Comments on: Enigma of Prabhakaran and the Tamil Tigers Journalism for Citizens Sat, 27 Jun 2009 06:18:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: deshapria Sat, 27 Jun 2009 06:18:48 +0000 They lived with Prabakaran and cheered, and cheered when this mass murderer had an ‘achievement’ by killing innocent civilians in the south, so let them suffer a bit longer…

The SL government and the SL people give what they can, and send the children to school, not as this mass murderer of Tamil schoolchildren, garland them with a cyanide capsule! When are we catching that Australian child murderer Aunty of New Malden, Surrey?

By: Mohanasundara Thu, 25 Jun 2009 23:18:39 +0000 Hats off Sarva, another surperb article. There is no denying that LTTE was decaying the Tamil community internally and leading them to self destruction and they almost acheived it. It is going to take a while for the Tamils to wake upto the reality ( of what LTTE has done to them) In the meantime people like Sarva should keep on writng about the atrocities committed by the LTTE towards the Tamils.

By: nandasena Sat, 20 Jun 2009 05:24:48 +0000 Sri Lanka has been doing it “their way” for the last 61 years. The result is that about 200,000 deaths of both Tamils and sinhalese and destruction of the whole northern and Eastern province!! Three generations of Tamils maimed, and will carry the scars and humiliation for the rest of their lives. Poor Sinhalese people lost their lives to fight the dirty war. Some of them don’t even know whether their sons are living or dead!! 300,000 thousand made to live in barbed wire camps, without proper food or medicine or family unification. Several thousand Tamils living in refugee camps or with relatives in order to make room for the High Security zones. Children made orphans, wives made widows. How long they have to wait for justice!! President and his family goes “world tours” with family and friends and entourage on tax payers money. Presidents’ children are exempted from basic qualifications to do higher studies, and given scholarships on tax payers money while the poor children who burnt the midnight’s oil are denied entry!! Every Tamil is a suspect. They can be killed no questions asked. Parents will be compelled to sign a statement saying that their son is member of LTTE and that ends all obligations of justice for the victim.
How long can this go on!! I suppose as long as the oppressors want to remain in power to make illegal money!! Until then citizens have to grin and bear!!

By: bellepepper02 Fri, 19 Jun 2009 14:29:26 +0000 aloka,
Sri Lanka doing it their way? That’s really funny. For 25 years, their stupid army only knew how to kill, assault and rape civilians. They couldn’t fight a small terrorist force. Now suddenly they’ve won the war due to arms and services provided by India, Pakistan and China. But of course anyone familiar with the Rajapakse regime wasn’t surprised when they started singing about their soveriegnty and pretending they had done it their way. That kind of dishonesty-that is truly Sri Lanka’s way.

Ask China about Sri Lanka’s soveriegnty.

By: ordinary lankan Fri, 19 Jun 2009 14:00:59 +0000 The writer’s race is incidental to me. He has objectivity – and most importantly he has metta for all who have suffered. This is the beginning of nation building – a painfully long and laborious process we may not live to see through to the end. Without goodwill, without detached judgement and openness we cannot run this long course. Ther is much to comment about and many opinions to tender. More than all that we need LOVE – we need compassion, a passion for all and not some. This is the way forward.
So my fellow lankans start feeling and stop thinking. Your thoughts led to a war and may probably lead to another. So stop your thoughts and give silence and the heart the moment it has waited for …

By: aloka Fri, 19 Jun 2009 09:54:38 +0000 belle
like you said “our : government is actually the IDP’s governemnt also. they were naughty in believeing people like you and thinking they can be a seperate state. maybe not all of them but most of them, or some of them. hence now that ‘Our” government beat the shit out of the sepratist dream, we need to fidn the perp’s who still support the idea so it doesnt come to haunt us again.
so wait in line, till we do this our way.

By: Belle Fri, 19 Jun 2009 05:04:06 +0000 Cinthana, You said that Tamil people in the diaspora should stop shouting genocide and instead come over and see for themselves what is happening. I did not realise that people of the Tamil diaspora (or anyone one else) could fly in and freely see what is happening in the IDP camps. Isn’t that the problem? The diaspora want information, many want to know where their family members are, whether they are dead or alive. But they haven’t been able to find out anything because your government and army won’t let them. If nothing is happening in the camps, why does your government insist on so much secrecy?

By: Belle Fri, 19 Jun 2009 04:57:39 +0000 Manushi,
I think you should start with getting humanitarian assistance for the Tamils in the IDP camps. The most urgent issue now is saving Tamil lives caught in the camps. I apologise for forever getting into us/them binaries, but there are no Sinhalese in these camps, are there? Excuse me my simple-mindedness, but in the end, the loss of life, and the saving of these lives is an extremely simple matter, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how the Tamils in the camps identify–whether it is by nation, religion, ethnic group, age or gender, or whether they hardly feel human anymore–the fact is that their lives and their basic human rights of the freedom of movement are under threat.

Also, by the way, democracy is the only way you can eradicate poverty. Democracy is about guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities and ethical distribution of the nation’s wealth.

By: groundviews Fri, 19 Jun 2009 02:47:38 +0000 @ chinthana All content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License. Please feel free to share with attribution to Groundviews.

By: chinthana Fri, 19 Jun 2009 02:44:37 +0000 Please encourage other moderates to speak up. wake up from a 30 year nightmare and desist thoroughly the forming of other institutions of pro-terrorism in the Tamil Diaspora, who seem to so disconnected to Sri Lanka, and believing all this rubbish that the tamilnet etc put out. Its so sad to see the second, third generation kids shouting ‘genocide’… why dont they come over and see for themselves?
anyway, as a Sinhalese with many close Tamil friends, I thank you for writing an unbiased rational article. May this be the first of many.
Are we allowed to copy and print your article?
