Comments on: Sri Lanka Unites: Our vision and work Journalism for Citizens Fri, 11 Nov 2011 04:11:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandy Fri, 11 Nov 2011 04:11:32 +0000 Prashan and friends – what wonderful vision and work ! so GLAD!

Sinhala, Tamil, .. all races.. all are equal, created in the image of God.We are all made of one Blood aren’t we?

Keep up the great work and may The Lord be with you all.
‘Blessed are the Peace makers.. for they shall be called the children of God.’

By: Thayalan Sun, 26 Jun 2011 09:22:00 +0000 In reply to nandasena.

nandasena, watch this first and then talk.

By: wijayapala Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:00:57 +0000 Dear “nandasena”

Why have you taken a Sinhala name? Do you wish that you were Sinhala?

By: nandasena Mon, 11 Jan 2010 15:46:06 +0000 “Sri Lanka unite” should take all its members to the Menik farm and tour the vanni area, the Tamil areas to show how much damage is done by the SINHALESE GOVERNMENTS over the last 60 years!!!!! There is no point in having a meeting in Colombo with selected privileged kids and shouting “SRI LANKA” If the successive governments have taken any initiative at least soon after the ORGANISED POGROMS of the 1950s Sri Lanka would have been a better place to live in!!!!!
These kids are only told about the LTTE and not about what the sinhalese governments did to the TAmil population since 1956!!!! Sinhalese always propagate the half truth to suit thei agenda!!!!

If they had g iven self rule to the TAmils they would have prospered on their own !! It is better than killing thousands of Tamil civilians and making them paupers and destroying all their possesions. Sinhalese have the dog in the manger attitude!!!!

This posting may be late, but nothing changed regarding the “freedom of the Tamils” for that matter the life of the poor sinhalese!!!IDPS are dumped far away from the world’s eyes and allowed to rot!!! While the politicians pocket the money donated for them by other governments!!!!!

By: HaHa Thu, 15 Oct 2009 07:38:02 +0000 dear Aadhavan

please do understand that sri lanka unites does not have enough time for ARMCHAIR CRITICS.

By: aadhavan Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:04:58 +0000 So I’m assuming Sri Lanka Unites will only do private dialogue, and refuse to engage in the comments section of this post. Interesting.

By: punitham Mon, 14 Sep 2009 04:13:36 +0000 Revenge the main show.
Reconciliation a fringe show.
Revenge on top gear/cruise control.
Reconciliation trying to ignite under the tsunami of REVENGE.
Revenge wreaks fear.
Reconciliation searches for freedom.

By: punitham Sun, 13 Sep 2009 05:23:58 +0000 “After 25 years, terror, war, and violence have lost their grip, and freedom has finally made itself known” …
”yes this freedom with all its problems is still freedom from the violence that haunted us every day” …

1.”freedom” in these sentences = freedom from LTTE violence.
To a section of the population.
2.A section of the population has been afflicted with structural violence of government institutions i. in the 36 years before the ”25 years” , ii. during the ”25 years” and iii. in the 4 months after the ”25 years”, the structural violence escalating deeper and faster in the three successive stages. Now Sinhalese, Muslims, Tamils, Burghers,… …. lawyers, journalists, human rights activists,…. all live in fear and NOT ”freedom.”
I hate to have to post this comment. I hate violence in any form- (stimulating)structural and (responding) visible.
We are talking about the most vicious intrastate conflict of our times lasting more than six decades. About a ”textbook example”(according to researchers of ethnic conflicts). About the destruction of the socio-economic-environmental destruction of a nation in six decades when the rest of the country and the rest of the world has seen progress(as a result of science and technology and evolution of social science) much more than in the previous six centuries.
Prashan is not a baby.
Pluribus Unum, thank you for writing this very fine analysis. For writing a Must.

By: Talking Head Sat, 12 Sep 2009 01:39:31 +0000 rose-bud,

What village people are you referring to, dude? The only “village people” I know of are those guys who sang “Y.M.C.A”. Sound familiar? You have a right to diss the disco era, but, the “village people” are not by any means ignorant and small-minded as the people living out in the suburbs.

It seems like you have been tutored by a memsahib who wanted you to diss your own people; I learnt about what these pathetic people did in India when I took a course on Malcolm X.

Why do you put up a link that others cannot decipher? How arrogant! Do you think we all read that language? The “village people” have more heart and soul – something a suburban hick like you will never understand!

Being unilingual is better than being a jackass with multiple tongues.

Power to the people!!!

By: undergroundview Fri, 11 Sep 2009 20:04:21 +0000 Sounds like you want to cleanse the land of all that liberal wishy-washy enlightenment and Buddha nonsense, and institute an Ashokist kingdom.

Maybe THAT’s why so many in the government have their green cards and foreign visas…
