Comments on: This one for President! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:27:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger. Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:27:39 +0000 The following must be added:-
All Ministers should declare there assets.
Number of Ministers should be reduced to 30/35.
There should be a sealing on the amount spent by ministers atb time of ellection as done in the west.
English,Sinhalese & Tamil must be taught in all schools.
Recruting to civil service must be tested in all three languages.
Employing relatives must be banned.
Pension for the MP’s must be after they complete 10 yrs as MPs.
All bribe takers must be braught before justice & deprived of civil rights if found guilty.
The army must be confined to barracks.
All bribe taking Police men must be sacked after proving them guilty.
Vehicle permits must be limited to one per MP for the duration of his term of 5 yrs.
Vehicle permits cannot be sold.

By: Roger. Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:21:36 +0000 The following must be added:-
All Ministers should declare there assets.
Number of Ministers should be reduced to 30/35.
There should be a sealing on the amount spent by ministers atb time of ellection as done in the west.
English,Sinhalese & Tamil must be taught in all schools.
Recruting to civil service must be tested in all three languages.
Employing relatives must be banned.
Pension for the MP’s must be after they complete 10 yrs as MPs.

By: Don Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:22:08 +0000 One question before Gen SF commits to presidential politics.
Ranil wants SF to win the Presidential elections. Appoint himself as caretaker Prime minister ( is it democratic ) and then “Abolish the presidency” and make Ranil an unelected executive PM.
Whta will happen to SF, will be sent as an ambassodor or appoint as CDF or Army commander ( SF’s prefered place). Or just be happy with becoming a cat’s paw for ever losing Ranil?
It sounds like Ranil has already accepted as a fact that he cannot win against MR on his own right.
He prefer to forget about the democracy as long as he gets the PM title.
Ranil will have a deal with even Devil’s dad if get what he has been missing for last so many years and during so many elections. It is high time Ranil left the politics and ellusive ambition of becoming the president!

By: justice Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:00:27 +0000 My 10 item was going to be
Not to seek renewal of emergency regulations.

By: justice Sat, 14 Nov 2009 15:50:17 +0000 The best thing the president can do tomorrow in the SLFP meeting is to announce a parliamentary election.
Hold on to presidency till his end of tenure.
Announce a manifesto for parliamentary elections with following proposals.
.Abolishing presidential immunity ASAP.
Immediate appointment of constitutional council.police commission,civil service commission,elections commission and judicial commission.Which will be full implementation of 17 A.
Demilitarize civilian society.Remove check points and barriers etc.Return to normal civilian life with adequate security precautions.Freedom travel for every one including people in Jaffna peninsula.
Remove PTA as of 1 st of the year.
.Work on a constitution and implement before his tenure is over.
which will go beyond 13 th A ,as far as provincial counsel powers, with real sense of managing the day to day social life and managing their own affairs
ie :Higher educations,health and social service,fiscal responsibility,land and resources management,cultural affair and YES law and order.
Have a second chamber in parliament with equal representation from all provinces and ethnic groups as a buffer between presidency and lower house of parliament.
Create an elected local village counsels with powers to manage their own affairs along the lines of Indian Panchayath Raj.
The new constitution must grant equal status to all religious.language and ethnic groups without discriminating any or giving favored status to any.
all languages,cultures and religions practiced in SL should be acknowledged and cherished equally.
9.Inciting and or perpetrating violence against any religious, ethnic or social group should be made a hate CRIME punishable as conspiracy against the state.

From General Sarath Fonseka’s resignation letter ,it’ s obvious that president does understand the need to demilitarize the society and avoid concentration of power in individual or one establishment is dangerous.
Therefore he has to act ,to create a just and fair society which is the best assurance against future anarchy, rebellion and failure of democratic traditions.Not excess military men on the streets.

By: Justitia Sat, 14 Nov 2009 13:10:04 +0000 Most importantly,this list should include a) repealing the PTA b) repealing the emergency, and, c) recalling the Army of Occupation from the north and east.
This should bring normality to the country and peaceful negotiations between minorities and the state will be enabled.
If not, the present military regime will become entrenched and the future of democracy will be bleak.

By: Tony. R Sat, 14 Nov 2009 12:26:03 +0000 Who in the name of the Sri Lankan style Socialistic Democracy can pledge to fulfill these so simple demands? Our politicians are so SOPHISTICATED, SO PATRIOT AND COMMITED TO PROTECT THE MOTHERLAND(do not ask me from whom-suggesstion: from their opponent politicians) they cannot think of such simple requirements. YET, this is very good for a start, yet alas the majority of our beloved and even patriot (if not sentimentaly or emotionally weak OR extremist) voters do not see it as an essential pledge to be a candidate>>>
