Comments on: A former Editor and senior journalist on the sentencing of J.S. Tissainayagam Journalism for Citizens Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:59:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Goon Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:59:41 +0000 undergroundview: In that case, the majority view will prevail, democracy or not. Democracy is anyway a foreign concept imported by the British. We never had democracy in ancient Lanka. The glorious Sinhala Buddhist civilization was built on a feudal monarchy, and we missed none of these human rights and democratic choices for over 2,000 years. Mahinda V will take us back to the glories of the past, no matter what the minority minions and their western supporters might say. Get ready for it…it get out of our Lanka.

By: Sinhala Buddhist Sun, 13 Sep 2009 17:28:36 +0000 I am a Sinhala Buddhist woman. I am truly ashamed to say that I am a Sri Lankan, anymore. What the MR regime has done to Tissanyagam is the most despicable action of the current regime besides killing Lasantha. I always thought that the Premadasa regime was the worst I’ve ever had in my life time, but we did not know what was coming with MR- This is by far the worst ever absue of power that we have seen. Being a mother of 3 young children, I always tried to instill in my kids the worth of our beatiful country and to love our country what ever its failings were and not to scorn at the short comings and mistakes. With this horrendously unfair sentence given on T and the horrible injustice done, I do not want my kids to even think that they belong to this shameful country and most of all ashmed of being a Sinhala myself now. If this is the way MR regime is abusing power, abusing HR and fundamental rights of the ppl, be them journalists or otherwise, killing ppl and throwing them in prison faking all kinds of allegations, I can only think of MR and the clan facing the same fate as Premadasa. Sorry to say this being a buddhist but this is my gut feeling. Will I ever vote for a Sinhala politician ever again – NO WAY. either I cast my vote to a Tamil or I spoil my vote.

By: undergroundview Fri, 11 Sep 2009 20:32:39 +0000 @Susan Goon – that’s not how it works in a democracy. What you’re describing is a tyranny of the majority – a very different beast. But I think you know that.

A functional democracy also tends to include things like the rule of law, fair trials, free speech, a presumption of innocence, no arbitrary detention – you know the sort of thing (even if you wouldn’t particularly like it).

By: Shamed Lankan Fri, 11 Sep 2009 17:40:52 +0000 Wow, Susan Goon, you certainly picked an apt last name for yourself. I would call you daft, but then that would be insulting to people who are truly daft.

By: Susan Goon Fri, 11 Sep 2009 03:31:12 +0000 Sinhala Buddhists are the clear majority of Sri Lanka and their wish dominates and rules in a democracy. All others had better get used to it – or depart.

By: smoulderingjin Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:37:52 +0000 There is a general belief in this nation now.

The GOSL defeated the LTTE. Therefore Sri Lankans should not just accept anything the GOSL should choose to say or do, but we should bow down with awe and gratitude to them.

Even if they killed L:asantha W. Even if they imprison Tissanyagam. Even if they ignore every form of moral and ethical principle they know.

It is a kind of sad twisted logic in operation here. The gosl defeated terrrorism therefore the gosl can have a free hand in any criminal activity it chooses.

Do we seriously think that there can be “peace” or “freedom” in this nation?
Now we have a different reign of terrror. One operating with the blessings of the democracy that elected it.

By: Veedhur Wed, 09 Sep 2009 18:18:01 +0000 @ Nibras,

I would urge you to read the full court proceedings of the case and see for yourself the state of justice in the country.

By: Shamed Lankan Tue, 08 Sep 2009 19:31:01 +0000 To Nibras Bawa and your comment: “Fact remains this Tissanayagam guy was tried in courts, was given all the opportunity to prove innocence, yet failed.”
A defendant should not have to prove his innocence. It is up to the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. But, then again, that is how it’s done in civilized nations and I wouldn’t expect that from the Rajapakse Dictatorship. You seem to be the kind of person who if Rajapakse told you it was bright and sunny while you both stood in a torrential downpour, you’d believe him.
How about trying the Rajapakses for war crimes or are you really that naive to believe that the Rajapakses did not kill a single civilian. With people like you and the Rajapakses, it is no surprise that our country remains a Third World nation.

By: Heshan Tue, 08 Sep 2009 01:16:06 +0000 The way Mahinda gave Rs. 500 million to LTTE revealed

(LeN-2007 July 10, 7.40pm) The information on how President Mahinda Rajapakse handed over Rs. 500 million to the LTTE in the guise of a housing scheme has now revealed.

The President has obtained the approval for a cabinet paper on this regard.


Mahinda’s note to cabinet

Rebuilding the Nation under
Jayalanka Housing Programme
First Housing Programme
for North and East

The Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA) has been directed by me to commence projects for equitable assistance to all needy communities, irrespective of whether they were affected by conflict or Tsunami, in the fields of housing, livelihoods, social and physical infrastructure.

One of the first projects identified for immediate and speedy implementation is the construction of housing units for conflict-affected communities in Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Trincomalee, Batticoloa, Ampara, Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Housing requirements obtained from 42 GN divisions in these districts amounted to 1200 housing units. The Board of Management of RADA granted approval to invite offers from consultants and contractors in the area to implement this project. Funds for the project are to be obtained from the Consolidated Fund.

Accordingly, offers were solicited from prospective consultants and parties willing to undertake housing construction in the stipulated areas. GS Builders & Consultants of Vavuniva was selected as the Consultant for the project.

B&K Holdings (Pvt) Ltd of No. 437A, 3rd Lane, Hirunavukulam, Thandikulam, Vavuniya, which offered the lowest quote for a 500 sq. ft housing unit at Rs 624,725/(exclusive of VAT) was selected as the Contractor for the construction of 400 housing units at Trincomalee. Another 400 units in Batticaloa was awarded to Everest Civil Engineering Services of 113/1, Mill Road, Ukulangkulam, Vavuniya, at the same rate of Rs 624,725.00 (exclusive of VAT).

Housing projects in Trincomalee and Batticaloa are in progress, and the total cost estimate for both projects is Rs 499,780,560/-. With the addition of 400 housing units to be implemented in other districts shortly, the entire cost estimate for the required 1200 housing units is Rs 757,166,000/- (inclusive of consultancy fees).I seek the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers to proceed with the construction of the 1200 housing units as envisaged above.

August 2, 2006
Mahinda Rajapakse

By: Heshan Tue, 08 Sep 2009 01:13:06 +0000 “Fact remains this Tissanayagam guy was tried in courts, was given all the opportunity to prove innocence, yet failed. Hence no one can call this an unfair judgement.”

Let’s try MR in the Courts for giving money to the LTTE. And also, for stealing Tsunami money. All the evidence is there, Tiran Alles (who was arrested and released) and Sonali Samarasinghe (who was questioned for five hours by TID) can be witnesses. All the “opportunity to prove innocence” will be there. No one can call it an unfair judgment.
