Comments on: Re-founding Sri Lanka: Reform and Renovation Journalism for Citizens Thu, 23 Jul 2009 03:32:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: CheeLanka Thu, 23 Jul 2009 03:32:10 +0000 Just as General Sarath Fonseka led the physical battlefront with strategy, grit and ultimate results, it was Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka led the verbal and cyber fronts with equally important and consequential strategy, grit and ultimate gains for the Sri Lankan state. We now know how Sri Lanka waged not one but two parallel wars, and few would argue that these two individuals were the mighty generals who provided frontline leadership, rallying around the support of so many others.

Is the Sri Lankan state – or at least the ruling oligarchy – one bit grateful to either of these war-winning generals? NO! In less than 3 months since the official end of the war, both men have been sidelined while politicians are clamouring to share the credit of winning the war.

Is this coincidence? Methink not. This is the march of mediocrity in Sri Lanka’s polity and policy circles where talent, resolve and accomplishment ultimately become millstones around the necks of the rare few men and women who possess these qualities.

It happened to Lakshman Kadirgamar too, years before he was killed by an assassin. And that is the ultimate fate that awaits other bright sparks like Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha who are still fighting a valiant battle in Europe for the ungrateful Sri Lankan state.

By: Grim Hope Wed, 22 Jul 2009 18:16:02 +0000 Seems like what I predicted in July 1st came true within 20 days….

Grim Hope said,

July 1, 2009 @ 5:29 am

I think in the near future, Dayan’s ideologies will also be betrayed by Maharajano and then we will see whether Dayan will keep his dignity and self respect or continue to talk shit like the rest of the Maharajano clan.

By: Grim Hope Wed, 01 Jul 2009 22:03:03 +0000 @ForATruelyIndependantSriLanka

Ok, I threw in that in there…but that’s the truth….only Rajapakse family members and close members are controlling the whole government. We ousted Bandaranayake and Wijewardena Wallawa, not it’s going to Rajapakse Wallawa…

Can you counter my fact?

By: Soosai Wed, 01 Jul 2009 18:15:27 +0000 “” I think in the near future, Dayan’s ideologies will also be betrayed by Maharajano and then we will see whether Dayan will keep his dignity and self respect or continue to talk shit like the rest of the Maharajano clan “”

Don’t Worry. At that point, KP has $ 5.0 billion at his disposal to throw around as he wish.

By: Manushi Wed, 01 Jul 2009 18:03:34 +0000 Dayan,

Thanks for all your insightful articles.

Your articles always provide the necessary grounding for those of us in search of a balanced analysis for the current situation.

By: ForATruelyIndependantSriLanka Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:43:06 +0000 @ Grim Hope,

“Unless of course, Dayan finds some way to make a family connection to Rajapaksa company! Then who cares about ideologies….” – Was that last part really necessary?

By: Grim Hope Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:59:09 +0000 I completely agree with Raj. Maharajano is playing a game now just like he did before.

I think in the near future, Dayan’s ideologies will also be betrayed by Maharajano and then we will see whether Dayan will keep his dignity and self respect or continue to talk shit like the rest of the Maharajano clan.

Unless of course, Dayan finds some way to make a family connection to Rajapaksa company! 🙂 Then who cares about ideologies….

By: Berty Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:25:23 +0000 As Mervyn de Silva wrote “in the age of identity, ethnicity walks on water”.

Dayan has contradicted his own argument.

For Sinhala people, Ethnic lines are not important to keep.

But, for Tamil people, it is ethnicity that determines everything.

Some Sinhala people like the 13th Amendment because there is no other choice offered to them by Tamils or people supporting Tamils..

IT is not the 70 million Tamils factor what is important. Sri Lanka is a small country that can be easily bullied. Sri Lankan Leaders are ready to accept it.

If it is the Indian Tamil factor, Pakistan and Bangladesh have more relevance than Sri Lanka..

See how the MYANMAR is resisting the west. Why, Sri Lanka can not do. You may laugh at me.

By: The Underdog Tue, 30 Jun 2009 19:43:27 +0000 Thank you for the most cogent argument ever in favour of implementing the 13th. I agree with Dayan John, you MUST present this article in Sinhala.

I have watched the crowning of a new King and the bestowing of titles on him by the Buddhist clergy with the hope that it will strengthen the President’s hand and emasculate the JHU and JVP sufficiently for him to implement the 13th. He will be called a desha-drohi if/when he does this and it will be a far greater test of his political wiles than what he mustered to defeat the Tigers. Let’s be clear though: full implementation means police powers too must be devolved. Dayan, does our President really support this? And if he does, do you think he has accumulated enough political capital to do it?
I wish you and the government luck in implementing the 13th. I think you may need it.

By: Hari Narendran Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:29:48 +0000 Lal,

The issue as I see it in Sri Lanka has been a central government that is power crazy and not responsive to the needs of all its citizens, never mind its atrocious record when it comes to minority rights. The bureaucracy, the police, a large segment of the judiciary have all been politicized and perverted to serve the interests of the ruling party instead of the citizenry.

The case for devolution is thus not one based on ethnicity but one based on making government more representative, responsive and accountable to the diverse range of needs in the country. Any devolution of powers should be applied to all the provinces and not just the north east.
