Comments on: Sarath Fonseka and the Role of the Opposition: Will Sanity Prevail? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:05:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: SomeOne Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:05:16 +0000 Dear SomeWhatDisgusted,

“…it was only meant in jest….” I knew it straight away.

We should have sense of humor.

We all need it (sense of humor) badly these days, I reckon.

This joke is not that harsh as you think.

Hope that Heshan will read the responses in good spirit.

I wish to reinforce what I said in my previous reply.

Language is only a medium which we use to convey the message across to one another.

Discussion of linguistic meaning of words and sentences which are taken out of context is not worth the time and effort.

In short, when we put any words (with similar meaning) to a context all those words mean one thing which is the message.

One the other hand, when we take a word out of a context it (one word) means many things which are useless.

Hope that you will catch what I am throwing.

By: SomewhatDisgusted Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:24:04 +0000 Dear Someone, Heshan,

Someone, you have a point. Judgement from above does not concern me, but the truth does, and I do no like to see baseless assertions and invalid generalizations go unchallenged. But in that context, I agree that my last reply was pretty pointless (it was only meant in jest). My apologies to Heshan.

By: SomeOne Tue, 24 Nov 2009 01:35:05 +0000 Dear Heshan,

Thank you for your comments.

The semantics of the statements and words is context sensitive.
You have come out with only 3 lines of descriptions.
However, you could find thousands of dictionaries on the web.
Unfortunately, we got only handful of knowledge.
No wonder why we are unable to come to a common ground.

By: Heshan Mon, 23 Nov 2009 18:41:58 +0000 Dear SomeOne and SomewhatDisgusted:

I suppose you are rather limited in your knowledge of the English language. The fact that it is imprecise does not help products of standardization.

cun·ning (knng)

2. Executed with or exhibiting ingenuity.
2. Skill or adeptness in execution or performance; dexterity.
2 clever

By: SomeOne Mon, 23 Nov 2009 14:33:26 +0000 “The man is a lawyer by training. He is therefore cunning by nature.”

“…I very nearly spilt my tea over my keyboard reading this…”

Dear SomeWhatDisgusted,

Don’t run down Heshan like this.

I can tell you a story to illustrate this fact.

One day, a lawyer and a doctor met with an accident on the road.

Doctor started shivering.

Lawyer offered a drink to doctor and said “take this drink and you will be fine.”

Doctor accepted it and asked “why didn’t you take this drink?”

The lawyer replied “police will come in a minute. I’ll take after police come”

The moral of the story is that how hard for the doctor to tip the balance in favor of him, in case, if this case goes to the court.

Ps: Remember, the big judge is watching us all from above. Take it easy and have a nice day.

By: Kalana Senaratne Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:20:15 +0000 Dear SomeOne,
True, and am aware of it, coming from a legal background! What I meant, of course, was what you have said. Sorry for the confusion.

@ Venkai,

The fact that there needs to be freedom of movement is understood. It need not have come from Sir JH’s mouth for the people to realise the importance of the freedom of movement anyway.

But on the issue of people begging for food and essential items etc. (as you claim) and what TNA thinks about it, one cannot raise the argument any further that the TNA MPs are making certain ‘govt-friendly’ statements simply due to security reasons. If then, you reach the point where you will have to agree with someone who claims that TNA MPs are a bunch of politicians not fit enough to represent the Tamil people anymore. So it is well to assess the public statements issued by TNA or others (such as JH) more rationally. And no one has claimed that things are perfect, now. There is ‘improvement’. And JH was in Sri Lanka not under the best of circumstances – only under ‘more positive circumstances’. So there is so much room for improvement, Venkai. But there is some progress.

I do agree, however, with the point you’ve raised about politicians in general – which I too raised in one of my comments above.

By: Heshan Mon, 23 Nov 2009 03:02:21 +0000 Dear Yapa:

You can fight the ghost forever, or let him rest in peace and move on. People need to imagine that life is possible without checkpoints, suicide bombers, soldiers everywhere, barbed wire, identity cards, and high security zones. Fear is for those with weak minds. One of my cousins held his & breath for 20 seconds & climbed out of the window of a flooded train during the tsunami – 1000 other people were not so lucky. There is NOTHING you can’t face without a strong mind.

By: yapa Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:48:44 +0000 Heshan;

Some evidence show that still there are some iving ghosts of Prabakaran who are still plotting the same destruction to the Tamil people by trying to misguide them. Gods sake please let the people of this country live peacefully, keeping your distructive intelligence aside.

By: yapa Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:40:40 +0000 Venkai:

Tamils are innocent as saints. Sinhalese are prawn to do wrong things by birth.

I think anybody with some brains will accept this marvelous theory! Ha!Ha!!

By: SomeOne Mon, 23 Nov 2009 00:25:41 +0000 Dear KS,

“…The thing with lawyers is that they know to break the law, legally!..”

I don’t agree on this statement.

There is no legal way of breaking the law.

They, probably, know how to tip the balance in favor of them.
