Comments on: Caught between the real and virtual in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:19:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chaminda Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:19:25 +0000 Dear V. Aryan!!

Who are you and where do you come from? If this land of Sri Lanka is such a complete disaster then why do you bother? I criticize my country, our government and our society because overall I see it worthy of my continued engagement, I see overall good clouded by temporary dementia and therefore I strive to make it a better place (better in my opinion of course). You obviously find this country appalling, morally corrupt and spiritually bankrupt. Then the million dollar question is: why the do you bother? Why just not move to Australia and never ever look back?

So you say that Sri Lanka’s only contribution to the world is “highest number of secret killings/disappearances reported to the UN” and the cricket team!

First, in Sri Lanka disappearances are reported!! In the Congo, in China, in Burma or in the myriad of other conflict ridden countries these things are just not reported.

Furthermore, Sri Lanka has contributed an amazing story of human development against all odds. We achieved unparalleled levels of literacy second only to Japan in Asia and comparable to many much richer western countries, we achieved levels of universal healthcare far exceeding any comparable developing nation, we maintained a robust rural community when the rest of the world was crowding into urban slums, we maintained a semblance of a functioning democracy against all attempts to impose dictatorships, we maintained economic growth throughout an extremely bloody civil war, we were the first country to ensure universal franchise in Asia, we maintained the highest level of gender equity incomparable to the rest of the region, against all odds we ensured labour rights even while losing to business. (I am not making these up; these are based on statistic and studies recorded in such publications as the UNDP Human Development Report!)

All this was achieved with a fraction of the resources! Sri Lanka was an enigma to the world’s development pundits, a country that achieved amazing levels of human development with very low economic resources.

Sir (or Madam) as an avid reader and contributor, I commend Groundviews as a fine example of journalistic tenacity and integrity against odds. But I am sure, most of us would agree, that it is simply ludicrous to say that this website is the crowing achievement of our society. I for one engage in this discourse because I believe in a society worth fighting for!

By: Idealist? Tue, 10 Nov 2009 04:27:15 +0000 Thanks for raising the issues of Sri Lankans serving in UN forces in other countries and the judges in Fiji vs. ‘sovereignty’!!!
