Comments on: Interview with a leading Buddhist priest on whether the LTTE is really finished and the war over in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 May 2009 18:38:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: NotMyTrueName Tue, 19 May 2009 18:38:57 +0000 While the sentiments expressed by the Monk regarding respect and dignity for the minority communities are commendable, there is a blind faith aspect to it which is better reserved for god than in the government or military of any country, especially the ruthless ones in power currently in Sri Lanka. He says “The government has announced that it will do so (finish the war) without any harm to civilians in these areas. This is the difficulty. Yet defence sources say that it somehow can and will be done.”

The information leaking out in spite of restriction by a government afraid to have its atrocities seen by the world (and its currently euphoric citizens), about the thousands of people massacred in the last days… shows that this faith in the defense sources which said “it somehow can and will be done” was misplaced indeed.

How will you euphoric citizens and supporters of this military and administration reign them in when they, drunk with power, begin to limit and restrict your lives and continue the trend to eliminate independent thought or action among you as well?

As for the question of whehter the war is “over” in Sri Lanka – the tigers may be finished, but the war is far from over. Historical perspective says the war began long before the Tigers came into being and will continue after them – how long and how bad this continues will depend on how soon the majority community snaps out its euphoria and wakes up to see and acknowledge the real suffering and systemic oppression of the minority community which lead to the war in the first place. That is, it will depend on how systems of governance and the thinking of people which creates and maintains the systems are changed. If we don’t do it quickly, than more lives will be lost and the next generation or the one after that will have more healing and rebuilding work to do. Mother Lanka is patient and will mourn for us and patiently wait it out for the lost humans to blunder their way through during our tiny and short lives…

See below link(s) for a historical perspective that can show the way forward:

1) The Tamil Tigers are the product, not the cause, of Sri Lanka’s deadly politics:


By: Fazli Sameer Tue, 19 May 2009 13:36:16 +0000 The clergy of all faiths in Sri Lanka should stay completely away rom Polics if we want to live in Peae.

The nation needs to be100% Secular. Thas the only way frward.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 19 May 2009 10:54:13 +0000 When 50,000 innocent, starving and suffering civilians are brutally and recklessly attacked with bullets, bombs and shells, and if 25,000 of the civilians are found dead or injured after the attack, it is unequivocally terrorism.

When the injured are left to bleed and die or are shot dead, it is surely ultra terrorism or rather barbarism mixed with terrorism.

When civilians are brutally forced against their will to carry or do something, and especially, when the person forcing to do it carries an AK47, it is undoubtedly terrorism.

Yesterday, after the massacre in “Safe Zone”, the Tamil civilians who were silently mourning in fear, were forcefully instructed to carry and hoist “lion flags”, which Tamils of North East(NE)consider as a symbol of Sinnhala imperialism on them. Even the Sinhala soldiers force on Tamils with that evil intention. Cyclists and house owners were forced with a flag on their hand !!

When the state owned Television broadcasts manufactured lies to humiliate and subjugate the massacred community and boost the ego of the massacreing commkunity, after a terrorist civilian massacre by the state, it is state terrorism.

When any parliament is abused to legislate bills against the protection and legitimate rights of citizens, democracy is absent in that country. But when law makers are shouted down with abusive and threatening words it is terrorism. Tamil law makers are terrorised by Sinhala law makers in the parliament in Sri Lanka(SL) to subjugate Tamils.

Terrorism is not dead in SL. It has risen to new and unprecedented historical heights. It has escalated and is escalating more vigourously now. It is at a major state sponsored level. It is dangerously serious.

When Mahinda Rjapakse returned from Jordan last Sunday, he kissed the ground and said that his motherland was free from terrorism. He was humbugging to the world. His “motherland”, the South, had just concluded the greatest massacre of civilians in the “safe zone” to shock the world to reality.

The UN has mandate to act against terrorism. It is the responsibilty of the UN and the Inteernational Community to protect Tamils with urgency from the existing Sinhala terrorism.
