Comments on: The Liquidation of the Liberation Tigers of Thamil Eelam (LTTE): Lessons Paid In Blood! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:20:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fernando Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:20:19 +0000 An analysis about the LTTE by a Sinhalese? Well, thats awesome …

I think the LTTE had their positive sides as well as some negative. They fought for a cause which is genuine. Even if the LTTE is liquidated all the Sinhalese nationalist/racist are not. And therefore there will be no peace at all for the Tamil population.



By: Pearl Thevanayagam Tue, 03 Nov 2009 10:26:30 +0000 Ajith’s article is but one of the hundreds of post-mortems I have read since the war ‘ended’.
War crimes by the security forces and the retreating LTTE have been reported by all the media including prominent international media.

But politics is so distanced from the human rights skateboard on which politicians rise to prominence that the public place no importance to calls for war tribunals, senate hearings, UN investigations et al.

I wonder whether any of these prominent bodies have managed to rescue one Tamil civilian from the miseries they are facing in the camps.

They make tours, expensive tours with the government providing five-star VIP treatment, they draft massive tomes of reports for which they are handsomely paid and in the process pay for some of our local minions who draft their own happy theses.

Then hey ho its Christmas. Let us remember Tsunami victims and set up an English teaching projects in Batticaloa or Nilaveli. Never in the interiors since there are no beaches.

Freebie holidays for those who cannot afford an exotic holiday in Sri Lanka to escape rising winter fuel bills and general credit crunch.

Tch, tch.How come the natives in exotic places are so easily taken for a ride by these do-gooders.

By: Migara Tue, 03 Nov 2009 01:47:06 +0000 “No doubt the state is the generative factor in the politics of terror, and had unleashed terror against the masses on a far more systematic and systemic level than the LTTE”

This is called “lying through the teeth”

By: Panglossian reinterpretations Mon, 02 Nov 2009 17:10:56 +0000 Any GV discussion ideas on whether green-card holders and American citizens who decided to benefit from their privileged status in the US of A have any right to judge the sovereign right of the US to question their involvement in potential state terrorism in contravention of international law? If a Sri Lankan gov can put a Sri Lankan journalist away for 20 yrs for writing 2 articles and in light of unsubstantiated claims of money going into his bank account, can, therefore, the USA question a green card holder whose colleagues the State Dept has amassed an entire dossier of evidence against indicating that they may in fact have committed war crimes?

tutt tutt. are we counteracting western hypocrisy with bald, fantastical eastern hypocrisy? If we can lock up/beat up/incarcerate in concentrations camps people with no evidence, surely this is not even the tiniest corner of a leaf out of our very own motherland’s book. Let them do what they want to on the soil of the US motherland, even if they want to weed out sinhalese war criminals in hot dusty camps to protect democracy, how dare anyone question them. if our own little uniformed sri lankan piggy-wigs can’t resist rolling in the softer-that-SL-muck-american-muck of the two-legs they so aspire to be, then that’s their choice. who dares tarnish the reputation of the sovereign US State by saying that this is wrong – terrorists, that’s who!
