Comments on: Salute to Tissaranee, Sara and Jehan Journalism for Citizens Sun, 20 Sep 2009 13:52:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heshan Sun, 20 Sep 2009 13:52:56 +0000 In Your Face,

It’s good to see you’re focused on the afterlife. Your “King” Mahinda won’t be offering you much, not in this life anyway. China and India are a different story – they’ve already got a good chunk of prime real estate; padding for the “Kings” estate if you will. So you see, the “King” is rather busy accumulating wealth for himself to bother with the petty concerns of a minority like you. Enjoy the show; the “channel” won’t change for a long time!

By: Observer Sun, 20 Sep 2009 03:00:36 +0000 wow.. talk about sweeping generalisations…
sri lankans are this.. sri lankans are that… they’re primitive cave men… religious fanatics… they dance with the satan in a boiling cauldron inside a fiery cave, they eat children for breakfast. blah blah.. thanks for taking the liberty to generalise a demographic that includes me.
getting rather tired of concerned citizen’s own opinions. i am satisfactorily AWARE of his opinions now after few mundane articles. can we please stop now?

does he even know about catholic schools that exist in western countries?

By: In Your Face Sun, 20 Sep 2009 01:19:24 +0000 Heshan,

Still want to control the Tamils, huh? Bad idea, buddy, your prince of darkness is stewing in a place that only Dante captured so well: the inferno. You, and your little friends, once danced to the drum beat of your tone deaf leader, and now you begrudge us Tamils who all along pointed out that your leader had no rhythm, no soul.

Don’t worry about “King” Mahinda, your leader awaits you in the lowest circle!

By: Heshan Sat, 19 Sep 2009 15:32:10 +0000 “I am a “minority” woman that sees the LTTE as the worst thing that ever happend to Sri-Lankan Tamils. Got that? ”

You must be one of those who beat drums and danced in the streets when your new “King” Mahinda declared victory. Don’t worry; “King” Mahinda plans to be around for at least 20 more years… one by one all the opponents will be eliminated… unfortunately, I can’t exclude your ppl from that. Plz refer to the “Mihin Airlines” fiasco to see how this guy does business.

By: Talking Head Sat, 19 Sep 2009 01:49:41 +0000 Hey, President Bean,

I didn’t know people of your kind even read George Orwell. Man, most people who read our brother Orwell are cool – not [Edited out] neo-cons!
Do you even understand the concepts of ‘Big Brother’, ‘newspeak’, ‘doublethink’ and ‘doublespeak’?

Why do you waste so much precious time quoting chunks from Orwell, when you can simply ask people to read him? Don’t you people have a voice of your own? It’s a crying shame; you are trying to be revolutionary but from the sound of your talk, not even a medieval monk would consider you “revolutionary”.

Come to think of it, ‘Big Brother’ is probably just a TV show to you.

We, black people – you and I – must unite! This, brothers and sistahs, is the real revolution!

By: In Your Face Fri, 18 Sep 2009 18:10:29 +0000 Heshan,

It seems you’ve really lost it…omlette and all! I am not a “majority chap”; I am a “minority” woman that sees the LTTE as the worst thing that ever happend to Sri-Lankan Tamils. Got that?

By: President Bean Thu, 17 Sep 2009 05:40:24 +0000 In Your Face…why is it that when you majority chaps disagree with someone’s view, you’ll call them lunatics etc? You majority guys have been ‘IN OUR FACE’ for the past 61 years! Why can’t you’ll be honest enough to call a spade a spade! Any ‘lunatic’ should know by now that you have to break at least one egg to make an omlette! But in Sri Lanka they made a ‘Brilliant’ omlette without breaking any eggs (Zero Casualties)…when Lasantha was killed, it was called an ‘International Conspiracy’ to tarnish the image of the government…when the MTV/MBC TV station was attacked and burnt…it was claimed that they did it to claim the insurance money…

ha..ha…ha…for how long can you guys keep fooling yourselves? People don’t call this country ‘THE LAND OF THE BLIND’ for nothing!

By: niranjan Wed, 16 Sep 2009 05:15:40 +0000 half and half,

I do visit rural areas and know what people eat. They certainly do eat bathala and manioc in addition to vegetables grown in their own home plots. Both bathala and manioc are easy to grow and is a staple diet in rural areas. Some of them who own paddy fields grow their own rice as well. They sell part of it and use some of it for their own consumption. Of course they have to purchase other food stuffs, clothes etc. For that they need money and as you said quite a few of them go abroad to earn it. Quite a few of them suffer abroad as you said. But not all. Not all housemaids suffer. Some have found decent homes to work in. However, all of them do a great service to this country by remitting money and by the way the majority of people in the rural sector do eat three meals per day.
There are certainly cases of undernourishment , starvation or even death as you say, but they are a minority.

By: In Your Face Tue, 15 Sep 2009 17:50:08 +0000 Concerned Citizen,

Who are the critical theorists that have influenced your “analysis”? Why don’t you read some scholarly material before rambling off like a lunatic. You make sweeping generalizations, and do not back up any of your claims with even an inkling of evidence.

What I come across here is subtle hate literature trying to pass of as informed opinion by a “concerned citizen”. How perverse!

By: Heshan Tue, 15 Sep 2009 17:29:28 +0000 *you can go to
