Comments on: Eyes Wide Open Journalism for Citizens Wed, 16 Sep 2009 08:22:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: niranjan Wed, 16 Sep 2009 08:22:30 +0000 Sanjana,

Interesting article. We have always had hypocracy, abuse of power, violence and the lies. However, I feel that rabid racism is a new thing and needs to be addressed and controlled. I feel that education is the key and perhaps race relations legislation might be an idea.
Truth telling and reconcilaition are definitely non-starters unless there is a change in direction.

By: undergroundview Thu, 10 Sep 2009 08:38:53 +0000 It’s interesting that people are still arguing that the quarter of a million citizens should be imprisoned until they have been vetted – but still nobody seems to know what the witchfinder general is going to look for.

How will they be able to tell if someone might have “had links with” the LTTE – and what does that mean, anyway? If they will incarcerate everyone who had a relative kidnapped and conscripted by the LTTE, everyone who came from the same village as an LTTE member, everyone from the same ethnic group as the LTTE, there will be a lot of people locked up for a long time.

And what about someone who was prepared to be loyal to the state, who hated and feared the oppression of the LTTE, and who is discovering that the state keeps them imprisoned in a smaller area, not in their own home, with inadequate food and medical care, in floods, behind barbed wire? How much will their love for the new Sri Lanka increase?

What sort of divided society will this build?

How will this lessen the very tensions that led to the creation of the LTTE in the first place?

By: Heshan Thu, 10 Sep 2009 05:45:39 +0000 Grim Hope,

It’s all common sense. If you have a set of laws, why judge two people differently? What good is the law if you do that… in fact, we can go all the way and ask the question, why bother making such laws in the first place? They do not protect the man on the street, they simply serve the interests of the ruling despot. The Tissa case is a beautiful illustration of all these issues. Unfortunately, as you pointed out, quite a few patriots miss the forest for the trees. They view the Tissa case in a vacuum; e.g. Tissa is guilty of abetting terrorists, therefore the verdict is just. The only evidence they can point to is largely circumstantial. As for precedent, I’ve shown how Mahindas much more provable (and similar) offenses went unpunished. The Tissa case is so full of irregularities the phrase “politically motivated” is simply begging for attention.

By: Grim Hope Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:34:13 +0000 @Heshan

I don’t think people get these ideas. They are stuck in their own world. They are full of “Ditti”. If you put their statements to a computer program which analyzes logic. 100% of the time they will contradict themselves.

What to do, this is what Buddha said in his teachings. This is the normal way but we are trying to go the right way. Buddha also said, no point in trying to change the world. Just change yourself!

By: Heshan Wed, 09 Sep 2009 05:00:16 +0000 “Heshan, ru saying MR bribed LTTE to get into power? That is rather stupid of LTTE when MR was campaigning on a platform to wipe out the LTTE.”

Of course one must blame the LTTE too… they helped bring MR to power, knowing that he would eventually declare war. Nevertheless, it is a fact that MR broke laws when he bribed the LTTE. The very same laws that sentenced Tissa to 20 years in prison! One of the charges brought against Tissa is that he was given money by the LTTE. The hypocrisy and double standards here are obvious, and that is what I’m condemning.

By: Nibras Bawa Tue, 08 Sep 2009 15:47:16 +0000 @ Mulli & President Bean,

Please see this link.

Happy ? 🙂

By: Observer Tue, 08 Sep 2009 11:15:30 +0000 Heshan, ru saying MR bribed LTTE to get into power? That is rather stupid of LTTE when MR was campaigning on a platform to wipe out the LTTE. Word out there is Prabakaran wanted MR to instigate ellam war 4 but hey…look what happened!

JR is the root cause of all the trouble we have. curse!
Premadasa was too socialist.
CBK was too corrupt.
Ranil is a spineless squid.
MR had the balls despite his other flaws.
end of the day no one is perfect.

By: Observer Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:34:26 +0000 one of the commenter’s here may have said flooding images were doctored. In fact without any geo-tagging and subsequent correlation, it’s hard to prove otherwise where it was taken. But the government never issued statement denying it completely? They said it wasn’t bad as it was said to be. Everyone knew Manik camp flooded and everyone acknowledged it. Doctored or not, it’s a fact!
But the Channel 4 news footage is entirely different story. That is vehemently denied and all technical analysis leans towards the fact that the video footage wasn’t obtained using a mobile device as first claimed. Add insult to injury there is not the faintest clue for a verification other than it was supplied by JDS or whatever it is. The ghost “exile” group of people.
BBC and Channel 4 has become a joke really. Channel 4 is like a cheap current affairs channel. BBC is infiltrated with LTTE supporters. So you can’t turn to either for authoritative journalism on Sri Lankan matters.

By: alladin Tue, 08 Sep 2009 04:14:01 +0000 NGO’s pay for locals, send them to ivy leage universities and get them masters and doc’s in things like “conflict management”/ journalism and then there locals have to tow the line…. welcome to other side of utopia…

By: Mulli Mon, 07 Sep 2009 21:09:32 +0000 Bawa Bawa!

Screening and weeding is mandatory is that wat u say? okay for how long pal? one year? six months or lifelong till a stable, illiterate, slavery generation is established? My family will also require a clearance and grma niladari my dear but the situation is not the same here. Are they(security officers) asking for identity cards and grama niladari certificates in IDP camps? no bawa keeping them in camps against their will. Will your family ask a domestic helper to be kept in a camp for some(how long) time against their will for screening purposes? This is violation of fundamental human rights.

Nothing can be understood until it comes to us. Just imagine a situation, you were forced to be with the Tigers as human shield or watever during the last days and you hope for a brighter future and finally crossover to the government side. There you are just in the same situation. Coming out from a devil’s mouth into another.

Be that as it may! Just tell me how long can you stay in a camp without freedom of movement? 3 days? a week? We are just creating another generation frustrated of our inhumane screening procedures which are slowly but steadily building the base of another terrorist outbreak. I m afraid!
and they came to Bawa! but no one was there to speak to me!
I m not a nationalist bro! think neutrally! think wat will be, how will it be only if that happens to me! how will i feel? wat was my mistake? then you can see the world with ‘eyes wide open’
