Comments on: Fighting a globalised LTTE Journalism for Citizens Wed, 30 Dec 2009 15:44:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Politic Max Wed, 30 Dec 2009 15:44:59 +0000 The War is now over and still srilankan government can not able to focus on development of the country. We only see that ‘update’ or ‘improve’ of infrastructure but never seen so far building newer projects for the benefit community by Mahinda’s Government.

By: bellepepper02 Sat, 23 May 2009 02:11:13 +0000 I suggest that once they are allowed to do so, all Tamils in Sri Lanka be assisted by international parties to flee the country and seek refuge elsewhere. Only then will Sinhalese in Sri Lanka be able to take full measure of their terrorist government. Because then, the army’s rifles will be turned on the Sinhalese themselves. And then they will finally know the truth. Do you not know, Dayan Jayatilleka, that thousands of Sinhalese dissenters (from the JVP among others) have been assassinated by the Sri Lankan government and lie secretly buried throughout the countryside? The Sri Lankan government only knows how to kill. It certainly doesn’t know how to run a country or it would have done so from the start. So stop talking about your aspirations for the Sri Lankan government–they are murderers, liars and thieves. Were so at the start and have always been so. If they had any amount of competence, they would have been able to negotiate peace in 2002 when the Tigers were willing to do so. The government didn’t want peace–it wanted genocide of the Tamil population.

You suggest that there must be equal rights for all parties. Yet, you do not wish the Sri Lankan government to tie up with any state having a substantial Tamil population. Tamils are a vastly overwhelmed minority in Sri Lanka–how do you expect them to get their rights from a racist government and a racist majority community? Are you conveniently forgetting why the Tamil Tigers emerged in the first place? They didn’t just come out without provocation. They emerged as a desperate response to Sinhalese nationalist racist chauvinism.

By: NotMyTrueName Sun, 17 May 2009 20:57:48 +0000 You give away a lot by this one statement : “It is not that Sri Lanka had no MIAs. We had better MIAs than MIA, way before MIA.”

MIA is just as much “Sri Lankan” as Delon who was born and lives in the USA…and Gothabaya who is a US citizen… or do you have to be Sinhalese to be called “Sri Lankan”?

By: Observer Thu, 14 May 2009 09:45:14 +0000 I saw Obama’s true colours today! I’m not sure if it’s in the same Press briefing (which would make it even more hillarious) but 2 clips on the news one saying essentially “I can’t reveal the extent of gross humn rights violations by the American soldiers (at Gitmo) because he’s scared them macho lot’s safety would be compromised (what bull c**p!) and then go on to say I urge Sri Lankan troops to take care in their fighting! Essentially Sri Lankan soldiers who have 1/4th thickness in their body armour has to give up much of their arsenel and compromise their safety in their own war according to Saint Obama. When Obama can’t reveal known gross human rights violations to the world because of indirect safety threats to American soldiers.
Honestly no other example could have glorified the term double standards! In my mind I was pleased at least I didn’t fall for his “changes crap” during his campaign!

By: Chamara Bandara Nugawela Wed, 13 May 2009 12:06:25 +0000 What about alligations of sexual abuse by the sri Lankan military on internally displaced persons? despite propaganda and high talking, have prompt steps been taken to establish discipline within the military, and to develop an ethic of ‘respect’ and ‘support’ for the people displaced, wounded, traumatised, and badly victimised by the war?

It is not by keeping people in internment camps, continuing sexual abuse, giving them some food and doing loads of pointless propaganda that the state is going to win the hearts and minds of the northern people. If things continue at this pace, the sri lankan government is cutting its own grave underneath its feet.

By: Disgusted Tue, 12 May 2009 11:52:52 +0000 Observer >>

Very nicely put. I’m not against some pressure on the govt. to make sure as many lives as possible are saved. But these attempts to stop the war is to set the precedent that any terrorist group can get away with anything as long as they have a human shield to protect themselves. Certainly a worthy example for other terrorist organizations across the world to follow!

By: Observer Tue, 12 May 2009 10:40:11 +0000 I wasn’t morally justifying what was happening in the fight against terrorism carried out by various countries. In fact no war is moral. It’s a necessary evil to protect one self. Sadly both opposing parties feeling the same way in most cases. Hence the confrontation.

Point is “most” you live in an utopian democratic land which doesn’t exist in the real world. You want countries like US, UK, and EU lot to intervene in Sri Lankan domestic issues when they scot-free doing the same thing more or less. Atleast in Sri Lanka we fight an internal threat to security. Where as the rest are invading other sovereign countries in B52 bombers. Squeezing the weak by them is just an opportunity for those countries to momentarily tread on a delusional moral high ground pretending they respect human rights. It’s all a facade to project false morality to an otherwise f*ed up place called the world! Clearly most of you don;t know how bad the world is since you think genocide is occurring in Sri Lanka. What a degradation/misuse of a word for propaganda.

Why do you think today’s UN resolution got blocked? Because there are other countries (non western emerging power houses) that doesn’t need to kid them selves pretending to be moral. They’re no better than the earlier lot but at least they provide the ying to the yang! If UK really cared about what was happening in the NFS they can just hover one of their military satellites over the area and get real time updates – including who’s doing the shelling. Please don’t tell me this is not possible and they don’t have the resources. What the UNOSAT “leaked/provided” was just a joke and proves jack all.

Thus the logical conclusions are that they just can’t be bothered because they don’t care about the civilian plight or the government isn’t shelling! Instead of speculating they could just back allegations with evidence. Leaves you to wonder?

Point is most of you very well know the dirty tactics that the LTTE is engaging in but won’t utter a word because deep down you want them to win. Get that ellam over any sacrifice. It’s sad but few genuine sympathizers of these civilians like DBS Jeyraj (prominent blogger) has made comments on this matter. All you can do is vilify him over the Tamil national question forgetting the real humanitarian crisis.

What I’ve come to understand is that even the Tamil diaspora isn’t all that concerned for the civilians as much as they’re concerned about ellam. Shame because the need of the hour is to rise up against the LTTE. If all the Diaspora took the streets with boards saying free the Civilians LTTE, I guarantee you that LTTE will melt then and there! Civilians would not suffer anymore. But hey.. asif that’d ever happen!

By: aadhavan Tue, 12 May 2009 09:01:37 +0000 lol @ delon… does delon have a single non-sinhala nationalist fan, besides some of the kids at the free high school gigs he does in california?

By: worf Tue, 12 May 2009 04:43:13 +0000 Dayan the from the ashes of the LTTE, Tamil nationalism will arise more stronger than ever. The Tamils will be more dependent on the soft than the hard, with the demise of hard military power. The differences in the achievements of the Tamils and the Sinhalese is already quite pronounced.

Soft power always beats hard power on the long run.

By: Wasantha Ranagala Tue, 12 May 2009 04:11:27 +0000 Eighth Lesson Dayan J in Geneva Missed

Hello Dayan

So you are back in teaching. If this new teaching profession to be successful you should have begun with unteaching the Eelam you taught with Varadharaja Perumal before going underground. Chauvinistic Sinhala Buddhists are a difficult lot to teach because they have nothing in their brains except the good memory of scoundrels.

This land belongs to Sinhala Buddhists. Tamils, Muslims, Burghers et al can live as parasites. This is what the modern day great warrior Sarath Fonseka controversially stated according to some media personnel. I hope he is keenly watching all the dramas you are enacting in disguise. He is really tide up with delivering last rites to your –behind the scene- Eelam project. Hope he will answer you in real time when he is free.

Once upon a time we heard Sant Jarnail Singh Brindanwale and Khalistan. He and all his disciples attained Khalistan in Moksha. Golden Temple is back in its former glory making 100,000 Chapathi everyday to feed the Sardhajis. International Sikh Diaspora is living happily all over the globe. Why shouldn’t they when Hanuman Singh is dictating terms from New Delhi whilst Paradeshi marking time to put the progeny back in the hot seat. This is what a colleague from Maharashtra uttered over a couple of Amurtha. An ardent VHP worshipper. Another Chauvinist eh.

So you are a great fan of MIA and want our Chauvinistic Sihnala Buddhist girls and boys to follow suit. Not a bad idea. With added glamour of a cross around the neck. You take my mind back to Don Juan Dharmapala and the Goa hiphop.
