Comments on: A response to Basil Fernando: Sri Lanka is not a Gulag Island Journalism for Citizens Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:31:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: smoulderingjin Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:31:22 +0000 President Bean…I shall do that. What I was referring to was a good academically sounds book or a piece of fiction that collates the three cults. Titles could be the “Cult Trinity” or “Re-examining the Cults of Mao, Stalin and Mahinda: A analysis of the socio-linguistic trends and image formations of two recent centuries, with special reference to the most recent”…that sort of thing!

Cult-watching – now that smacks of “Train-spotting” and could very well become a cult occupation of our time. Viva la cults! And the Cult Coutre.

By: President Bean Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:52:59 +0000 Smoulderingjin…got to the British Council or browse the web to read about ‘The Cult of Stalin’ and The Cult of Mao Tse-tung.’…’The Cult of Mahinda Rajapaksa’ is there to be seen all around our ‘Utopian Paradise’ for anybody who is not blind or pretending to be blind…all the best with the cult watching!

By: smoulderingjin Mon, 05 Oct 2009 07:32:23 +0000 @President Bean and bottle

I would actually be interested in reading a piece on the ‘Cult of Stalin’….’Cult of Mao Tse-tung’…’Cult of Mahinda Rajapaksa’! It would, in fact make either a fascinating thriller type best seller, or a widely read academic piece of writing that acquires intellectual fame. After all it has a kind of international appeal!

Surely bottle, there must be someone out there who will not “greet our query with a stony silence.”. (Actually coming to think of it, any such enterprise, published and unfortunately famous, might generate a response that reduces the author to a stony cold eternal silence)

That “fine and hugely intellectual incumbent administration”…

By: bottle Thu, 01 Oct 2009 19:09:26 +0000 I think any retired ambassadorial-types with delusions to academic greatness (based on the merit-only career propulsion tactics of this fine and hugely intellectual incumbent administration, famously known for its attention to hiring and retaining only the greatest minds and finest characters) may greet your query with a stony silence.

By: President Bean Thu, 01 Oct 2009 05:45:30 +0000 …can any academic chap or retired ambassador please enlighten us on the ‘Cult of Stalin’….’Cult of Mao Tse-tung’…’Cult of Mahinda Rajapaksa’ etc?

By: Basil Fernando Thu, 01 Oct 2009 02:39:41 +0000 Defending Gulag-type repression and denying it are two different approaches. Dayan, during the Premadasa regime, wrote an article to the Daily News defending Stalinist repression. There were other people, too, who had defended Stalinist repression and condemned all opponents as idealists, while Stalin was the great revolutionary. Among such admirers of Stalin were Pol Pot of Cambodia and also General Ne Win or Burma.

Pol Pot’s ardent beliefs led to a complete imitation of Stalin and the result was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history. I have lived in Cambodia for three years at the time when Cambodia was trying to recover from that catastrophe. However, that process of recovery, if it is to succeed at all, will take fifty years or more, even to come back to the level of development Cambodia had achieved prior to Pol Pot’s regime. All the basic infrastructure of public institutions have been destroyed. There is no idea of administration of justice in Cambodia. The police have become completely subordinated to the ruling party. There were no people qualified to the judges and the so-called judiciary was purely a rubber stamping agency for the executive. People who had grievances, in fact almost everybody had grievances, had no place to make their complaints. Even now citizens are being reduced to the status of a zero.

The other consequences are as drastic on economy, politics, society and culture. However, this is not the place to talk about that for lack of space.

Ne Win was only a pseudo-admirer of Stalin. He also introduced a complete state of repression into this country, justifying it National Socialism, while in fact he was in fact amassing wealth and power for himself. Today, Burma has been reduced to a primitive place and achieving any kind of order or development in that country is next to impossible. There, too, the administration of justice does not exist even as a concept. There are doctoral studies being conducted on the manner in which Cambodian police, prosecution and judiciary were completely transformed to serve the interest of the few in power. Here, too, the citizens are reduced to zero.

Those who admire Stalin have already led this country in the same path. But there’s a difference now. They pretend that there is no such repression in Sri Lanka. To defend such repression during the time of President Premadasa and to deny now, during the time of President Rajapaksha is to say that the rule of law and democracy has improved from the time of President Premadasa. Whether from the point of view of law, meaning absence of law, and destruction of institutions, things have degenerated further. From the point of view of arbitrariness into criminal investigations, into violations of human rights, things at an all-time worst now.

Anyway, if someone defends these things openly, that’s a more honest approach than to state that no such repression exists now.

By: bottle Wed, 30 Sep 2009 20:40:17 +0000 In your face. it IS a gulag island and everyone who doesn’t toe the line is a called a terrorist and robbed of their rights. thankfully you’re on the side of the oppressors, journalist murderers, and concentration-camp guards so you can sleep tight at night knowing a white van isn’t going to pick you up. phew and god bless sri lanka!

By: Das Tue, 29 Sep 2009 22:07:24 +0000 The prime minister said recently “We are nourished by buddhism” Hence a ‘gulag’ cannot exist in this thrice blessed isle.
What of “disappearances,assaults,abductions,dead bodies – some without heads, deaths in custody, police killings of allegged killings, arrests & killings of journalists, disappearances of IDPs from camps, torching of rival election offices, non disclosure of presidential commision reports,non inquiry into COPE revealations etc. etc. ?
These are all propaganda by traitors !

By: In Your Face Tue, 29 Sep 2009 18:13:59 +0000 Botte et. al,

Sri-Lanka might have become a gulag island if the terrorists had their way. Whew! Thank God that never happend!

By: bottle Mon, 28 Sep 2009 20:48:25 +0000 perfect gulag state mentality billy. everyone’s a “terrorist” if they don’t sieg heil right?
