Comments on: A few words to the self-loathing Sri Lankans Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 May 2009 16:28:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Realist Tue, 19 May 2009 16:28:18 +0000 It is absurd to call Jehan Perera a fat cat. He has donated the entire award from Japan to the NPC and to good casues. I am aware of it. Imputing motives is all that our nationalists can resort to.Displays of kindness can hardly square with the shelling of the safe zones declared by the GSL itself,Outward displays of charity mean nothing as Jesus Christ pointed out. Charity must be borme of love and our soldiers have not shown any love or compassion for the Tamil people. That is why they rape the women in the camps, treat them like slaves and harass them every way. If the GOSL and the Armed Forces ahve nothing to hide why shut out outside observers.Who will believe the GOSL when lies and deception is its stock in trade.

By: The Historian Mon, 11 May 2009 08:33:05 +0000 Having gone through the article and the comments I have been led to a state of confusion as to why none, who commented, cannot base themselves on the ground situation.

“Have they seen the Sri Lanka Army and Navy saving them from the barbarians who hold them as human shields and who shoot them dead and chop off their legs when they try to escape? Have they seen pictures of the Sri Lanka Air Force airlifting essentials to them? If they have, why turn a blind eye to their deeds, to their benevolent efforts — round the clock at great personal sacrifice — on behalf of the miserable Tamils who have suffered under Prabhakaran’s jackboot?”

The author’s statement above, clearly sums up the humanitarian cause extended by the patriotic security forces of the country. It is a rather unfortunate situation that illegitimate and totally fabricated propaganda material of the separatist mechanism is still allowed to “float”; thus giving air to the widespread misinformation which has plagued the international media and to a certain extent the learned circles of colombo.

Going through the comments made apparently by eminent tamil personalities, I, in my most modest sense, cannot help observing the fact that there is an air of relief in the conflict ending but seeds of dissatisfaction are still sowed deep in their sentiments. This is perhaps the most unfortunate situation that has befallen the once peaceful pearl of the indian ocean. It is only but natural that there is a feeling of mistrust between the two major communities, having logged horns for over a quarter of a century. It must be noted however that all parties have sizeable portions in the unpleasant porridge of ethical responsibility.

By: Fact Check Mon, 11 May 2009 00:42:57 +0000 1. The statement: “Perera is the head honcho of the highly lucrative National Peace Council” implies that Jehan Perera is “in it for the money”. This does not square with the facts of his life-style which is easy to observe. That he is “in it for the money” is doubly questionable in light of the fact that he has a law degree from from Harvard University, USA.

2. The assertions following: “even so called ‘civilized’ nations – the UK, the USA , Australia, for example – are compelled to enact Prevention of Terrorism Acts, Patriot Acts, Homeland Security Acts, and they tend to turn draconian.” can make any sense only if the author actually believes these nations are “civilized”, of which he seems be skeptical (notice the “so called”).

Facts support the author in being skeptical of the “civilized-ness” of these nations. Even simply on basis of the way the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, has been prosecuted, and the way aboriginal people are treated in Australia.

If they are then no very “civilized”, what is the point of using them as an example to emulate. The author is making a logical error in argument.

By: Citizen Sun, 10 May 2009 23:24:45 +0000 There is no existential threat, just the necessary expression of the right to live in your own home and in command of your destiny.

By shelving democratic norms do you mean the murder of journalists, the shoveling of Tamils into white vans, the rapes of Tamil women in internment camps, continued artillery shelling of people living in tents on a spit of beach when not tunnelled in bunkers?

There is no international conspiracy against the Sri Lankan State. Rather there seems to be an international blindness to the arms delivered to the SL state by China and Russia to fight what their governments call an internal war.

I hope the writer will enjoy his hard-won freedoms dreaming perhaps of the children amputated or killed by bombs. He may be bothered more by the amputees because they will continue to walk the streets of his united nation.

By: veedhur Sun, 10 May 2009 16:57:09 +0000 Having spoken to people in the internment camps in vavuniya and heard many of them relate their pathetic plight of being indiscriminately shelled by their government and heartlesslely shot at by the LTTE – I think self loathing in being sri lankan living in south, is a honourable thing. I am relieved that there are atleast a hand ful of people like Jehan, who are trying their best against extreme odds.

By: Pearl Thevanayagam Sun, 10 May 2009 13:41:43 +0000 In the first instance I agree with you that intellectuals like Jehan Perera are funded handsomely by foreign organisation. Although NPC has yet to broker a meaningful dialogue between the warring factions your contention that draconian laws must be implemented to avoid terrorism smacks of sher hippocracy.
I’ll tell you why. While those in the South (including Tamils) enjoy all the privileges meant for the whole of Sri Lanka and have tremendous freedom to enjoy themselves civilians in the North and South have been systematically and continously chased out of their homes losing their kith and kin to the advancing military onslaught since at least 1983.
The intervention of foreign countries is a necessary evil otherwise Tamils would have perished long time ago. So clearly there’s ethnic cleansing and Sri Lankan governments should be held accuntable for the war crimes they are perpetrating. And Tamils should be given back what was plundered from them starting 1977 at least.
