Comments on: Fighting the PR War Journalism for Citizens Sat, 27 Jun 2009 06:32:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: deshapria Sat, 27 Jun 2009 06:32:20 +0000 Its time to help Sri Lanka, and that help should come from the Patriots, not the changed tiger stripes foreign Tamils. Some quite naturally attack Rukmanan, for he has a Tamil name and he speaks what he thinks as correct and not going along with the LTTE remnants.
One thing is supporting the mass murderer Prabakaran, the other thing is funding the destruction of the economy of Sri Lanka by most of the foreign Tamils, and they should not come back, for the Tamils in Sri Lanka don’t want them!

If I ever see any Tamil in Sri Lanka with a Canadian, British, Australian, etc accent, I’m going to ask directly, whether he/she funded the LTTE or not! I have known Tamils in Canada, who refused to fund this murderous LTTE!

By: Heshan Thu, 18 Jun 2009 18:25:14 +0000 Here is a scene at a Sri Lankan refugee camp:

I would mention that the Japanese went on trains to the “internment” camps. Here you can see them getting off the train. At least two people are easily seen to be smiling.

As far as comparisons go, I think the point has been sufficiently made.

By: Heshan Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:49:26 +0000 Here is a picture of former US President Roosevelt visiting a Japanese Internment Camp with his wife.


Now, let’s see Rajapakse visit an internment camp. Does he have the guts to face the IDP’s face-to-face? I think not.

By: Heshan Tue, 16 Jun 2009 17:44:33 +0000 In 1988, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed legislation which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government. The legislation stated that government actions were based on “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership”.[10] About $1.6 billion in reparations were later disbursed by the U.S. government to surviving internees and their heirs.[11]

Basically, the US Government apologized for camps set up in the 1930’s, where no one disappeared, starved, tortured, or was killed…….. why did it apologize… to tell the world that such camps would never be set up again. Of course, you say, the apology does not justify the existence of the camps themselves… that is correct, but the point is that the US Government would never set up such camps again, certainly not in the year 2009. So Sri Lankan racists should not use mistakes made in the 1930s to justify their own fallacies in the Millenium.

By: Heshan Tue, 16 Jun 2009 17:31:02 +0000 “In case you didn’t notice an overwhelming majority of Sinhala Catholics voted for this government too.”

I doubt the accuracy of that statement. The largest Government voter-base is the rural South which is overwhelmingly Sinhala-Buddhist. Apart from the rural South, the UNP has a significant following in Colombo and up-country areas.

Let me repost the statistics again:

Government: 99.9% Sinhala Buddhist

Military: 99.9% Sinhala-Buddhist

Police: 99.9% Sinhala-Buddhist

So the Sinhala-Buddhists should definitely take prime responsibility for the pathetic state of Lankan affairs. After all, every President since Independence has been a Govigama Sinhala-Buddhist from the South. Just about every President has come to power promising to crush Tamil political aspirations with an iron first. Similarly, the Buddhist monks (Sangha) have been used as a tool by the same Government to rouse up the masses. The only non-Buddhist VIP Sinhala racist who did any damage is Cyril Matthew, and that was limited to a few statements.

“First, these people were piss poor and forced to march onto the Beaches like the Bataan March by the Tamil Tigers.”

These people were living perfectly normal lives in areas under Tamil Tiger control until Rajapakse decided to engage upon his total war using 260,000 soldiers and the weapons and blood money supplied by rogue countries.

“Their conditions were always bad just like that of the southern Sinhala JVP people’s lives. So there are bad conditions in the camps.”

What kind of perverse logic is that? Do Southern Sinhalese people have to wait 10 minutes in line to use the bathroom? Are Southern Sinhalese stuck behind barbed wire indefinitely ? Are Southern Sinhalese families separated from camp to camp?

“Sadly there has to be restrictions to filter out the Tigers.”

Do you mean restrictions like allowing EPRFL, PLOTE, and other paramilitary groups to torture random individuals at will? Do you mean restrictions like keeping old grandmothers and 10 year children waiting in long lines for a slice of bread? Do explain how such restrictions help to “filter out the Tigers.”

“It will take time to process them..”

You mean it will take time to kill off and torture a significant percentage of the youth population to prevent any major reformation of the LTTE… to colonize the Tamil lands with Gal-Oya type schemes… to cover up the massacre of the 20,000 who surrendered after the “Final Battle.” Of course, the longer this takes the better, because it will provide maximum opportunity to obtain aid money from naive Western charities. Aid money that can then be siphoned off to the personal bank accounts of Government ministers, just like during the Tsunami.

“But at least there are no bombs falling on them..”

You mean bombs from the same Government forces that are now in charge of the camps?

“Afterall, Christian US rounded up all its Japanese citizens without any cause during WW-II”

The camps were not run by the military, they were run by CIVILIAN agencies and the Border Patrol. The target was first-generation Japanese. There were also some camps for Italians and Germans. Families were not separated while at these camps. Detainees were free to often move around OUTSIDE the camps. The US Supreme Court declared the camps illegal before the war ended… the camps were CLOSED before the war ended. The US Government later APOLOGIZED for the camps, admitting they were a MISTAKE. All of these camps were funded by the USA alone. On the other hand, the Sri Lankan Government set up its camps AFTER the war, using FOREIGN money. It has given the military total control over these camps. Anyone can see the difference between these camps and the ones set up by the Americans.

By: NavRat Tue, 16 Jun 2009 13:59:48 +0000 Internationally accepted you say? I better shut up then.

What was that last thing about fully analysed data?

By: Halitosis Tue, 16 Jun 2009 13:36:40 +0000 Holocaust camps and refugee camps ? looks like someone swallowed the Tiger Diaspora Kool-Aid again.. Absurd. First, these people were piss poor and forced to march onto the Beaches like the Bataan March by the Tamil Tigers. Their conditions were always bad just like that of the southern Sinhala JVP people’s lives. So there are bad conditions in the camps. Yes but only a racist will try to equate these camps to Nazi Camps. Sadly there has to be restrictions to filter out the Tigers. Perhaps the government is overwhelmed. But at least there are no bombs falling on them.. It will take time to process them.. Afterall, Christian US rounded up all its Japanese citizens without any cause during WW-II and here we have a fight against the best, toughest, most motivated terrorist rebel force and you expect the government to roll over because a few people say so? It will take time. Be patient. It has only been a few weeks since the battle ended.

By: Halitosis Tue, 16 Jun 2009 13:32:42 +0000 In case you didn’t notice an overwhelming majority of Sinhala Catholics voted for this government too. This thrust is once again an attack on Buddhists it seems. Rather queer that policy of a regime is discussed without any/zip/nada/zilch discussion of how the Tigers(including their catholic terrorists) started this shit by reneging on 3 peace accords. And then they thought they had the international community on their side.. After the Mumbai attacks India was compelled to ignore these mad idiots led by a fascist thug megalomaniac. Queer Queer Queer how the genesis of the end of Tigers is ignored in all the discussions condemning the government which had to do what it had to do to fight the war to its cruel end.. No one is under any illusion that winning the military aspect means end of the real war; winning the peace as Dayan Jayatilleke said will mean at least the 13th Amendment. I was in Colombo and I didn’t see any Buddhist flags at celebrations. I saw a lot of ordinary Catholics in Little Negombo also celebrating the end of fear of bombs and suicide terrorists.

Where you kids when the JVP was wiped out? Did you write poems and blogs crying the demise of the JVP who were wiped out using any and all means necessary including taking Wijeweera to Kanatte and executing him ? sheesh boys…and gals.. this is oh so typical sophomoric lamenting devoid of reality and hard facts of war.

Show me a war fought by Christians that was “humane” . Please note the US is still covering up evidence of systemic torture. Jayaweywa

By: davidson panabokke Tue, 16 Jun 2009 09:18:01 +0000 Ohhh, we’ve just heard a Tamil fisherman was shot by the Sri Lankan Navy and is hospitalised.

Chandrika told the world she had lifted economic embargo on the North but the occupying army didn’t. Ranil thundered on the election platformin 2001 that the first appoitments would be teachers for the Northeast schools. Did he manage to convince the bureaucracy?

It’s an internationally accepted fact that intrastate conflicts are very very very vicious and needs third party intervention.

Folks, let’s stop kidding ourselves. Let’s base out action on fully analysed data and conclusions. We can’e go on any more like this.

First things first please.

By: NavRat Tue, 16 Jun 2009 05:27:04 +0000 And for what its worth the fishing restrictions for the entire Eastern Province were apparently lifted yesterday.
