Comments on: An open discourse with Mano Ganeshan on political honesty Journalism for Citizens Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:34:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: winston de valliere Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:34:54 +0000 While I appreciate the contextual facts presented by readers even to the extent of putting them in positional sequence perhaps in a fair attempt to adduce a ” well, I do understand your reasons for this or that” I am still left with the feeling that too many opinions bear the hallmarks of condescending attitdes to just about everything and everyone, especially in politics. Have we become so critically condemnatory and judgemental in our comment that we run the risk of not being taken seriously by the people we write about ? How do they see us, what are theior reactions to whatwe write ? Do our writings influence them for the good or rub them up the wrong way ? Maybe GROUNDVIEWS would do well to put together (say about 100) views posted on your site, collate the whole thing and submiot the package to some analysis to see what real impact they have had on those about who such opinions are expressed. Having said that, one cannot deny the near flawless opoinions that are expressed. But as I said, need we say things in a way that makes our opinios sound as though we’re a tribunal sitting on judgement, a panel that’s got a lynch gang rearing at the leash ? Hopethis is taken well .I’m merely puttign thios down here because GROUNDVIEWS, notwithdstyanding the points I raise, is one of the very,very few sites I care to spend my time on. Been in journalism around 40 years and believe me ,I’ve senn far too many well-meaning efforts in journalism get lost in the mists of time purely because though they were objective and fairstill had that ” I am superior to you” touch about them – with more than a suggestion of condescention.

That the contextual matter in all the entries are otherwise almost flawless however is something I would readily admit.Take the pieceon Mano Ganeshan. Not easy to be in his place. Not easy to keeppacewith suden changes, very radical ones at that and then persuade your team and your ‘electorate’ as such, to agree to come together on such a vexing issue. Let’s applauid these people that despite the incredible mental emotional and other pressures they’ve vitually come through these past three decades – almost all their lives in fact – they’veheldon to their sanity ( almost !) – bless them – and are still soldiering on.

Looking back on Lankan political trends and their dastardly impact on the livesof all communties over the better part of the last 50 years( yes, I’ve been around so long ) I’d even say “good god, is it any wonder the Tigers were ever born – we birthed them – and then killed them off !” How blind can we get ? Lesson: Point one finger at another and …. well, we know the rest.

Feel you can play a much more dynamic role in positively INFLUENCING policy makers to actually effect course changes in their thinking – and actions. So far, I know many are sitting up and taking notice. More strength to your fist. “Gentle are those who are truly strong”.

By: Heresch Mon, 16 Nov 2009 02:37:55 +0000 An astonishing set of circumstances & events, just a few short months after the Euphoria of victory,with the complete rout of the LTTE & the killing of its leader Prabakaran – has in a bizzare fashion, accounted also for the demise & discarding to irrelevancy, the General, who strategised this feat.
The Conqueror & the Conquered have been dealt a fate, equally degrading, although horribly out of propotion, in the context of their relevant missions.
Can a Nation that has been liberated from the clutches of Tyrany & Terrorism, comprehend the equation of ignominy devolved to the principle actors.
Are our leaders inexorably approaching the mind-set of the deposed’;Sun-God’.
The manic attachment to power & the neurotic contemplation of its possible loss engendered by hallucinatory visions of devious plots to destabilise the establishment – by Agents,wielding the instruments of Democracy – expressing contrary views & alternative platforms.
We have thus arrived on the threshold of afresh ‘Conflict’.
Inconveniently, at ahistoric moment when the Nation would have assembled the brightest minds, & summoned the spirit of good-will of its citizens, to enter this incredible opportunity for reconciliation.
In the context of conflicts, past, & the struggle recently concluded – the looming conflict could have epic & far reaching proportions.
It would be pertinent to recall, that the precusor to the breakdown & ultimate erosion of power, of the LTTE was the defection of the Karuna faction.
Are we destined, by cruel fate to replicate a division in the loyalty of our Forces , that persisted so steadfastly, & our citizens that endured so patiantly.
We already have a ‘basket’ chock-ful of irredeemable, unprincipled incompetents in a world record Cabinet. Their maintainence & insatiable appetite for travel abroad & other junkets, leaves very few ‘crumbs’ for consumption of the…..
Supreme electorate.
The nation is theirs to restore.

By: Heshan Fri, 13 Nov 2009 02:11:12 +0000 Of course Ranil, a seasoned politician, is far more capable than Sarath Fonseka. In fact, Ranil has already proved himself on the economic and foreign relations front. Unfortunately, Southern Sri Lankan politics cares little for such efficiency. It thrives on the chauvinistic element. Once Ranil chose to negotiate with the LTTE, he was essentially kissing goodbye any chance of becoming Sri Lankan President. The economic and democratic reforms that would change the chauvinist thinking of the rural South will take decades to implement – far too late for Ranil. I think the UNP has realized this; that Ranil really has no chance, and that, for the sake of expediency, it is better to go with a chauvinist candidate like SF and perhaps push for some kind of moderate agenda through SF. As for Mano Ganeshan, he is caught between a rock and a hard place. The moderate Tamil front is not mutually exclusive from the moderate Sinhala front. When the latter is forced to align with the extremists, however, it is indeed a dark day for moderate Tamils. I wish Mano well, as this may indeed be the turning point in his political career.

By: SomewhatDisgusted Wed, 11 Nov 2009 13:44:43 +0000 Kusal Perera >>

You don’t seem to find fault with Mano Ganesan sharing a stage (I mean, having a dialogue) with a well-known terrorist outfit espousing a “hard line racist position” (yes, I acknowledge that the LTTE was not outlawed when he did so, which is fine by me. Technically I guess it wasn’t illegal) but strangely, you find it despicable that he chooses to have a dialogue with a Sinhalese general with a “hard line racist position”? Let me guess, Mano Ganesan is a “traitor” when he negotiates with a Sinhalese general but “emancipating Tamils” when he has a dialogue with Prabhakaran right?

By: undergroundview Tue, 10 Nov 2009 17:54:43 +0000 It’s hard to see how General Fonseka could in any meaningful sense be an opposition candidate to a president whose main policy was winning the war by means of the general’s ruthless application of force, without regard to civilian casualties (or casualties in his own armed forces).

Or am I missing some subtle policy difference between the two of them?

Maybe they differ on whose relatives should fill the rest of the cabinet?

By: Observer Tue, 10 Nov 2009 10:19:57 +0000 Where are all those concerned citizens that were deeply alarmed by a possible military state taking over Sri Lanka soon after the war? I love irony! because it’s such a sweet thing.
After all the drama and long as excruciatingly painful analysis by “analysts” here, it seems that MR was the person who was really trying to prevent a military state from happening while everyone was barking at his administration.
Now the opposition is all too happy to facilitate it. How could I ever ask for anything better than what’s happening right now?
Ohoma Yang! Kohomada meva waradinne? hahahah
(Keep going, how could things possibly go wrong?)

By: Idealist? Tue, 10 Nov 2009 04:14:30 +0000 Thank you for this article!!! I was horrified that the UNP wants him as a common candidate (don’t they have the Sajith Premadasas, if they didn’t want to put forward Mr. Wickramasinghe?) and I had some respect (a great deal of it in fact) for Mano Ganeshan for opposing this. But… Once again, the Presidential elections will be only for the Sinhala section of the country, as it was last time due to Prabhakaran!

By: saman Tue, 10 Nov 2009 03:39:07 +0000 (November 10, Canberra, Sri Lanka Guardian) Des Browne, the British Envoy to Sri Lanka, told the Tamil diaspora in Australia that, after the comprehensive military victory, the only option available is to engage the government in working out a solution for the Tamils.
