Comments on: Doing the Right Thing: Freedom for Vanni IDPs Journalism for Citizens Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:30:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Profiler Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:30:19 +0000 People should worship Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gen. Sarath Fonseka for ridding the country from thos LTTE terrorists.
All what these journalists did was hate-mongering against the Government and they deserved the punishment given to them, there are more to follow. They all are enemies of Sri Lanka.

By: doomed to repeat it Wed, 14 Oct 2009 04:35:48 +0000 Ossie Corea, I see your point. But it isn’t as simple as that. There was plenty of criticism of the LTTE, by Tamil people even. The LTTE killed a whole lot of Tamils who disagreed with them. It’s just that all the pro-LTTE propaganda was so much louder and more “professionally” manufactured. The emphasis on LTTE propoganda was actually beneficial for both sides, as widespread acknowledgment of Tamil disagreement with the LTTE would make the situation more complex for everyone; it’s easier to be able to point to a whole group and label them as enemies, or as your constituents. Humans like their concepts to be simple and dislike complexity. Both sides benefited from the erroneous claim that the LTTE represented all Tamils.

Of course the LTTE never was about Justice, and so on. That was all just words without intention, and they were, in essence, a brutal dictatorship. As I said, my one trip into Tigerland amply illustrated this to me. A (Colombo) Tamil member of the group even said “THIS is Tamil Eelam? No thanks!”

Our government, however, says it is a democracy with democratic principals. That puts us to a higher standard than a megalomaniac generalissimo or his remaining overseas minions. Or are we no better than the LTTE, all words but no substance? I don’t believe this: we are better than they were.

Just because people like Matinthiran have co-opted these concepts for their own use doesn’t mean the concepts are now invalid. Nor does it mean that those of us who believe in them are secret Tiger agents.

My feelings, ideas, whatever you want to call them, come from an extremely patriotic view of Sri Lanka. I believe deeply in the people and country of Sri Lanka. This doesn’t change because I think that right now our government is headed in the wrong direction. Nor does this mean I have to accept what I’m told on blind faith.

Look, a lot of the issues we’re talking about on Groundviews are the same types of issues that were used by the LTTE to justify the war. My worry is that if we repeat the same actions as the past we will end up with another war. It seems like a no-brainer; we need to do things differently this time around. Then, perhaps, we’ll get different results.

There is no guarantee of success; there are no guarantees in life for anything except birth, death, and taxes. However, isn’t the vision of a prosperous, free, harmonious Sri Lanka worth the gamble?

In my opinion, just because someone else is a hypocrite is not justification for us to be hypocritical. We are better than that.

Generally speaking, countries with strongman leaders who control the security forces end up as dictatorships, and if things continue the way they seem to be, such things as Justice etc. will FOR SURE go down the toilet, as you put it. Strongman dictatorships do not preserve these ideals; they destroy them.

This is our window of opportunity, as a country, to live up to the high ideals written down in our constitution and laws. Let’s embrace these ideals. Let’s cast aside fear and go for it.

Perhaps it’s a matter of perspective. I just don’t understand how, for example, equality is a threat to the nation. Please explain. I’m being serious not sarcastic; I don’t understand your perspective, and maybe if I did then we might even find agreement on some things.

Damn, I’m late for work. Gotta go. Thanks for reading this, Ossie. I hope we can have a useful dialog.

By: Heshan Wed, 14 Oct 2009 03:53:03 +0000 “Wha Sri Lanka needs is a strong leadership and a efficient Army to protect it’s citizens.”

“Strong” is an imprecisely defined condition. What SL desperately needs is a *different* kind of leadership. A leadership that does not utilize force and intimidation to achieve its own ends. In which case, there is no longer any need for an “efficient Army.” SL is beginning to resemble Burma; a military junta imposing martial law over a poverty-stricken rural population.

By: Ossie Corea Tue, 13 Oct 2009 21:01:05 +0000 doomed to repeat it …
None of you spoke about Peace Democracy Liberty Equality Justice Prosperity
when the LTTE were indiscriminately killing since 30 years, but just the day after the Warmongers were killed you were quick to accuse the GOSL.
Wha Sri Lanka needs is a strong leadership and a efficient Army to protect it’s citizens. Without that strong backbone of the country the nice words you mentioned above is worth to be flushed down the toilet. They are the words used by political agitators whom we have killed or put behind bars. They are a threat to the national security and interest of 21 million Sri Lankans. The priority of the GOSL is to protect the rights of those 21 million people, and putting political agitators behind bars or killing them is justified.
Sri Lanka laid the foundation to Peace by killing the warmongers. If the government fails to eliminate them, it will be the people who will be lynching them.
Those who executed over 70.000 innocent civilians, who are responsible for the sufferings of hundred thousands of others, those who campaigned to accuse the GOSL of Genocide, Discrimination etc. etc. will not escape unpunished. We will get at them.
Not long ago did that mawatha silva (a P.A who is ashamed to use his Tamil name), called for a boycott of Sri Lankan products on the web forums of the CBC and Times. He and his friends called us Singhalese Buddhist racists just to name a few of the terminology he used, and the same guy is preaching Democracy and Freedom here. I know a whole lot of them since quite some time. Below is the latest news that I copied from the Daily News FYI.
Twenty-two cadres of the suspected Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) went on trial Monday for running an extortion racket among Paris’s ethnic Tamil diaspora. The defendants include Nadaraja Matinthiran, the alleged leader in France of the LTTE, which is accused of extorting some five million euros (US $ 7.4 million) from the country’s 75,000 Tamils.
Also in the dock is a group called the Tamil Coordination Committee in France, believed to be a legal front for the LTTE, which has been listed as a terrorist organisation by the European Union since 2006. Experts believe the Tigers exert a controlling influence over the political life of the 1.5-million-strong world Tamil diaspora, levying a “revolutionary tax” based on household size and income.
Most of the Paris suspects were arrested in April 2007 and charged with criminal conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, financing of terrorism or racketeering to finance terrorism. Defence lawyer Gilles Piquois called the case to be thrown out, arguing that the LTTE was not considered a terrorist organisation by the Sri Lankan Government in 2007 when the charges were brought. The trial is set to run until October 28.
APF Unquote.

By: Heshan Tue, 13 Oct 2009 18:54:09 +0000 The Army is very much a Rajapakse family business. The Defense Secretary is Gothabaya. All weapons procurements are done through a Rajapakse-owned company. What more do you want?

By: doomed to repeat it Tue, 13 Oct 2009 17:37:53 +0000 BTW, Ossie Corea. The army is not the Presidents; it does not belong to him. It is our army. We are the employers; they are our employees. The President might give the specific orders through his generals, but it is most particularly not “his.”

By: doomed to repeat it Tue, 13 Oct 2009 17:32:55 +0000 Oh come now, Ossie Corea. Sinister ideas? Peace? Democracy? Liberty? Equality? Justice? Prosperity? These are sinister ideas? That’s what just about everyone on this Board wants for our country, even if we disagree on how to get there. Then are we all, even us Sinhalese, secret Tigers?

I was able to get into Tigerland once. I can guarantee that these concepts were NOT part of the way the LTTE did things; frequently is was the opposite.

So please do not call me sinister or tricky or even smelly because I want peace, justice, prosperity, etc. for Sri Lankans – ALL Sri Lankans.

By: Ossie Corea Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:26:37 +0000 The Tamil Tigers are moving into new “Jungles”, but their stripes, terrible stench as well as their ultimate goals remain unchanged.
What they try to do here is to brake the strong back bone of Sri Lanka, namely the President and his Army. They are once again infiltrating into the civil society with their sinister ideas.
They will not get through with all their tricks.

By: Off the Cuff Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:04:03 +0000 Dear Rohini Hensman,

It is over a fortnight since I posted the following two responses to your article.

Hope you will spare your valuable time to oblige with a response soon in order to bring out the multifaceted nature of the problem.

An overly simplistic view would not do justice to such a complex issue.

Off the Cuff

September 28, 2009 @ 1:34 pm

October 1, 2009 @ 1:09 am

By: Pancharatnam Mon, 12 Oct 2009 21:52:24 +0000 The end of your article reads, Quote

The only way to reverse the degradation of our economy and polity is to acknowledge that the war is over and take the appropriate measures: release all the Vanni IDPs immediately, slash military spending, dismantle the paramilitaries, redeploy demobilised soldiers to civilian reconstruction tasks, replace military and ex-military administrators with civilian ones, dismantle the HSZs, resettle all displaced civilians including those displaced by HSZs, repeal the PTA and Emergency Regulations, restore democratic rights, especially to freedom of expression, and release J.S. Tissainayagam and others incarcerated for exercising this right. The best way to ensure that Sri Lanka retains its EU GSP+ facility is to do the right thing, failing which, the government must take full responsibility for the lost jobs and revenue. Unquote.

I would say DAM SMART Tiger tails are showing.

Sri Lanka was a homeland for all peace and harmony loving people until a small percentage of the Tamils began to terrorise the whole country with their Eelam terror fantasy during the past 30 odd years. The track record they left behind is well known.
The war is over does not mean that those Tamil Terrorists have given up the idea of using Sri Lanka as their Urinal. They continue to pose a serious threat to the national security and interest of the country. What they now try to do is to creep back into the civil society under some disguise and start all over again to make a Tamil Urinal out of Sri Lanka.
We shall never allow that to happen again.
The Security forces are the Backbone of Sri Lanka and everything will be done to keep them exactly where they are as long as we need them. The solution for Sri Lanka is a strong leadership with strong and disciplined security forces. If these leaders and security forces were good enough to crush down the terrorists and liberate the country from becoming a Tamil Urinal, they will be good enough to rule the country for the next 100 years. Those who made a mockery out of Parliamentary democracy will not fool us again.
Prabhakaran imported thousands of Tamils from TN and settled them in the North and North East to fill in the space left by the Singhalese and Tamil families that were killed or chased out. Those who are in IDP camps cannot be released until they are screened. The IDPs are no business of any outsiders.
