Comments on: From Here to Hanoi Journalism for Citizens Wed, 11 Nov 2009 21:02:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Off the Cuff Wed, 11 Nov 2009 21:02:15 +0000 I always thought that Sri Lanka is bigger than Chagos or is it?

Dr Dayan J,

Observed you performance in defense of Sri Lanka at the UN. Your arguments were succinct and very telling. Congratulations. SL needs more people like you.

By: Observer Wed, 11 Nov 2009 08:33:34 +0000 In the end there are more Vietnamese in the U.S. than Americans in Vietnam.
Why is that???? Why oh why????

Yeah lot of them were air lifted as baby orphans during the pull out, thanks to the Napalms and other sorties US delivered they had no parents. Did I mention poisonous gas they used? What a hollow argument!

By: The Coulter & D'Souza Factory Wed, 11 Nov 2009 01:09:54 +0000 myil selvan, writes : “By the way there are more Cubans in American than the other way around. And there are more Russians in America than the other way around. The same goes for Sri Lanka. Why is that???? Why oh why????”

I am on your side, Mr Selvan. Let me give an analogy of the type of hypocrisy you speak of. There are many Sri-Lankans in the US of A, well settled and living the American dream; but for some unknown reason they seem to condemn our American life-style as a “corrupting” influence on their children. While enjoying their share of the American pie, they are dreaming – or were dreaming – of a separate homeland back in their old country Sri-Lanka. Why is that???? Why oh why????

As for the Cubans, yes, we have been trying to get rid of Fidel Castro since time began. To our consternation, North Americans are rushing off to Cuba to get medical treatment and for vacationing. Why is that???? Why oh why????

It is nice to know that some Sri-Lankans give us their unconditional support, despite our own people criticizing us. Thank you, Mr. Selvan.

By: myil selvan Tue, 10 Nov 2009 11:13:30 +0000 I think the phrase people should be using for SL’s war is ‘Pyrrhic-Victory’.
The war-mongers, those who didn’t have to sacrifice, will always paint a rosy picture of our war. So that they can say they were right. But the truth, well, that’s the first casualty in war, so where does that leave us?

Heshan makes some good observations about the Vietnam war,some of which can be applicable to the SL context.

As I see it even though the North Vietnamese prevailed it came at a great cost. In the end there are more Vietnamese in the U.S. than Americans in Vietnam. Same with Sri Lanka.

The GoSL spent a lot with help from India, China, U.S and Europe to defeat the LTTE. Above all the cost in human casualties, should be cause for mourning. But what did we have? Celebrations! That shows what this war was about in reality – revenge and irredentism. It was simply a racist war! After all the overwhelming casualties were Tamils, that made the war easier to wage. And what did we get? the media, overwhelmingly if not tacitly supporting this war as a humanitarian/liberation effort. (the Sunday Leader the only paper that tried balanced reporting, with deadly repercussions. The business community supporting this effort, with a future for exploitation for profit. The religious clergy, especially buddhist and some christian invoking blessing on the SL army.
And if people like Dr. Jayatilleke want to justify this, that would not be surprising. As he seems to love people like Fidel Castro and Stalin.

By the way there are more Cubans in American than the other way around. And there are more Russians in America than the other way around. The same goes for Sri Lanka. Why is that???? Why oh why????

By: dayan jayatilleka Mon, 09 Nov 2009 12:24:58 +0000 Space d, read Pascal, man and you’ll come across it.

“Pacifist jazz space”… weren’t you listening to what Jerome said, with feeling, before he sang Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On?

By: Space...d Mon, 09 Nov 2009 07:09:37 +0000 Pacifist non-conformist jazz space?

Mount Lavinia was conformist jazz at its sad and tired worst… right down to the sand between the toes of the ‘pro-west fat cat elite.’

Pacifist jazz… maybe Pascal was right… he believed in the mind, that most capable space that would even allow us to kill, fornicate and amass power at an indiscrimate rate of knots… Just call it something else. Democracy? Love?Development?

Two antithetical ideas? Too simple for Pascal. He saw beyond, deep into us, recognised what the mind was capable of above all – and that is to pretend. Pretend most convincingly so that we forget we’re pretending.

So, do anything. Just make sure we call anything something else. Just make sure we believe what it is called.

Jerome’s Nature Boy was spectacular.

By: Heshan Sun, 08 Nov 2009 20:16:50 +0000 Slight typo: 58,000, not 580,000.

By: Heshan Sun, 08 Nov 2009 16:04:48 +0000 Dear Dagobart:

Sri Lanka is a tiny dot on the map with zero geopolitical significance. As much as you are inclined to exaggerate its status via conspiracy theories, it pales in comparison to India and Pakistan, the two nuclear powers of South Asia. Unfortunately, that is how things are likely to remain for some time to come, so carry on with your fantasies.

By: Heshan Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:58:00 +0000 If you folks consider 1 million casualties to 580000 a “victory”, good luck with that. Germany only lost 5,533,000 military men after 6 years of war (WWII); this was despite taking over a quarter of Europe, fighting in Africa and the Baltic/Mediterranean, and close quarter conventional combat with practically every nation that had a modern army. On the other hand, the Soviet Union had 8,800,000 to 10,700,000 casualties. Again, proving my point that Communist nations fare poorly during war. They have a lot of manpower (a large part tend to be poor conscripts) but technology-wise they lack the West by decades. The 1-million man Chinese army of today is a fine example.

By: Justice Sun, 08 Nov 2009 15:52:41 +0000 In Dayan’s view the SL war was a justifiable one, no matter what the cost was both civilian and milliitary,as it liberated both Sinhalses and Tamils.
But the Tamil question is the unresolved part of the war.Now it’s time for the candidates of the SL presidential election to spell out their view/vision for the national question.
SL is and should remain a muliethnic,multicultural pleuristic democracy no matter what the short comings are.
The history is calling all in SL to make it a secular accommodating space for all ethnic and religious minorities with no descrimination and no special favors for any one.
Who ever is contesting should rise above the nationalist rancor, act and behave like statesman, accept the pleuristic nature.
Act to improve civil liberties ,good governance , eliminate nepotism,accept and implement 17th A,Improve upon 13 th A to bring about meaningful devolution of powers to the provinces.
Now if they can bring about seperation of state from Religion ,make it secular and practice independance all three branches of Govt ie:Executive,Legislature and Judiciary ,With meaningful devolution of powers to all provinces that will be very progressive indeed.
This is a second chance for SL to get it right .I hope and pray that every one realize this and act responsibly.
Or else we can expect more of the same, history repeating itself with anarchy and stagnation.God bless SL.
