Comments on: Prabhakaran is dead – join debates on what next for Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 May 2009 10:11:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erin Tue, 19 May 2009 10:11:27 +0000 if victory blinds sri lankans to the suffering of today (physical and emotional casualties of this war) and the long stifled voice of real and concrete concerns of the Sri Lankan Tamil community. The concerns are real and concrete because they are concerns of our people, they are important to identify because they are concerns that are simply strands which lose their shape and integrity in the violence and terrorism that has engulfed it. It is vital that as sri lankans, especially those choosing to celebrate this ‘victory’ that sensitivity is shown to both the suffering and the longer struggle. We cannot afford to alienate the sri lankans who are victims on both counts. We cannot lose our grasp of what it will take to acheive meaningful peace. I allow myself a sigh of relief …the violence appears over. But as I look around the death and destruction haunt me and blood seems to be on everybodies hands. Lets start with the truth, it may make a real difference.

By: Observer Tue, 19 May 2009 02:17:25 +0000 Tamils should get over the idea that violent insurgency and terror threats will get them their deserved rights! This long and over drawn miserable conflict proved that no matter how long or hard you fight, violence will only make the opponent you’re trying to convince even more resilient and determined to oppose threats to innocent people. And alienate those who genuinely want to help.
All of those who (mainly diaspora) that think the struggle is not over. I urge them to come to sri lanka and continue what they preach from arm chairs. They will be dealt with too!
Moving on to mature and intelligent Tamil people, start peaceful activism. Trade a pen for the sword. Work for reconciliation and rehabilitation of your people who have been unjustly exploited. Collect money for infrastructure, food and medicine rather than weapons that kill. You owe it to them to provide that after buying them self destructive toys for so long. You’d be surprised how long you go as opposed to a gun in your hands.
Otherwise creation of a hell in this island is not too hard as you have seen in the past 30 odd years. So we will see you in hell otherwise! Choice is there…

By: haren Mon, 18 May 2009 23:31:15 +0000 If anything, this is the time to say “NEVER AGAIN!!”
Never again will the sons and daughters of Sri Lanka be divided or deprived… Never again will we fight with each other, but we will always fight for each other… never again will the blood of our countrymen be shed in vain. Never again will we let ourselves be conscripted by inequality, injustice, racism or moral poverty.

By: Injun Mon, 18 May 2009 21:16:25 +0000 As an Indian, I have followed the war in Sri Lanka right from the start to its bitter bloody end. While the Tamils have a right to some form of self governance, this was never a good way to get it. Secession was also a terrible idea, and the Sri Lankan Govt rightly took the steps to prevent it an any cost.
My anger and outrage knew no bounds when the LTTE carried out the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. Live by the sword and die by it…………… negotiations or agreements or negotiated settlements were never a part of the LTTE lexicon, and this was the only way it could end.
The worst legacy the LTTE has left the world is the ‘suicide bomber’.
Let us hope this is the end of a terrible and chapter in Sri Lankan history.

By: sam Mon, 18 May 2009 16:21:18 +0000 Next, Build a proper Police and establish proper law and order, or go back to hell.

By: Dhammika Dharmawardhane Mon, 18 May 2009 16:14:49 +0000 Maybe what bothers you is that the war is over while terrorism and the Tamil aspirations for their own land is not over.
What lies ahead in the next few months is important as I believe it will shape the future of our country for ever.
As for the celebrations, I felt as a Sri Lankan a rush of relief that terrorists don’t hold the sovereignty of our country hostage anymore.
I have met and worked with members of the LTTE who were in Colombo during the peace process ages ago and also visited Killinochchi and Batticloa. They were not very nice people for whatever reason. They were terrorists who suddenly realized that holding a gun to someone’s vs. verbal negotiations were a completely different ball game. Most importantly it was surprising to realize that their sermons of idealism were complete bullshit, they too were carried away with the love for power and brutality.
So when I heard that it’s over and complete control over Sri Lanka is back with the SLGov I did get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye.
Yes the human loss and suffering is unbearable and unbelievable, but the LTTE had and have no place in Sri Lanka. That much is important.
So for once in our life lets forget our Sri Lankansisms of the past, lets be quietly proud and unite together to breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a better future.
Smile. It’s OK.
Fuck the negativity for once, lets celebrate.

By: Sarath Mon, 18 May 2009 15:55:25 +0000 I think people are too busy celebrating at the moment.
