Comments on: An After Thought by an Inside Outsider Journalism for Citizens Wed, 03 Jun 2009 20:48:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: shanaka Wed, 03 Jun 2009 20:48:59 +0000 who is this John that you refer to? is he Long John from Kotahena,who had many Tamil friends ,who went to St.Benedict Collage and later got married to a Burger lady…?

By: Mitt Mon, 01 Jun 2009 05:42:21 +0000 To Pragmatist:
You base your conclusion from the highly reliable SL govt. spin reports? LOL

you said: “unless you saw things with your own eyes and are reporting from Sri Lanka” … Nobody was allowed to do that as the GOSL didn’t want anyone to see their dirty laundry. You must be such a gullible fool to repeat the GOSL propaganda as facts.

The UN event was such a farce only the dumb lankans will think it’s a serious act. Like in Ruwanda, there are many parties who don’t want to investigate, including the UN, so that their incompetence, and complacency doesn’t come to light. And some others, like India, Pakistan & China blocked it as they too have blood on their hands for the massacre of 20,000 Tamils.

By: Pragmatist Sun, 31 May 2009 19:50:12 +0000 To Mitt:
The “gulf between two races” that you refer to will remain wide only in your mind, stuck somewhere in mid 1980’s in a tamil refugee ghetto in Canada or Australia.
You are obviously out of touch with the vast majority of Tamil people who suffered greatly under the Tiger rule. Just read a few stories of Tamil citizens coming out of IDP camps. I suppose they have no say in this proxy war waged with funds from people like you, who blindly sent money to the Tiger killing machine, in the hope of creating an elitist kingdom for high caste hindus.

“Due to the GOSLs disregard for Tamil civillians..” – I suppose this solid opinion of yours is based on western media reports. unless you saw things with your own eyes and are reporting from Sri Lanka. Western nations and media have lost all credibility on this subject as cearly shown by the UN action last week. If that is your source of info then you must also not believe that more than 600,000 Iraqis were killed during the “Shock and Awe” US invasion.

By: Mitt Sat, 30 May 2009 08:07:23 +0000 Till our MONSTERS are brought to justice,
There will be no peace.
How can we trust our MONSTERS to treat us with fairness.

Migara said,
“Luckily people with this line of thinking are on a cause of fast extinction Most Tamils don’t think on these lines. ”

The events of the last 3 months and the acts of brutality by the GoSL has only created many many more Tamils who were pretty neutral, to this line of thinking. The peace now without accountability crowd is living in a fools world.

The gulf between the two races are wider today than ever before, due to the GOSLs disregard for Tamil civillians. If you think otherwise you haven’t met many Tamils.

By: R.Thyagarajan Sat, 30 May 2009 07:46:48 +0000 The Srilankan Govt. not only won the civil war but had won in battle with the countries that preffered UN taking it to war crime theatre. The very fact that there was outcry of genocide of civilians by Army indicate that wrong was done and only the magnitude of devastation did not invite UN intervention. Srilanka is a small nation, under developed that ccan change its style of functioning. For the present there is much to be done by the Govrnment to bring rule of law in devastated areas and bring about civilisation

By: punitham Sat, 30 May 2009 04:44:43 +0000 ”.. people with this line of thinking are on a cause of fast extinction, and Most Tamils don’t think on these lines… ”
Because there is a monstrous Prevention of Terrorism Act, Impunity for armed forces, unjust Justice System, Press censure, racism brewed by textbooks, billions of dollars’ worth of products of science and technology, UN gang of human rights violators, …..

By: Migara Sat, 30 May 2009 00:56:46 +0000 //Your MONSTERs, are our defenders.
Your defenders are our MONSTERS.

You have killed your Monster.
Who will destroy our monsters?

This is your time. You won our piece of land that doesn’t belong to you.
Our time will come. We will win our land of peace.

Till our MONSTERS our brought to justice,
There will be no peace.
How can we trust our MONSTERS to treat us with fairness.

Luckily people with this line of thinking are on a cause of fast extinction, and Most Tamils don’t think on these lines. Poor effort.

By: Mitt Fri, 29 May 2009 18:57:46 +0000 Your MONSTERs, are our defenders.
Your defenders are our MONSTERS.

You have killed your Monster.
Who will destroy our monsters?

This is your time. You won our piece of land that doesn’t belong to you.
Our time will come. We will win our land of peace.

Till our MONSTERS our brought to justice,
There will be no peace.
How can we trust our MONSTERS to treat us with fairness.

By: mzd Fri, 29 May 2009 14:46:30 +0000 Jealousy,hatred,greed,disrespect and selfishness of individuals who make up societies and nations comprised of more than one ethinic group have become a good breeding ground for opportunist politics which has no borders no cultures no religion and when there are lots of “nos” ,humanity has to run for cover.This is one angle, many miss to break their heads about, in the case of a
situation like ours in Srilanka.The bitter truth is, as it is always,all three major communities are at each other’s throat in their private life and coming out in public with a false humility most of the time and in most cases.Only if people can stop this,being dishonest to themslves, they will be able to look at each other with love ,respect and compassion.This is not an easy task in a developing country but has to be achieved and if not,developments will only be dreams.In very simple term, this can be translated as “equals”.
