Comments on: The sentencing J.S Tissainayagam: Not in my name! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 04 May 2010 10:57:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamal Tue, 04 May 2010 10:57:43 +0000 Dear Mr.Ratnaweera,

I am too glad that yet there are people in Sri-Lanka, who have simple common sense. which i fear some higher ups in this country have , but fail ti use it for the good of the country.

Your mail is a good example for the sinhalese brothers to open their minds
and speak out, (be careful) atleast common sense will prevail finally.

By: undergroundview Tue, 22 Sep 2009 08:37:29 +0000 “Thisainayagam took money from LTTE, and hence a terrorist.”

Really? And here was me thinking that terrorists were people who bombed and killed and planned such atrocities. But no – it’s anyone who benefits financially from a terrorist organisation, however faintly connected.

But wait – does it have to be financial benefit?

What if you received an education because of schools the LTTE organised? Or had cases settled in an LTTE court? Or were treated in LTTE-held hospitals? Or drank LTTE water? They had a whole parallel government up there, for a while.

Maybe the 280,000 internees are ALL terrorists?

But what if you’ve got people to vote for you by exploiting fears of terrorism? Wouldn’t that have to count as well?

By: Heshan Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:43:34 +0000 @Migara:

1. Why was Sonali Samarasinghe questioned for five hours by the TID?

2. Why was Tiran Alles arrested?

These allegations were not rumors spread by a tabloid newspaper. They were made in the Sri Lankan Parliament during Parliament session by Sripathi Sooriyarachchi, who happened to die in a mysterious “road accident” not very long after. Thanks to Youtube we can watch him in Parliament:

By: doomed to repeat it Fri, 18 Sep 2009 04:42:42 +0000 Atheist, I’m not trying to get anyone to reveal their identity. I’m not trying to be adversarial. Please don’t take it that way.

I think it’s a shame that we both more or less agree with the message of this post, but we commentors have decided to squabble about the tone, or whether the author is really who he says he is. If we both agree on the message, then let’s us (all of us) unite and say that we hope more Sri Lankans of all types feel the same way.

By: Migara Thu, 17 Sep 2009 05:02:53 +0000 @ Heshan

Only few LTTE / UNP supporters rant about MR giving money to LTTE. Even LTTE has rejected the claim. Only few idiots like you talk without evidence. Thisainayagam took money from LTTE, and hence a terrorist. And terrorists should be in jail. If the court order is unacceptable he can appeal in SC. If that also turned down then there’s nothing you can rant about. Because he was convicted according to the law of the country.

By: Atheist Thu, 17 Sep 2009 02:44:22 +0000 To: doomed to repeat it

SIR/MADAM doomed to repeat it,

The author of this article can be anyone. It can be you or any other participant on GroundViews. Yes, I can see, the author has given his name, age, village, school and profession. It does not matter if the author posts his CV and his picture (even in the buff) neither of which will impress us, sorry to say.

None of your antics will convince me to reveal my name. Nice try, but no cigar!

By: Kanishka Ratnapriya Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:40:41 +0000 Well done Sandun, join us in the campaign to release Tissanayagam.

And to everyone who labels Tissa as a terrorist, he and HE MR worked together on HR issues a long time ago in a country not so far away.

They were, at one point; “brothers” in the fight to defend human rights.

By: doomed to repeat it Wed, 16 Sep 2009 06:12:20 +0000 I beg your pardon, MADAME Atheist! 😉

I’m not going to argue about semantics.

However, my point still stands; the author put his full name on his piece. You and I do not. It is easy to be strident when you are anonymous.

I’m just saying.

By: Heshan Wed, 16 Sep 2009 04:41:18 +0000 *20 years in prison.

The funny thing is that Rajapakse can “pardon” Tissa… what a joke!

By: Heshan Wed, 16 Sep 2009 04:40:29 +0000 “Lets face it, you simpletons are just angry at not being able to be “big shots” under the present government. Singing LTTE’s praises is your only alternative. ”

I have merely suggested that Rajapakse be held to the same standards as Tissa. Tissa supposedly “accepted” LTTE money. Rajapakse supposedly “gave” the LTTE money. One man is spending 20 years in life, the other is enjoying red wine and caviar at 5 star hotels… only in Sri Lanka!
