. He could be a Sinhala chauvinist. But at least he does it in the open and he does nto give in to pressures from do-gooders such as Western powers.

By: Ravi Sun, 22 Nov 2009 23:12:47 +0000 Both parties the Tamils and Singhalas are rolling stones in this game of politics. Or puppets in the hand of greater powers.

By: Whacko Sun, 22 Nov 2009 10:48:19 +0000 I agree with Dayan Jayatilleke above. I don’t think you have fully absorbed the complete picture of our foreign policy layout here. Although we do appear to have aligned ourselves with unconventional’ states, it is argued in some circles that it is solely due to these states that the war was actually won. And now they will demand their pound of flesh, making it a tad hard for us to change our affiliations completely overnight. A good, if rather alarmist, read would i can recommend is this

By: Rohan Samarajiva Sun, 22 Nov 2009 09:32:50 +0000 Important that this discussion is moved forward. A country that is as trade dependent as we are cannot afford to base its foreign policy on whim and caprice.

My contribution to this debate is at I paste below the concluding paragraphs:

“Now that we are joyfully burning our bridges with our principal trade partners for the cheap thrills of DBP2 [Dien Bien Phu 2, in the words of the former UN Representative], at least let us focus on building solid rule-governed economic relationships with “those who are important to us.” Perhaps we can snatch survival out of the jaws of impending marginalization. How can this be done?

No one can marginalize India. China can try, but it will be futile. If we, as the country which signed and implemented the very first free trade agreement with India, as the country which has a comprehensive economic partnership agreement all ready to sign, focus on locking in our trade relationships with India, we too have a chance of avoiding marginalization. Keep the vociferous naysayers quiet with some biscuits and sign the CEPA forthwith.

India is beginning to get away from the squabbling, do-nothing SAARC, doing the same thing JR Jayewardene tried to do, unsuccessfully, in the case of Sri Lanka in the early 1980s. Let the SAARC squabble and moan. If we hold on to India tight, we can leave South Asia along with them. And we may also find ourselves nice and comfy inside Fortress Asia when and if the drawbridges go up in Europe and North America.”

By: Chaminda Weerawardhana Sun, 22 Nov 2009 08:01:24 +0000 Best piece ever. Very timely reading of the present situation. Today’s foreign policy trends are very questionnable, to say the least, and can be described as the work of an irresponsible government with little concern over the consequences of current policies. While large sums of tax payers’ money is spent on the Foreign Ministry, fundamental policies need to change if anything positive is to happen. Foreign policy goes hand in hand with international trade, and the management of these two areas will determine the extent of post-conflict reconstruction we can achieve.
Sudat’s remarks on the foreign policy of the administrations that preceded MR are very well put, and it is a saga worth remembering, to avoid repetition of similar errors in future, and create a balanced foreign policy that corresponds to the present-day needs of Sri Lanka and us, her citizens. If rumours are true, hope the General, when entering the scene, will begin to think seriouly and conscientiously about this general disorder in foreign policy.

By: Sri Lankan Sun, 22 Nov 2009 06:24:14 +0000 As a sri lankan, i am happy that the so called cancerous war was over, that was one winning step taken by this government, if anyone wonders how did it last for over 30 years, that itself shows how the foreign policies helped SL.
_Common Sense

By: Heshan Sun, 22 Nov 2009 03:44:13 +0000 As I recall, it was not too long ago that Ranil Wickremasinghe spoke from the lawn of the White House. I was on holiday in SL at the time, but it was indeed a pleasing sight to behold. It is a stark contrast to today, when VIP’s like Sarath Fonseka are on the run from Justice Department interviews and Gothabaya Rajapakse is wanted for questioning over war crimes. The coming years will indeed be a lonely time… lets just hope the stigma won’t be permanent.

By: dayan jayatilleka Sun, 22 Nov 2009 03:05:23 +0000 Much better than the writer’s last foray into this area. However, he should either do some research or read the writings of those who have (Indian analysts, Sergei de Silva Ranasinghe et al) as to our most significant sources of external support during the war.
