Why on earth is the Rajapakse regime on a collision course with the West?  Okay, we are being bullied by the West, but haven’t we asked for it mainly on account of our  stubborn resistance to  international appeals for independent investigations into war crimes and human rights abuses? Taking blanket cover under a ‘conspiracy theory’ to undermine Sri Lanka  by the West due to our ‘strategic importance’ borders on the ridiculous. It sounds more like a ‘Jamis’ Bond plot to distract and entertain an impoverished and ignorant rural polity. From Solheim to Milliband, we have identified so called ‘international conspirators’ who serve as convenient scapegoats or punching bags. Alas, the regime does not stop to think of the long term consequences of the shortsighted unsustainable ‘ collision diplomacy’ which our role model authoritarian states such as oil rich Iran and Libya have the economic power to counter, unlike resource starved Sri Lanka.
The collision course became most evident  with the horrendous mass murder of seventeen Tamil aid workers of the French aid organiation ‘action contre le faim’(ACF) during the last days of battle against the LTTE in the Eastern province. Mainly on account of an international furor instigated by ACF alleging involvement of the armed forces, the government was compelled to appoint a Human Rights Commission(HRC) and ‘stage’ an inquiry. In a defensive stance, the government took the opportunity to include, for investigation by the HRC, several other criminal acts allegedly perpetrated by the LTTE.  The President also appointed a International Independent Group of Eminent Persons (IIGEP) to act as observers in order to endorse the HRC’s findings. Rajapakse’s appointment of retired Indian Chief Justice Baghwati as head of the group may have been deliberate in order to take advantage of his presumed frailty due to advanced age. Unfortunately the President seriously underestimated his mental capacity which turned out to be razor sharp in seeing through the staged inquiry to the consternation of the government.  After nearly one year of prevarication by the government , the IIGEP decided to withdraw their observer status as they alleged that the inquiry was not being conducted in a fair and transparent manner. In order to save face, the government accused the IIGEP  of  conspiring with the West to bring discredit to Sri Lanka. Such a ridiculous accusation against a group of eminent persons struck the ‘last nail on the coffin’ of lost credibility. It made them appear even more suspect in the eyes of the international community and also provided plenty of ammunition for the Tamil Diaspora to make further allegations of racism and genocide.
The confrontational stance has additionally become a election gimmick to display the regime’s bravado in confronting world powers to the largely insular rural electorate whose patriotic fervor can be easily manipulated in order to divert their attention from their own as well as the nation’s dire economic straits. The regime constantly highlights the double standards and hypocrisy of the west with regard to war crimes and human rights abuses in order to vindicate themselves of the very same injustices which is a puerile and pathetic form of defence, to say the least.
Despite its ravishing scenic beauty, Sri Lanka still remain as a poverty stricken, resource poor inconsequential little island nation in the global scenario with little or no achievements to be proud of as a nation except for the recent blow up of the regime’s  success in eliminating terrorism. Unfortunately, most of the democratic world has been slow to acknowledge this signal achievement as it has been marred by controversy on the ‘modus operandi’ adopted due to alleged violation of international conventions on warfare and human rights by the government  in the final stages of the war when the enemy’s attempts to surrender were denied or ignored. Also, their lack of respect for ‘ safe zones’ by using heavy fire power resulting in mass killing of civilians shocked the world. Continued post war persecution of suspect Tamil civilians in internment camps in violation of their fundamental rights has aggravated the government’s image as racist and authoritarian.
Due to its collision course, the regime has antagonized Britain as well as the entire European Union and continue to do so without thought of the economic consequences and diplomatic deadlocks as a result of such actions. Locally, organizations and individuals who provide constructive criticism  are relentlessly persecuted in a most ruthless manner and accused as traitors when, in reality, it is the regime that is the real traitor which is sacrificing the country and its people in order to remain in power to perpetuity like their role model dictatorial regimes such as Iran, Libya and Burma which have held power for over three  to four decades by crushing all opposition and thereby denying their citizens of  fundamental rights  to freedom, justice and prosperity.
Before it is too late, the intelligentsia of this country must lift up their heads in defence of democracy instead of meekly endorsing  authoritarianism by granting honorary doctorates to chauvinistic and despotic leaders  who only pay lip service to democratic ideals while covertly advocating extremist notions of sinhala Buddhist supremacy prejudicial to ethnic harmony, equity and national prosperity.