Comments on: Satellite View Journalism for Citizens Mon, 18 May 2009 23:40:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dayan Jayatilleka Mon, 18 May 2009 23:40:48 +0000 Yo, Thiru,

Here’s the answer to your poetic lament, man. The EU tried for three weeks — including lobbying in remote world capitals– to get 16 signatures to call an emergency meeting, but could not. Now finally it seems to have but its too late to save the Tiger and appease the protesters– the war is over and won. We held off until that as achieved. Even if there is an emergency session, Sri lanka will ensure the defeat of any resolution. You wanna know more, read Rajiva Wijesinha’s recent article How the West Was Sidelined For the Moment.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 18 May 2009 10:55:03 +0000 President Barack Obama, the most poweful president in the world, spoke last week about the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka(SL). Last Thursday, the UN Security Council, the highest UN body, called SL to spare civilian lives and halt its final offensive.

On the same day, Britain, the former colonial ruler of SL, refering to the war crimes already committed by Colombo by shelling Tamil civilians in the “safe zone” said “We would support an early investigation into all incidents that may have resulted in civilian casualties to determine whether war crimes have been committed”.

SL, from its past two years of massacre experience, knew fully well, that the International Community(IC) and the UN would only be engaged in repetitive rhetoric and not in any concrete action. So, it defiantly rejected the call by the UN, within minutes of the announcement.

Unsatisfied with rejection by words, the government of Sri Lanka(GOSL), went into speedy action too. Within 48 hours, disregarding the calls by President Obama and the UN, and warning by Britain, the soldiers commenced a massive genocidal massacre, with no respect for human lives.

The soldiers killed more tahn 3000 and injured about 20,000 Tamil civilians according to reports from the area. This represents about 50 percent of the 50,000 Tamil civilians estimated in the “safe zone” at the time of massacre.

There was a harvest of massacre from a “killing field” by the criminal state of SL.

Though there were numerous dead and injured civilians, they were not shown by the state run TV in SL, which only had access to the “killing field”. Instead, the TV showed a hungry looking old man putting a sweet into the mouth of a hefty soldier. Caring for even dying Tamils is not in Sinhala culture, let alone injured combatants. It is reported that the soldiers shot the injured combatants dead.

Time has now for President Obama, the UN and Britain to put life into their words and take action immediately to help the injured, bury the dead decently and ensure that civilians who were herded like animals into military concentration camps, are treated in a secure, civilised and humane manner according to Geneva conventions.

Yesterday, a news reader from a TV station in France asked her correspondent in Colombo “Is the war over?”. The journalist replied “The war is not over”. He is right. The deceitful GOSL will invent another “killing field” to plan another Tamil massacre.

Therefore, the GOSL and its soldiers should be speedily investigated by the UN and brought to the war Crimes Court in the Hague without any delay whatsoever

By: Nicolai Mon, 18 May 2009 05:43:05 +0000 Not sure what this Satellite View is trying to accomplish or the message that it is trying to convey.

Here is my satellite view.

The government has a small window of opportunity to put their mark in history.
It will be re-elected whether anyone likes it or not very soon with a majority and hopefully without having to require the support of the hardcore Sinhalese.

If it Implements the 13 amendment fully with honest intentions, it will be on the road to accomplishing something that no one would have expected and it will be remembered in the history books for it for centuries to come.

If it does what a lot of people, particularly the Tamils expect, which is to rule the North militarily and confirm to many its true racist colours, then
for this government all of these upcoming victory celebrations will be for naught and it will soon become a forgotten entity (like the Governments before) which should take place soon after the election after next or after the next uprizing begins.

So to the government, here is your chance that nobody else has had for the past 30 or so years. I do sincerely hope you don’t squander it.

By: Amelie Mon, 18 May 2009 05:33:32 +0000 I cannot understand Parthipan. I wonder what kind of guns the LTTE has. Maybe the kind variety of guns, unbrutal, gentle. Maybe they kill not with bullets but a gentle whiff of perfume. Maybe their killing and slaughtering of people praying in mosques, under the sri maha bodhiya, in churches etc and the slaughtering of innocent people in buses carrying women and children to clinics were acts of kindness? to fight for the rights of Tamils. What a load of crap. The LTTE got what they deserved. I think there are enough of moderate Tamils to fight peacefully for the rights of the tamil people, whose grievances will HAVE to be addressed now that the war is over.

By: Disgusted Mon, 18 May 2009 01:43:52 +0000 Parthipan >>

If the LTTE is your democratic voice, I don’t think you have any right to democracy. It’s one thing to want rights, it’s another thing altogether to kill innocent people, children and perpetrate every crime under the sun to get them. You have debased yourself to a level lower than the one you claim to fight. I really don’t think you have any high moral ground left to lament from about the “brutal Sinhala army”.

While we are at it, why don’t you list the rights that the Tamils are missing right now, other than the ones taken away from them thanks to the LTTE? At least, come up with the issues today that require a normal person to blow herself up to solve the problem. The problem is not merely the govt. The problem is your own use of violence as a means to solve problems.

By: K Parthipan Sun, 17 May 2009 14:59:40 +0000 The brutal guns of Singhala army has silenced the only democratic voice of the Tamil people, the LTTE. Who will speak up for the rights of the Tamils now?
