Comments on: Bob Rae, The Sunday Times and Wikipedia Journalism for Citizens Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:21:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:21:30 +0000 “The manner in which Bob Rae, a former Prime Minister of Ontario, was denied entry and deported after being issued a visa by the Sri Lanka High Commission (with clearance from Colombo) was both clumsy and disgraceful. It was ridiculous to refer to him as a threat to our national security. Rae has been to Sri Lanka several times in the past and has been a strong supporter of democracy and human rights. Only last year he wrote in a Canadian newspaper referring to the LTTE as “a merciless armed group … engaged in brutal attacks against civilians as well as assassinations of their opponents.” The UTHR (J) in a report issued last week referred to Bob Rae as having chaired a Human Rights Watch meeting in December 2004 in Toronto launching a report looking into the LTTE’s recruitment of children. “It was his commitment to Tamil children that led him to take a strong stand on the child soldier issue even as pro-LTTE activists attempted to disrupt the meeting.”

To justify the action in denying entry to Rae, pro-establishment journalists and other apologists have tried to portray him as a supporter of the LTTE without an iota of evidence. The standards of integrity of some journalists with a political agenda have been exposed in the Groundviews web blog, A senior journalist writing a political column in another Sunday newspaper tries to make out that Rae was an LTTE supporter and refers to the following sentence in his biographical details allegedly published in the online Wikipedia encyclopedia: “(Rae) is known as a supporter of the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), and has supported openly for a separate State for the Tamils in Sri Lanka by dividing the island into two” But Groundviews’ investigation has revealed that Bob Rae’s profile was first entered to Wikipedia on 23 June 2003. This particular sentence (in line with the defence establishment’s reasons for refusal of entry) first appeared on Rae’s profile on Wikipedia on 11th June and was up there for less than 12 hours. The edit with this controversial sentence was made by an anonymous contributor at 6.31 hrs on 11 June and by 17.12hrs, it had been taken out.

Is it merely a curious coincidence that the journalist has ignored Rae profile that has appeared in Wikipedia for seven years and chosen to quote a sentence that was inserted by an anonymous contributor and which was up for less than 12 hours? Surely, senior journalists need not be reminded of Scott’s well known dictum for journalists: ‘Comment is free but facts are sacred’. And journalists who publish ‘news’ received from tainted sources do so at the peril of their journalistic integrity.

Taken from The IDPs need to be treated just like other citizens, published in The Island, 20 June 2009

By: groundviews Sat, 20 Jun 2009 01:14:15 +0000 @Observer – you deserve to be a ST reader. The issue is not about awards – if in doubt, try to read and comprehend the original article and resulting comments.

If you have any concerns about the content here, given your prolific and verbose comments, I’m surprised you were silent about it without querying respective authors?

As for standards, if you looked around the site you may have encountered this. It appears that Migara / Sinha’s myopia is sadly contagious.

By: Observer Sat, 20 Jun 2009 01:09:29 +0000 Sanjana, it is a bit cheap to take a swipe at a competing news paper isn’t it? Direct conflict of interest no doubts.
As migara has said why don’t we just leave the masses to decide? After all it’s a democratic endorsement of the public isn’t it?
For instance we have our reasons for reading and commenting on ground views. And you do quite proudly boast the site stats no? No.1 citizen journalism, this award, that award, etc. etc. So what shame in migara stating his stats?

I have a lot of concern with majority of the “journalistic” articles published here with no references at all. Though I see it is getting better now, slightly. If you promote this blog as journalistic type then please the codes of ethics and standards that applies to journalism applies to this blog too. But we don’t even see a Wiki reference in most of the articles! Some articles, you just have to wonder how it got through an editor.

I’m not trying to say this blog is bad, all I’m saying is all of you’re paddling in the same boat. Trying to find moral high ground is just ……. Please don’t censor this. Thanks.

By: blashpemous Fri, 19 Jun 2009 05:06:30 +0000 Great comment, there.

The ST Editor’s comments are amusing indeed. I have more readers –> my stuff is always better –> I am not subject to criticism from people with less readers. Then replace “readers” with “awards” and repeat. As he says, the “proof” exists because “people vote with their wallets”.

This argument might hold if journalism isn’t also a business, if people aren’t creatures of habit, and if the target audience only subscribes to one newspaper. I read all of the SL papers, myself. But I read them online, of course — a fool and his money are soon parted.

SL journalism has already witnessed a sharp decline in quality that compounds the more obvious threat to Southern journalists (which has been happening to Tamil journalists for quite some years before, but as Lasantha alluded to, then they were through eliminating Tamils and came for him). But I think the elephant in the room for many is that this issue of SL journalism stems from the deterioration of all institutions in SL. The impunity afforded, the wrecked institutions ignored are the allowances that were given to the govt. by the SL populace when they voted the Pres.’s administration in and supported the Final War policies. We have to own this situation, too, to own our faults before we can reclaim our agency and correct those faults, if we are to effect lasting change.

By: Gini Appu Fri, 19 Jun 2009 01:14:22 +0000 Some of our politicians (Mahinda, et. al.) play the ethnic drums, even though they are only opportunists and not racists…

Some of our journalists (Sinha, Gamini, are racists at heart and yet they are desperate for the acceptance of those who are not…

Funny how they (Politicians & Journalists) sell their souls from opposite ends of the divide and yet they are so much alike.

By: nandasena Thu, 18 Jun 2009 18:00:55 +0000 Harry .J, wants the Canadian dolalrs, but not their visit!! What is the security risk he was posing, was he carrying a Gun or Bomb? This is like give us money, but don’t talk. Do not think others are fools. The whole world know that Sri lanka is hiding GENOCIDE!!! No amount of white washing will wash Mahinda Rajapakse and his clan’s sins away!! Sri Lanka ceased to be a democracy long ago. It got worse and worse every day!!

By: Dilkusha Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:50:50 +0000 I read this post with interest and am glad that there are journalist who adhere to and value the highest standards in journalism. My daughter is in the middle of her undergraduate studies and I recall her mentioning that “wikepedia” is not a valid or permitted source to be quoted when handing in her assignments. I am sure many of us go on “wikepedia” extensively but since it is an open source, verifying the content via other journals or documents is the responsibility of the writer if the writer can’t substantiate the facts on “wiki” the article does indeed appear weak and false.

By: groundviews Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:46:00 +0000 @ blashpemous

My response to the post on Voices in Exile you point to, still awaiting moderation, was as follows:


Thanks for this super follow up. I stand corrected on the issue of using Wikipedia as a source in Sunday articles. The two excellent AJR articles I point to in the piece on Groundviews clearly note the potential and pitfalls of using Wikipedia in particular and web based sources in general.

The examples you point to above are very revealing! I’m happy to engage in conversation on how best online sources can be referenced, or whether they can be at all. The point I was trying to make is that whereas Groundviews, for example, points to Wikipedia references through the Apture plugin and direct hyperlinks, at no point has an allegation as serious as the one made against Rae by the Sunday Times being based on a Wikipedia article alone.

When bad journalism marries contentious web sources, the result is a product that through ignorance or malevolence misdirects and misinforms the public. While on the one hand this is a strong case for strengthening media literacy, it is also a strong case to urgently develop capacities of senior journalists and Editors to more fruitfully leverage the web and Internet in support of independent and professional reporting.

By: blashpemous Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:43:03 +0000 The relevant excerpt from the link I posted above (minus the hyperlinking):

We all use it, even Groundviews. Actually, so do The Island, the Sunday Observer, and The Sunday Leader. But you know, I’m actually glad that they cite their sources. This shows that they have some journalistic integrity, if that’s any consolation. I mean, it could be worse. In fact, all of these traditional print Sri Lankan newspapers use Wikipedia and cite it as a source when they do. How odd! Now there is a story worth investigating…

I don’t know why this whole discussion has become a back-and-forth between Sanjana and Sunday Times supporters, only. It’s now endemic of all Sri Lankan journalism. According to the website, even award-winning Iqbal Athas used it. I’m sure Wikipedia is just the most obvious manifestation of a more fundamental issue here.

So….. we’re all in this together. What do we say?

By: Realist Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:36:54 +0000 What high standards has the ST indulged in – rubbish. Our newspapers have been called the ‘kept press’ very appropriately. They have not practised fair and objective reporting but have been subservient to the government for fear of their lives perhaps. But then to talk of high standards is utter hypocrisy. They indulge in self censorship and do not report facts objectively for public enlightenment as is so vital in a democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties should strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. The Sunday Leader alone fearlessly exposed the graft and hypocrisy of the rulers and poor Lasantha paid the supreme price. No wonder that paper has won international awards. The Groundviews also has been filling a role publishing more objectively what is the truth instead of sucking up to the government -the President and the Ministers. It has published articles which would never be published by the likes of the Sunday Times. So to fault the Groundviews editor and say he is in a conflcit of interest situation and his assessments should be rejected is utter nonsense. I suggest the ST adopt the standards of the Groundviews- publish whatever the public needs to know even if it will displease the powers that be. Selective reporting (spiking, double standards) are very common among our newspapers.
