Comments on: Dr. Wickramabahu Karunaratna on whether the LTTE is really finished and the war over in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sun, 03 Jan 2010 21:45:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hasitha Sun, 03 Jan 2010 21:45:52 +0000 Mr, Wicramabahu becomes mouth piece of LTTE. As Sinahalese, I really support to the Tamil self determination; their political autonomy should be ensured, fair power-sharing should add to the system & etc. But I know neither government or oposition going to address those issues. I’m really appriciate Dr. Wicramabahu being involving these kind of campaign as a Sinhalese, but if he needs to get more Sinahalese to the platform he has to tolarate LTTE.

By: prabath Mon, 25 May 2009 19:16:53 +0000 this is truly a non Sri Lankan speech. He is trying to pull back the governments activities against LTTE by frightening the people in srilanka showing fake side effects. On the other hand we can consider this person as a indirect supporter of LTTE.
