
Sundays without English newspapers?

Not too long ago, my Sunday mornings used to be so enriched by the Sunday newspapers. They informed me, intrigued me, tickled me with laughter and occasionally even exasperated me. I spent the better part of my Sundays going through their diverse and stimulating news, features and opinions.

How I miss those Sundays – and the Sunday reading that I can no longer find in our Sunday newspapers! For sure, we still have half a dozen Sunday newspapers coming out in English, but much has changed. I can predict the content in most newspapers even before I open them on any given Sunday.

So I now buy only two Sunday newspapers (you can soon guess which), and get through them in a couple of hours. The rest of my Sunday is spent watching TV or browsing the web – thank goodness there still are some ways I can spend my leisure time productively.

Last Sunday, 3 May 2009, was observed as World Press Freedom Day. As a mark of respect for our courageous journalists and editors who risk life and limb in safeguarding the public interest, I went out and bought all Sri Lankan Sunday newspapers in English. These are my impressions:

I found the six Sunday newspapers evoke different sentiments in me:

The Sunday Leader makes me angry because they show things as they are and makes me realise what a monumental mess we have in our resplendent isle.

The Sunday Times makes me sad and depressed, because it is in permanent denial mode and has become such a cheerleader for Sinhala ultra-nationalism.

I laugh at (not with) the Sunday Island’s feeble attempts to gloss over major concerns of the day and take us back to simpler, happier days.

I usually bypass the Sunday Observer unless I’m trying to buy or sell something, which is a couple of times a year on average.

I’m confused and bemused by The Nation, and sometimes wonder if it has quietly been taken over by the state-controlled Lake House.

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry with the juvenile journalism (juve-nalism?) of the Lakbima News.

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