Comments on: The Sinhala conquest of the Tamil nation Journalism for Citizens Mon, 08 Jun 2009 09:15:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: SLsameOg Mon, 08 Jun 2009 09:15:06 +0000 Hi Humanist and Pragmatist, you guys make some sense to our conflict, I totally agree with you and I hope there are more Sri Lankans like you guys. As I studied bit of Sri Lankan history and I came to the same conclusion, that we all are a mixed people, especially Sinhalese and Tamils from vedic time. So if we can educate hard line Sinhalese who think they are so ” lion blooded” and tamils who think they are much better human being than Sinhalese, that we all are from same stem.
People like Mr.White and some famous figures like MIA and Jena jananayagam are not helping the cause, its seems to me that they not trying bring us together but divide us, with some certain issues. As a matter of fact I like how M.I.A’s dad thinks and how he wanted do things in those days and would wanna do certain thing in the near future.
That is what is called leadership.

“Pragmatist” tells us of the dilemma of having a mixed identity in Sri Lanka. He is actually fortunate. The rest of the people in this country are as mixed as he or she is but most are on denial. Every Tamil has a Sinhalese in him. Every Sinhalese has a Tamil in her. If we keep hating, labeling and killing the other, all we do is hate, label and kill part of ourselves.
Well said humanist!!!!
Im trying to explain these things to my friends and family, some are agree with some aren’t but all of them wanna stop hating each other and find a solution to this conflict and live in harmony as a one nation. Any humanist or Pragmatist wanna contact me… plz do…
[email protected]

By: Nicolai Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:10:53 +0000 Hello Martin White:

Thank you for your response and also for your history lesson. It is all part of my quest to find out the truth. I am lucky enough to be here in Sri Lanka with an open and moderate mind.
No I will not be reading the Daily Lies (uhm I mean News), or Tamilnet. I will be figuring out my own “Ground Views”. Give me a couple of years and I will get back to you on the “moral pygmy” topic.

By: Mitt Mon, 01 Jun 2009 05:44:41 +0000 “This should help open the eyes of those who may still wish to unleash more terror in SL:”

Only party still unleashing terror in Sri Lanka today is the government.

By: Pragmatist Sun, 31 May 2009 20:29:14 +0000 Here’s a story reported from an IDP camp. This should help open the eyes of those who may still wish to unleash more terror in SL:

“After receiving first aid, her pale eyes became a little clearer. With three children living abroad, ‘Eswari’ was trapped in LTTE captivity for months from where she escaped death miraculously.

“Emmidam ippodu edurume illai” (Now we do not have anything) she murmured. The tears were dried up, but she was weeping.

A retired government teacher begged: “ Please do not quote me. My children are living abroad”.

I met some more hostages whose kith and kin are living abroad. And it struck me they had contributed their hard earned money for this agony and destruction of their own people.

Those who willingly or unwillingly made their contributions to the LTTE might not dream of hearing or seeing this tragic scenario again.

Murugesu too crossed the lagoon at last. He had big dreams for his children. But when the offensives were getting tougher and the terrorists were getting more fierce on those fleeing, he dropped those dreams and lived only to see a day that he could cross the lagoon of Nandi Kadal. “

By: Humanist Sun, 31 May 2009 00:42:18 +0000 The point I am trying to make is that there are no Sinhalese or Tamils by “blood” (or even by “genes” – the more scientific idea) in Sri Lanka. Talking about blood is totally outdated. Blood comes in several types all over the world – A, B, AB and O. All human “hearts” I think are made out of the same physical material as well. And we all experience very similar “human” feelings with our hearts.

We are all born into an ethnic “category” by virtue of being born to our parents. Mine happen to come “officially” from one ethnic group in Sri Lanka – I’ll keep you guessing on which one that is! However, I have studied the history and culture of Sri Lanka and it is very clear that we are all a mixed people. I for one am glad knowing that I am part of this mixed Vedda, Sinhala, Tamil, Arab, Malay and European heritage – that is what makes us “gifted” as the Indian diplomat rather ironically observed, especially when we are not fighting each other. If more people understood this, I think we can start thinking of the real problems in this world- like poverty, hunger and disease- which certainly are not ethnic but human problems. Perhaps we can even start thinking of ourselves as South Asians, so that we are better placed in the geopolitics of the world.

By: Dear Mr. White Sat, 30 May 2009 11:39:37 +0000 Humanist you got one thing wrong, you’re Sinhalese by heart, not by blood! I know Tamil brethren who are more Sinhalese than some “blood Sinhalese”.
Anyway I wasn’t advocating that we kill each other. Just hold on to peace until the inevitable dawns upon us. Nothing is forever.

By: Humanist Sat, 30 May 2009 01:12:09 +0000 If “Dear Mr. White” is right, all the Sinhalese extremists can die in peace knowing that their “Sinhalese” genetic material is passed on safely to the next generations by their “Tamil” brothers and sisters. What does it matter really – in the very long run, the whole human species is bound for extinction. Long live the cockroaches – they shall inherit the earth!

However, there is another scenario that we might envisage. All the irrational people on both sides of this puny Sri Lankan conflict kill off each other. The rational and humane among our children or grandchildren survive. They will reject all this tribalist nonsense and work towards buidling a South Asian community with our neighbours. It will be the second largest block in the world, and th only one capable of standing up to or cooperating with China to make the world a better place for those who want to try at making a brighter future.

By: Dear Mr. White Fri, 29 May 2009 12:18:54 +0000 All that harbor great hate towards the Sinhalese, feel resentful about the crushing of LTTE, don’t be dismayed. This is a huge victory for the present of Sinhalese yet a small one in the long term. I know very well that the numbers don’t stack up well for us Sinhalese. Statistically it’s a certain and Buddha has fore concluded this outcome. We’re well aware of our march to extinction (carrying the last flames of Buddhism to our grave, as the keen eyed ex-Indian ambassador noted). It is our fate. When the Sinhalese’ time comes to face their great enemy (sooner or later it is inevitable, whoever the adversary that maybe – it could very well be you racist tamil nationalist lot seeking a country coming back bigger and stronger) outnumbered and over whelmed with superior fire power, we will pick up arms and whatever else that is available to defend ourselves too, in vein. Roles reversed..sigh…

Remember one thing though.. we won’t cry to the world to save us. UN need not convene in emergency sessions nor it will matter to us. Like Veera Kappetipola each one of us will beg to be beheaded before our fellow brother or sister. We will be wiped out to extinction. Don’t bother to remember the Sinhala race after that. Rejoice and roam our lands and enjoy Eelam or whatever nations you desire after that. We won’t be here to care anymore. May our slayers be well in the future that follows. No hard feelings after all. Let’s try and maintain some peace until then even for a short period. Time we have here is precious.

By: SomeOne Thu, 28 May 2009 16:35:58 +0000 Dear Mr. White.,

“The Sinhala conquest of the Tamil nation”. It is correctly said, I believe.

Because it is virtually 100% Sinhalese army marched in to the Thamil areas. This summarises the whole situation.

By: Humanist Wed, 27 May 2009 14:31:09 +0000 The struggle for equality and dignity is the nobler and more diffcult path. The struggle for Eelam on the other hand, is the baser and easier path. It is no wonder that a good many people will go for the latter than the former. it takes character, strength, and wisdom, such as that of the Dalai Lama, to take the high road of non-violence. Look at how he addressed the Chinese people before the Olympics:

That is what is called leadership.

“Pragmatist” tells us of the dilemma of having a mixed identity in Sri Lanka. He is actually fortunate. The rest of the people in this country are as mixed as he or she is but most are on denial. Every Tamil has a Sinhalese in him. Every Sinhalese has a Tamil in her. If we keep hating, labeling and killing the other, all we do is hate, label and kill part of ourselves.
