Comments on: The bear and my potato farm Journalism for Citizens Fri, 26 Jun 2009 11:42:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laksundara Mon, 15 Jun 2009 09:06:20 +0000 How about this?

Bear = all conflict/disagreements etc…
Daughter = The future Generations who see nothing but conflict, and tries to do the easiest thing
Narrator = The land and the people who have lost many things…

By: Humanist Sun, 14 Jun 2009 07:28:05 +0000 Wrong animal/human metaphor. What we have in Sri Lanka are not bears or potatoe farmers but frogs who live in one kulam or wewa but think that they are living in little wells of their own.

By: Heshan Sat, 13 Jun 2009 02:47:26 +0000 Luckily neither party had nuclear weapons.

By: Sophist Fri, 12 Jun 2009 08:15:26 +0000 The fact that you can’t tell who is who….is the point exactly!

By: Sinhala_Voice Fri, 12 Jun 2009 06:00:24 +0000 Perhaps you should have moved to a place where there are NO bears to disturb your potatoe farm.

Of course, we can not compare Bears and Human conflict to Human vs Human conflict.

I guess in your story Bear = Sinhala-Buddhists
Potatoe Farmer = Tamil Separatists Militia

By: Push Fri, 12 Jun 2009 02:20:57 +0000 From the whole story it’s evident who the striped kind is. But the question is whether the ground reality of the actual circumstances of the episode is presented candidly.

By: Manushi Thu, 11 Jun 2009 18:00:07 +0000 Whoa…the Bear is thoroughly essentialized; but, shucks darn it, it seems the Bear was acting in self-defense. Give the poor Bear a break, will ya !

Too bad the narrator’s daughter never wanted to give up stripes. I think we can all agree that polka dots suited her much better.

My parents never threw rocks either at potato farmers or at Bears. They told me that the land belonged to us all. They were right !

By: Swarna Rajagopalan Thu, 11 Jun 2009 07:52:08 +0000 I read the story and the comments. As I read the story, I wasn’t sure who was represented by the Bear and who was represented by the narrator. It seems to me that this could be a story told by any party to any conflict and it would have different meanings for each. Everyone has been betrayed in some way and everyone has lost…something, someone.

By: KT Thu, 11 Jun 2009 06:22:27 +0000 tis a good story, and i see what the write is talking about. it does, however only recounts part of the story.

let me fill in the missing part.

“Once in a while, the bear would come down the mountain, smash up part of my plantation and eat some of my potatoes. The monotonic increase in the frequency of bear attacks made me live in constant fear. What do I do?

[insert here #1]

My little daughter said she had a solution. She collected a handful of little stones and was going to throw them at the bear. “That will teach him a lesson”, she said, “He will then leave us alone”.”

text to insert #1

I asked the bear to stop attacking me , i pleaded with it, i begged. The bear paid no heed. My people were mauled, many lost lives, limbs and livelihoods. My daughter lost her siblings, i lost my my children. many of us became destitute.

even then i did not attack it, i got together with my neighbors and protested peacefully, beseeching the bear to listen to us. we said, “we are willing to live with you. there is ample land, there are ample crops, don’t gang up on us. we worked hard , don’t steal the fruits of our hard labor from us” . the bear did not listen, it beat me up,along with those who took part in those peaceful protests.

even then we did not give up, we tried this for THIRTY YEARS. the bear attacks only grew more and more violent as time went by, we lost more and more .The bear was arrogant, it thought that we were cowards for protesting peacefully, for staging non-violent satyagrahas. the more were beseeched it, the more emboldened it became.

my daughter kept on asking “daddy, why are the attacks growing worse and worse, even when we do nothing against it? “. I told her ” daughter, violence is the last resort, we should exhaust every other avenue before going down that path, because once we walk down that path we will be no different from that horrible bear”. My poor little daughter believed me. as the bear attacks grew more frequent over the years she did raise the same question; again and again. every time i gave the same answer, “lets try a little more..lets try a little more” .
alas, the bear’s kith and kin never listened to my pleas, even if they did, they did not do anything about it. they were content to sit back and watch

even as i rocked my daughter’s trembling body to sleep every night, wiping away her tears; i kept on making the same excuse to myself…hoping that one day the bears would see reason,that one day we can live without worrying if we would live to see the next day. That day never came.

one day; with our farm burning behind us; thanks to yet another bear attack, my daughter told me. ” Daddy, you are wrong. I waited and waited, believing your word for THIRTY Years, to what avail? ”

^^^ inserting that bracketed text block between those two paragraphs would put this good story in perspective. after all, we should not leave the crucial part of the story out now should we?

By: Zoro Thu, 11 Jun 2009 05:05:00 +0000 What the father wanted to say was not “I told you so…” Never. He wanted to say “I love you”. “You are right or wrong, you are my daughter and I love you” And also the Bear doesn’t stop at that, YOU CANNOT TWIST THE HISTORY, YOU CANNOT TWIST THE TRUTH how far you tried! Wait and see, Bear will never cease, and the potato farm may not come up again at all… It’s your fate, your price for your cowardness.
