Comments on: End of the LTTE and future of the Tamil Struggle Journalism for Citizens Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:08:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: upali Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:08:26 +0000 we never mal treathed for tamil people, we are as Sri Lankens welcome all the tamil people with the ideas of brotherhood but some notorious tamil people took weapons and killed both sinhalese as well tamil innocent people, that is why sri lanken government cut down L T T e organization, we are like even to tamil but we do not like to fight with any one

By: tmorgan Thu, 04 Jun 2009 02:09:52 +0000 Please Google & review “epitaph-for-tamil-eelam” and “SBS Dateline Jaffna Library” I’m amazed that so few here have read the wikipedia articles on Sri Lankan state sponsored colonisation schemes (cause of inter-communal violence), Sri Lankan Tamil or Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora

It’s the post-Black July diaspora you see on TV waving red “Tamil national” flags or engaging in acts of vandalism. The British Empire & pre-Black July groups are non-violent but active in legal steps against GoSL due to use of white phosphorous bombs on civilians, etc.

The Government of Sri Lanka (Lion of Sinhala) & LTTE (Tamil Tiger) crimes are well documented by UTHR(J), Amnesty International, HRW & other NGO’s. Pogroms against Tamils 1st occurred in 1950’s despite Independence of Ceylon Act 1947 protections for Tamils. GoSL failed to prosecute those crimes as well as sex crimes committed by their troops in UN Haiti scandal despite promising UN otherwise.

Diaspora Tamils should not commit violent acts and should only support legal actions by Jan Jananayagam of NGO Tamils against Genocide & Bruce Fein.

In 1998, a Court in Sri Lanka was informed by a Sinhalese soldier of mass graves of Tamils in Chemmani, Jaffna. This was during the rape of Krishanti Kumaraswamy case which only proceeded due to pressure by Amnesty International. The Asian Human Rights Commission in a 2005 press statement commented that the exhumations (done more than 10 months after the first disclosure) were generally viewed as a publicity stunt and lamented that up until 2005, more than 6 years later, no serious action has been taken to prosecute the perpetrators … and you wonder why some Tamils supported LTTE?

Satyagraha protests which were our initial peaceful methodology in 1950’s are once again the way to proceed globally.

Refugees cannot be deported unless they commit a crime AND the country of origin is considered to be safe. With the numerous rights violations of the GoSL, deporting a SL Tamil would be impossible.

Deportation: Under immigration laws, deportation is the removal of a foreign national who has entered Canada illegally or who has committed a serious violation of Canadian law. A person deported from Canada is barred from entering Canada again in the future unless ministerial consent is given.

By: shakila Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:16:23 +0000 well amali. yea. it is the time to initate the new way of disscusion relevant to peace. but that peace is not only the dream in Sinhalese or so called Hela should shre oith other communites. now u hardly use miorites becouse our “Rajano” said no more miorites in this country. yea. he and his governmnet nad millitary achived great vicorty after sacrfying uncountable pysical and human resourses.trough that inhuman way, number of people died who from L.T.T.E and how we can celebarate it while crakering fire crckers and making mike Rice. yea anybody has freedom to argue that,in LTTE “Viru samaruwa,” the tamils lights fire crakers and and celebatrate when hear the vast distuctions from LTTE activites.Though is worth if we also leap to well following others?. the expansion of sinhala nationlism and emorotinla proity will cause for another war. so amali we shod have mass- civil attitude revolution becouse there are some high rank philosphers aslo adict this etenal illnes. then how we can perform it? in my point of argument both of us dont have media ownership, though we able to awre civil socity, stating from our living environment. it become a big challeng. and dear amali, 13 th amendement is not a remdy for all fragmentations. it has distrust from our non sinhalese. so i know my friend, we cant ask from uncle Mahinda to go for a power sharing. actually it is big shock and may be pave the way for anothercommunity rioits. becouse still mother sri Lanka blessed from opportunitest.then what i suppose that, firstly have to gain the trust from IDPS. hiw? just giving food or health facilities it not enough. we should give them to have their own life in respctive guar the human Rights. now government plan to stat the education empowering procees for IDPS. its really good. becose eduaction is the most social moblisation way.amali shll we give some time to Mahindha to rebilt country. he is not Gammun, Vijayabahu but a leader. he should not go to worship Buddsht palces or it is not macth with his position to get houner from traditionall allies in Budism.but he shold have a heart as i knw a person who fiought to human rights. i dont hav eany faith to him but we cee what he going to do. till that tell my tamil friends we all bind each others by eternal friendship

By: Devinda Fri, 22 May 2009 08:46:07 +0000 * What you have told is defnetely correct here.
*But I do not like to define all the people were in the LTTE as bloody fools.
*Because think about a person who had the the idea only to dedicate his or her life to save Tamils.
*Then he/she had done the same thing as an army solder done.
*So he is a patriot in a way.

By: Thaminda Thu, 21 May 2009 12:32:16 +0000 There is something we should not forget. People may look at all the Tamils living in the Nothern and Eastern area and may say that they are left out and they are treated differently. But you should not forget about the Tamils in other areas. In Colombo – the commercail capital of Sri Lanka – majority of shops are owned by Tamils. If there is a racial discrimination amoung the people in Sri Lanka how is that possible?
I schooled at Royal College, Colombo , which is one of the best schools in the country. And there I had a lot of Tamill friends with whom we played together. If there is a racial discrimination amoung the people in Sri Lanka how is that possible?
After schooling, I attended University of Moratuwa, the best university in the country for engineering field. There we had a lot of Tamil friends from areas like Jaffna and Batticaloa. There were no quarrels, no disrespect, no arguments among us. If there is a racial discrimination amoung the people in Sri Lanka how is that possible?
If you are a Sri Lankan you would know that in Wellawatta – an area that belong to Colombo – Tamils are the majority. But all the neighbouring cities contain majority of Sinhalese. If there is a racial discrimination amoung the people in Sri Lanka how is that possible?
My point here is that, we can look in to the matter in a more optimistic manner. The era that Tamils and Sinhalese had their doubts are over. It won’t be that difficult to give a political solution as there are no hard feelings any more. You should not forget how enthusiastic Sinhalese people from the south were to send aid to the Tamils rescued from the war zone.
1983 tragedy is long gone now. Tamils will never be harmed like that hereafter in Sri Lanka. Not harming the Tamils even when LTTE bombs killed thousands of Sinhalese is the best evidence for that. We have learnt our lessons as Sinhalese. And the Tamils who wanted to solve this by war have learnt their lessons as well.
It is very important to understand the situation here. There is and was no “racial” war in Sri Lanka. The war was against the LTTE terrorists. It had nothing to do with Tamil civilians. Now the war is over. In the process of defeating the Tigers. SL army have conducted the largest hostage rescue mission ever. SL Army risked their lives for the unfamiliar Tamil civilians.
So, we can see that the mentality of Sri Lankans have changed. They are not disrespectful any more. Of course there are exceptions but as a whole, people are ready to embrase pease at all costs. So, I guess we can look in to a prosperous future more optimistically and positively.

By: Mohan Krishnaraj Thu, 21 May 2009 07:03:24 +0000 Wonderful analysis of the situation.

I am an Indian of Tamil origin living in US. I always fail to understand why there is a problem in Sri Lanka. In India, we are so diversified with so many languages, religion and races, we still feel that we are Indians and never had issues with other language people. One example I can cite is there are more Malayalees and Telugu speaking people in Tamil Nadu where they live as brothers and sisters. In SL, just two races couldn’t live in peace.

We are living in 21st century. Discriminating other language and people are things of the past. It is time to forget the past and live in peace. Good luck to all Sri Lankans in building a new country.

By: sandya nishanthi Thu, 21 May 2009 06:54:25 +0000 nobody can blame the GOSL. And nobody can blame the victory of our soldiers. The death of a leader may be a convenient solution to a conflict. if you closely look at the conflicts around the world , especially the global secessionist movements , one can see clearly that conflict occured in areas where a minority live together away from othe ethnic groups. This led them to arm themselves against the majority. Its apparent and can prove without much debate.
Ex: LTTE North and North east
Chakmas – Chittagone
Chechnian rebels-Chechnia
When the rehabilitation process starts, the government should mix all ethnic groups and resettle.

By: Disgusted Thu, 21 May 2009 04:05:57 +0000 Sinepgib >>

The Sinhalese need not suffer from delusions of persecution. There is no grand scheme to make the Sinhalese extinct and to what end anyway? no one really cares. And protecting Sinhalese does not mean having constitutional clauses which will miraculously protect its demise, but efforts by the Sinhalese themselves to learn and educate themselves in their language and culture while understanding and learning from other cultures. This is precisely why some describe the Sinhalese as a “majority with a minority complex”.

Historically, these minority complexes, both in Sinhalese and Tamils, are somewhat a result of post-colonial identity loss, induced of course, by the villainous British 😉 Please read Pradeep Jeganathan’s illuminating analysis here:

By: Disgusted Thu, 21 May 2009 03:44:06 +0000 The80Factor >>

We’ve moved a long way since 1983 and to the best of my knowledge, many of these issues that you say exist have been addressed and therefore, in today’s context, I think Lalith’s question is a valid one. Before any of us can think about how to address Tamil grievances, we need to know what they are now, not what they were 50 years ago. Secondly, we need to keep in mind that many grievances cited by people today are actually a result of the LTTE (i.e. extra security checks) and will hopefully fade away with time.

As Lakshmi mentioned, there seems to be no observable difference in opportunity or education between ethnicities. One potentially outstanding issue is the possibility of lacking Tamil speaking officers for certain services. Again, I believe that the necessary forms etc. are all available in Tamil.

Therefore, rather than dismissing the question as clearly irresponsible, it would be more convincing if you were to list a few grievances that are specific to Tamils, indicative of discrimination. Please do not list any which are a direct or indirect result of the LTTE. Considering your tone, you should be easily capable of coming up with a laundry list for discussion shouldn’t you, and thus put us out of our misery of being utterly bewildered. This will also stimulate the dialogue necessary to address these issues, so that we can move forward and not be stuck in the past to the detriment of all.

By: upul dissanayake Thu, 21 May 2009 03:10:12 +0000 are the diaspora worried that the war is over and they are deported back to a peaceful Sri lanka? do they want us Sri Lankans suffer and war to drag on so that they could live in luxary (which none of them can afford had they been in here)
