Comments on: Battleground Geneva: The Special Session of the HRC on Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Mon, 08 Jun 2009 13:13:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: chinthana Mon, 08 Jun 2009 13:13:45 +0000 i am amazed at these very naive comments by lots of people who seem to think that rescuing the civiliams is a true crime. Do you , in your innocence , really think that the civilians were there to lay down there life for a pink fat coward?

By: ForATruelyIndependantSriLanka Thu, 04 Jun 2009 08:31:47 +0000 To concerned Humanatarian,
I see your prejudice has clouded your reasoning. I never mentioned anything about the SL goverment. In fact I do not agree with everything the goverment does. But it doesnt mean i think everything that they do is criminal as well. (Which seem to be your view point)

I was referring to your comment on Lasantha Wickramatunaga’s work. ““The pillar of journalism in SL, Lasantha Wickramatunge” (to quote you)

Patriotism has very little to do with a goverment, its about taking pride in your country and doing your best to help it. (which is a concept that you seem unable to grasp)

I’m sorry i dont fit into your neatly boxed up groups. (racists, goverment kiss-asses, thugs, spineless ignorants). Maybe you can look at the world without judgement and prejudice, and then you can see the actual picture. (instead of what you force yourself to see)

By: Concerned Humanitarian Wed, 03 Jun 2009 15:27:23 +0000 ForATruelyIndependantSriLanka :

Today in SL there are only “yes” men who would swallow everything and in a slant would find no hesitation in heaping praises on the likes Dayan jayatilleka and patriotism. So, is killing innocent civilans in the thousands and herding them into internment camps part of that patriotism? To me, the likes of you seem to say so.

No, if the SL regime thinks and says an editor is a rogue, then he is a rogue, and the other patriots will have to agree. After all, that is patriotism, isn’t it? Never mind that he has been duly recognised by those who matter, if SL says he is a rogue, then that should be the gospel truth. By the way, how many of the cases of murdered journalists since this regime came to power have been solved? Ah yes, I need to have a certificate in journalism issued by the SL regime before you would recognise me as one. I should have known better.

By: ForATruelyIndependantSriLanka Wed, 03 Jun 2009 13:44:53 +0000 I’m disgusted by ppl like Heshan and Chamara. You have enough information to see both sides of a situation, where as you conciously make the effort to see/talk about one side. And then you talk down to other ppl who you think does not comply with your opinion.
If you’re going to preach about being biased, make the effort to atleast talk about both sides.
Atleast the author admits that’s its strictly his personal view. Unlike you, who wants to present “YOUR View” as a “FACT”.

To Chamara, “we all know that the Sri Lankan military is by any means far worse than the Tigers (or any other armed force/guerilla group for that matter)and have strictly no regard for ordinary people (especially Tamils). ” – Either you were in a coma for the last 30 yrs or sleeping under a rock maybe.
Even the FBI and INTERPOL puts them as the 2nd most wanted in the list.
Maybe you dont think its disregard of ordinary people when you send a human wearing a bomb to kill a bus full of civilians going home after work, or kill civilians at public places who are going about their everyday life. OR when you hold civilian shields to prevent the loss of life of thier precious terrorist fighters.
OR maybe you dont think ordinary sinhala/tamil ppl living in the western/southern districts of SL are not as worth as the lifes of the civilians/terrorists living in the warzone.
I’m glad you are in the absolute minority in thinking so.

To concerned Humanatarian, “The pillar of journalism in SL, Lasantha Wickramatunge” – I assume you either have no idea abt journalism or you do not knw his work.

Although i do not agree with everything that the author had written, I am in agreement with the sentiment of his writing.

We’re proud to stand on our feet as Sri Lankans without dancing to every tune played by the double standard adhering countries like US and the EU. (Why dont they lead by example by doing a war crime probe on afgenistan and Iraq)

For everyone who says we should allow the war crime probe proposed by US and the EU, of course we will, if its a rule that every country in that forum adheres to. We will simply not bow and take whatever is thrown at us becuase we’re a 3rd world country in need of financial need.

Also i think China and Russia and all those countries which opposed the idea, did it just becuase its brought up by US and the EU, and has nothing to do with how much they care about our country. But in this case “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” would definitely come in handy for keeping a striaght back and not bend everyway to the hypocritical regimes.

Finally, thank you Dr. Jayatilleka for your strong sense of patriotism. I’ll gladly assure that the majority of the Sri Lankans are in agreement with your sentiments. (Unless they were smhow benifiting or was planing on benifiting from the war)

By: Heshan Wed, 03 Jun 2009 06:36:56 +0000 Dayan J:

Surveying a bunch of brainwashed gullible voters who are happy to blame their unemployment and general state of misery on (1) Tamils and (2) The West… will not yield any significant results. Why? Because the responses are far too predictable… it’s like interviewing Hitler to gauge his opinion of Jews.

By: Idealist? Tue, 02 Jun 2009 16:58:28 +0000 Ermm… I did not doubt that China and India were the best liked… I just asked whether this choice was based on the public having access to a wide range of information or just hearing what a few people say about other countries…???

By: Concerned Humanitarian Tue, 02 Jun 2009 12:23:21 +0000 Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka:

Yesterday, another journalist was attacked in SL. The pillar of journalism in SL, Lasantha Wickramatunge, was brutally murdered for taking on a regime that bemoans dissent and fair comment. Today, the robotic nature of Sri Lankan generally, perhaps out of fear for a regime that has become famous for the “white van” diplomacy is obvious. Tell me Mr. Jayatilleka, how many of the cases involving the murdered journalists have been solved. Lasantha’s case has been “vigorously” investigated, only that the murderers jumped from the moon and having taken their target, jumped on a spaceship and shot off to the moon. Give it to Scotland Yard, and they can get the culprit in a matter of days.

Wherein you found the commonality between CBK and Premadasa, I wonder. You mean Premadasa’s “pact with the devil” so to speak, in packing off the IPKF and then both the convenient accomplices rained guns at each other.

As assumed that the battle is far from over with the vote-count at the UNHR, and it is abundantly clear that other avenues would be vigourously pursued and which can be as painful to a regime that has no regard for civilian lives. And I would hasten to add that the same ruler will be applied to measure the LTTE, too. In the shooting and bombing “contest”, it is the hapless civilians who paid a heavy price, all because the SL govt has an outpouring love to save them from the clutches of the LTTE. Am I naive here?

By: aadhavan Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:43:57 +0000 hahaha…this is hilarious. Rajiva Wijesinha and Palitha Kohona are left seething in the face of this wonderful bit of self-promotion. But poor Rajiva and Palitha can’t spill the beans now, can they? That the vote a the HRC was an inevitability given the composition and nature of the Council, and that not even a Bogollagama could have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:25:48 +0000 Heshan and idealist obviously do not read. The CPA commissioned a UK university to do a n extensive opinion survey on all aspects of the conflict. One of the questions was to do with countries that were trusted or liked. India and China were tops while the favourite countries of the Gv readers were almost at the bottom. Hence my use of the term reviled. Obviously these guys do not know that their foreign policy orientation is a throwback to that of sir John kotelawela at Bandung which earned him the nickname Bandung Booruwa, and contributed to SWRD’s victory. Heshan’s endorsement of Ranil proves my hypothesis about these types and their loyalties. Luckily , one more Presdential election and the UNP will get rid of this bunch of social parasites and return to its identity as the party of DS and Premadasa.. They can then join Mangala.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:19:29 +0000 Concerebed Humanitarian,
I would never place Chandrika and Ranil with only an oblique bar between them. There is no such continuum. CBK bravely fought the Tigers. She took Jaffna away from them in 1995 and did not give it back in 2000. She may have made errors and not forged ahead as MR did , to win, but she was no Ranil. CBK and Premadasa can be placed on a continuum, as regards the war. Ranil was an appeaser who never fought the Tigers.
