Comments on: Big Game Journalism for Citizens Sun, 29 May 2011 11:45:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Namal Sun, 29 May 2011 11:45:19 +0000 In reply to Kodisinghe Herath.

We should question ourselves who created them to kill… We should look at the cause as well.

By: Gini Appu Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:46:13 +0000 Kodisinghe…

Perhaps you should reflect on these facts:
– Premadasa’s Government killed more Sinhalese civillians than Velu’s LTTE.
– Rajapakse’s Government has killed more civillians (mostly Tamil, but it doesn’t matter) than Velu and Premada combined.

Neither Premadasa or Rajapakse set out to be killers. It wasn’t bloodlust that made them do what they did – it was tactical. The killings of civillians were unavoidable – they were means to an end.

Reflect also on this:
– Many Tamils were afraid of/disliked/did not support Velu and the LTTE and yet, they do not join in the celebrations. If its a victory of good over evil, then they should. Perhaps they are afraid? Perhaps they remember what Sri Lanka was like in 1958, 1977, 1983 and all the years in between those ugly reminders?

By: Gini Appu Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:31:23 +0000 The LTTE was the ugly boil on the skin, not the cancer within.

The ugly boil has been cut away and now we see the cancer within.

By: ben aloysius Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:18:32 +0000 The ‘Correct Thinking’ people are always silent till some event compells them to voice their opinion.
Here we find a sober and well considered opinion amply supported by everyone though they differ in either to celebrate or offer prayers for the demise of a psychopath, megalomaniac.
It’s time we realise the Lankan Tamils, in general, were wary of Pirabakaran and his gun totting ”LTTE”. They certainly did not ask the people before declaring to be their ”sole representatives”.
The members of parliament of Tamil National Alliance under Sampanthan are inhuman cowardly rouges who did not condemn LTTE at any time they bombed and killed ordinary citizens.
I do hope the awakened ”good citizens”, people like you, will raise your voice against a section that is harassing the Tamils by demanding money to celebrate the victory over LTTE.
And when Police refuse to entertain such complaints the hearts of the victims will once again seek redress, as in July 1983, and give rise to another psychopath.
We are willing to grab your hand of friendship, we are waiting for your hand of friendship, we need your hand in friendship to convince our little educated section that falls prey to vociferous racial fanatics.
It’s time for us to rise above our current politicians and build a nation of unity, peace and prosperity !

By: MK Fri, 29 May 2009 11:40:50 +0000 A well written blog.
Atleast Sri lankans are becoming quite “forward” in their thoughts… I feel pity on my fellow Indians who still think the neighbouring state is always an enemy.

By: Bandara Mon, 25 May 2009 13:48:26 +0000 Starting from the killing of Jaffna Mayor in 1975, the murderer Prabhakaran continued his genocide until just before his death.

From remote jungle village farmer to two country heads, he brought instant death penalty exhibiting his ruthlessness to the whole world. People lived either in Kebithigollawa or Colombo city were in fear of civilian attacks either by hacking or bombing while sleeping or travelling.

Why not Sri Lankan should celebrate the event?

By: Kodisinghe Herath Mon, 25 May 2009 10:48:35 +0000 The Sri Lankans who are`living in Sri Lanka have been suffering of the LTTE threat for more than 30 years. They could not assure of their return or their sons, daghters, husbands and wife return after leaving home for work, school or for somyhing to in the city. They did not have any safe places in Sri Lanka. They had to go through security checking thousands times. Why? because of LTTE.
When they heard of the death of LTTE. Who will not express their relieve. They expelled their happiness by hopping into the street and wagging the National flag.

King Elara was a king. He never killed innocent Sinhalese at all. He killed his son for doing harm to a cow (animal). He was such a remarkable king. He deserve the respect. What Prabkaran did. Did he respect any human?. He killed preists, devotees of Buddha, Alla and` Jesus. He killed inocent children. He killed pregnant women by bursting the abdomen and taking off the foetus. Who is the fool telling to respect Velu Pillai in a similar way that was done to King Elara?.

By: ethnichybrid Mon, 25 May 2009 06:31:18 +0000 oh great! so those are our examples of behaviour! Red Army, Sandanista’s? Why emulate the lowest common denominator. What ever happened to the Lord Buddha’s teachings? But I suppose we know now what more to expect and it certainly won’t be maitriya.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Mon, 25 May 2009 06:12:41 +0000 hey lady, you obviously haven’t seen photos of V day after WW 2, or of the banners of the defeated Nazi army divisions being thrown at Stalin’s feet by the victorious Red Army in its parade, or those of the triumphant Sandinista army lounging about in Somoza’s just evacuated bunker (poetess Giaconda Belli writes how she and her FSLN lover got down and dirty right then right there), or Fidel reviewing a parade in Addis Ababa with his booted feet up on Emperor Haille Selassie’s royal footstool.

By: Peace @ Last Mon, 25 May 2009 00:52:06 +0000 I agree with you to a certain extent but one and only Sri Lankan flag I possessed is flying high in a foreign land where I live.

What is wrong with that? SLG and SLA did the most wanted part; it is up to others to male the victory meaningful afterward.

Total annihilation of murderous tiger clan is more than something to celebrate for me.
