Comments on: Two testimonies from families released from Menik Camp Journalism for Citizens Sat, 10 Oct 2009 04:42:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: doomed to repeat it Sat, 10 Oct 2009 04:42:46 +0000 BDS is right to point out the Japanese internment during WWII in the US. It was flat-out wrong, and today most Americans will agree that it was an unjust, horrible thing.

Which I think is the point.

That was 60-odd years ago. The whole world knows better now, or should. Just because stupidity happened in the past doesn’t mean there should be stupidity now, ESPECIALLY as we are all aware of it.

By: BDS Fri, 09 Oct 2009 13:59:27 +0000 That is what the Am.ericans did after WW II . Allowed Japanese Americans to go from Detention camps one year after the war ended.
. Go where I asked. At least they gave them a rail ticket to go to any place in the States. There was a warning about going to the East, however. People were waiting to kill them.And they did. and burnt their properties. So why blame Americans/ They have taught everyone a few lessons, haven’t they?

By: Observer Sat, 03 Oct 2009 23:35:19 +0000 Sohan Bones, you just galvanised what I said and took pessimism to a whole new level.

By: Gadin Ram Sat, 03 Oct 2009 22:35:35 +0000 Jansee

Dear friend, this to our mutual “friend” – Off the Cuff–who is afraid of the truth and running away like a coward , when exposed.

Readers will gauge from the acidity of the remarks, is a canard of Sri Lanka failed state.

The sheer chutzpah of these creatures is nothing novel.

It’s in fact an arm of what transpires in that so called ‘socialist republic’ today.

Morally bankrupt and regrettably, nothing social!

Such persons are paid to paint the GOSL in all its squeaky clean purity.

So have some pity, it’s a taxing job!!! 🙂

When I read through any shameless canards comments I realized they‘ve lost the plot and not responded to at all apart from some gibberish.

For the sadly deluded minions of the Mahavamsa (and pitiable stooges of Bloodthirsty Sri Lankan Regime).

Shameless Canards play the same record over and over again:

Mahinda’s stooges have been given a biscuit to endorse their master verbatim.

The barking will cease when the bowl is empty (IMF anyone?)

Truth does not need a patron!

May the Triple Gem save poor Sri Lanka

Some words of enlightenment for the not-so literate, you’d be wise to heed it:

“A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker.
A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.”

By: Sohan Bones Sat, 03 Oct 2009 09:41:03 +0000 Re Observer’s comment @4:17 am.
Observer, you have mis-observed the situation and incorrectly concluded that it is pessimism. You see see, this is not a situation of the glass being half full or half empty; rather it’s a situation of the glass being very slightly filled… with poison. That’s worse than an empty glass, ain’t it?

By: Observer Fri, 02 Oct 2009 23:21:54 +0000 daya john, to see the human side of sri lankans, all you have to do is step outside the house and observe poor people. you will be amazed in seeing their compassion, humility and gracefulness.

By: Observer Fri, 02 Oct 2009 23:17:21 +0000 What are the IDPs getting released now? This is outrageous! What about all the people who said they were in permanent detention? How are they going to save face now? This is outrageous! Talk about pessimism. Glass is always half empty!

By: dayan john Fri, 02 Oct 2009 02:15:56 +0000 Yes Punitham,

According to XYZ, and a lot of Sri Lankans, things are bound to go wrong for Tamils & muslims, what ever anyone does. Where is the empathy, compassion, loving kindness preached by the great teacher the buddha ? Is it confined to the walls of the temple, churches, mosques and kovils ? Come on Sri Lankans let’s RE-HUMANIZE ourselves.

By: doomed to repeat it Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:53:47 +0000 xyz and CW have a point. The government needs time to figure out a proper procedure.

But then, the government has had lots of time already. OK, so maybe they weren’t prepared for the huge numbers, but surely someone was thinking ahead about the care of IDPs, and how they were going to be released? Or were they not thinking that far ahead?

It’s not like the IDP problem suddenly happened out of the blue, out of all expectation. The government knew well ahead of time that there would be IDPs, although, again, they didn’t know just how many.

It’s been four months since the end of the fighting. Surely by now the IDP officials have figured out a way to get 17 people home? Or is that asking too much?

By: doomed to repeat it Thu, 01 Oct 2009 18:41:50 +0000 Just a quick point about Raza’s comment.

Yes Germans were interned in the US, Canada, UK, etc., and many did do work on farms and on public works projects. However, they were Prisoners Of War (POWs); soldiers who had been captured or surrendered during battle. That gave them a legal designation, and a degree of protection from abuse.

They NOT were civilian populations, as is the case here in Sri Lanka.

In general they were not mistreated, as they were all kept according to the Geneva Convention, which the US, Germany, etc had signed. This, in part, included monitoring by the ICRC, easy communication with loved ones, albeit censored, and a level of care sometimes better their rural civilian neighbors had. None of these standards are being carried out today in Sri Lanka as the IDPs are not legally POWs.

No, it wasn’t freedom, but it was a far cry from what today’s IDPs are experiencing.

After the war, most POWs were quickly repatriated. However, this wasn’t done merely by opening the door and saying “OK. Go.” In fact, some opted to stay in the countries of their internment; hardly a sign of cruel treatment.

This was very different from the Russians and Japanese, who treated their prisoners, even enemy civilians such as expat women and children, with extreme brutality. Of course they hadn’t signed the Geneva Convention, and so there was no one to keep an eye on things. The Germans treated Russian prisoners brutally, in retaliation for the Russian treatment of German POWs.

So I’m afraid that in this case you’re comparing apples to oranges. The situations are in no way similar.
