Comments on: Let’s just be Sri Lankan men! Journalism for Citizens Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:39:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dent Sun, 14 Jun 2009 23:26:17 +0000 Well done.. shamster… Brilliant.

yours truly.
ex-colleagues from Clements road.

By: niranjan Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:21:28 +0000 Shamindrini,

Yours was an interesting article. But I feel that Sinhala Tamil unity can only come with the wider use of the English language between the comunities. Language can bridge the divide. That is one important reason why during the colonial era we had no ethnic divisions. The rot started after 1956. It will take us a long time to improve English standards in this country, but at least an effort is been made by this Government to train English teachers in India. I guess that is the best option available. Indian politicians did not give up English the way we did.


By: Dino Wed, 03 Jun 2009 20:18:48 +0000 Well Shamindrini, I think THIS IS THE BEST ARTICLE EVER PUBLISHED in this whole pre and post Sri Lankan War era. I love your article and it is the best.

I hope your dream would come true and there would be a day that we as Sri Lankans see ourselves based on what we do in our life and based on what we make of our life rather than dwelling on where we were born and to which race we were born to.

May my country be blessed to have more people like you who genuinely hope that Sri Lanka would truly be a better place someday in future. Best wishes!

By: limat Wed, 03 Jun 2009 09:20:24 +0000 well shamindrini ,

unfortunately the bloggers, the thinker, the commenter, the writers are all ” arm chair operationalists” either in the comfy of their sofas or in cooler climes in the west/UK/Canda….

I went to a Post office in Colombo to obtain a Postal IC for my nephew and was “ordered” by the post peon (mind it not the post master- he was a silent observer making him an accomplice) to state in the application form that my nephew is not “Sri Lankan” but a “Sri Lankan Tamil” . My arguments (which lasted a few minutes only- (a gang may stone my house or worse can be taken to the police for quarreling with a person from the majority race who has defeated terrorism-it has happened more than once to my friends ) was futile. He (the peon) said if i do not indicate as he says i will not be able to have a Postal IC. At last “succumbed to my injury”- his ID carries the Nationality as “Sri Lankan Tamil” ( easy for the police or the armed forces to identify)
All what i want to say is the power to create a change does not lie with you people who are blogging and thinking and writing, commenting, instead it lies with people who want to see the last Tamil out of Sri Lanka. So any amount writing, blogging , commenting ……..nothing will bring about a change including the so called instantly famous epistle by some one who calls himself a Tamil but has presumably not undergone any of the humiliation, suffering, torment, trauma, dilemma…….. of an Ordinary tamil in Sri Lanka

By: Kshama Wed, 03 Jun 2009 01:05:53 +0000 Obviously Asanke, by either not discussing the issue with his Tamil friends or sticking with those who have no moderate views is unable to think differently. And that has been part of the tragedy of our country- not reaching out and understanding each others grievences and pain.
If we had done that and stuck together, politicians would never have been able to abuse our collective rights.
There are several, who, at the cost of being named traitors have worked with both ethnicities to bridge the gap.
Only a bigot thinks he or his ethnicity/religious belief etc is better than the other’s.

By: ILovKottu Tue, 02 Jun 2009 22:34:40 +0000 Ziggyash, yes I understand your concerns as well. I’m Sinhalese and I do not hate Tamils. But I think a separate state for Tamils in Sri Lanka is purely unrealistic. Its like trying to divide a pea in half. Not only did Tamils suffer at the hands of corrupt gov’t (lead by Sri lankan rednecks, YES even Sri lanka have red necks too) sinhalese people did so too. LTTE only made it worse.

By: Karu Tue, 02 Jun 2009 22:25:11 +0000 Shamindrini wrote: “It also needs to be sincere in its commitment to a lasting peace and the ‘no more minorities’ concept.

Sorry this idea of “no more minorities” concept is flawed from the get go. If we are sincere about peace, we need to encourage people to flaunt their ethnic identity and at the same time teach each other to be tolerant and celebrate the diversity.

On the long run, you will never suppress the persons born identity. That’s Tamil, Sinhalese, Burgher or some combination of a few of these. Sri Lankan is a nationality, and for people to be proud of that, they need to be accepted FIRST as who they are. They should feel, that being a Sri Lankan is a positive experience where you are at home, and where you are treated with fairness and the system offers opportunities to progress without giving up your identity. Many Tamils, especially the non-Colombo types don’t feel welcome, due to many historic reasons. And most Sinhalese and some Tamils, specially the Colombo types don’t simply get this.

It sounds complicated, but there are plenty of examples where this is being practiced very well. Singapore, USA, Canada, are some examples. In any of these countries, a Tamil for example doesn’t feel that the system is stacked against them, and they get a fair deal, where they can be as Tamil as they want to be in their social and cultural life and still live a normal productive life. They are happy to contribute to the economy, and are proud to attach the national identity to their ethnic identity. They proudly call them selves as Tamil-Canadian or Tamil-American or Tamil-Singaporean.

Unless and until structural changes are put in place to allow such a system, with protection to each ethnic group, we can’t move forward. A simple solution will be to create a highly decentralized federal system. Turn each province into a independent state with little control from Colombo. This will create healthy competition and diverse governance, that people will have a choice when it comes to where to live.

The Central government should be only involved in protecting individual rights and dealing with other nations. The states should have the right to collect taxes, make economic deals with anyone in the world, and they are fully responsible for their own economic and social system. We will have more unity with such a system, than a single power coming from Colombo.

We can’t move forward based on sentiments of good will and camaraderie and getting inspired by the cricket team. There has to be permanent safeguards, and a constitution that clearly outlines these guarantees. If the SL leadership can pull this off, Sri Lanka with it’s talented people will be an unstoppable force for good in the world.

By: Pal Stein Tue, 02 Jun 2009 21:51:56 +0000 Dear Ziggash
Shame you missed the wonderful sentiments of Sivananthan. Where are your ideas for building a common Sri Lankan identity? Lets not go on and on about what ‘we’ want as Tamils or Singhalese. What is it that ‘we’ want as Sri Lankans? We have to all work together to build the united nation free from poverty. Let Indian Tamil settlers better their lives in any part of Sri Lanka. Similarly, let Singhalese peasants ‘colonize’ an part of the north or east as long as it is for the betterment of the country.
“Tamils must get a realistic settlement” you say – which tamils? ones who live in the north, east, south or central SL; ones who are high or low caste; ones who are hindu or christian; ones who are english speaking or tamil speaking; ones who are working class or capitalist class?
Please drop the nationalism and lets build a better United Sri Lanka.

By: Ziggyash Tue, 02 Jun 2009 17:07:48 +0000 Well written article but would Sinhala chuvanism allow this to happen? Please wake up from your imaginary world. Tamils lost all their hope in Sinhala regime that started back in J.R Jeyawardene time. It is so wrong to expect tamils to live with Sinhalas after all these systematically staged genocide over the decades that is well supported by Buddist monks. A sinhala may speak moderate in the public eye but recent elections revealed the truth of Sinhala stand. We as Sri Lankans may celebrate this war victory and of course LTTE is militarily defeated but I am sure their struggle is defeated. As long as root causes are not addressed, this war will never be over. I understand your point Sivananthan because i am one of you and I know we are confused but we lost so much in this ethnic war. I really hope something realistic happens even after this and I am sure deep down we all believe Tamils struggle is legitimate. If we want a peace Sri Lanka, root causes must be addressed and Tamils must get a realistic settlements.

By: Lionajith Tue, 02 Jun 2009 16:37:09 +0000 It’s all about poverty. Whether a sinhalese, tamil, muslim, malay or a burgher. They all have a common thing in them that is poverty. Wealth is not shared equally. In other words, the gap betwwen the sinhalese, tamil, muslim, burgher rich and the poor is widening. This is the main reason for racism, indifferences etc. We should all get together as one nation. Yes! from now on lets call ourselves sri lankans and work towards a common goal. That is building this nation. We need not go abraod to work for other people. Western countries are prospering because our people are contributing towards it. Be proud to call yourself “sri lankan” whether your language, culture, religion is different.
