Comments on: Resonating the interests of chauvinism? – My response to the two articles by Prof. Michael Roberts Journalism for Citizens Sun, 29 Apr 2018 06:42:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Reflections: Interpreting the Gash Files IV | Thuppahi's Blog Sun, 29 Apr 2018 06:42:18 +0000 […] Lionel 2009 “Resonating the interests of chauvinism? – My response to the two articles by Prof. Michael Roberts,” 23 February 2009, […]

By: TRN Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:49:28 +0000 Good balanced view. The current issue is to release the trapped civillians. Then to re settle them in their villages. As the govt.agent in vavniya says it will take time to clear the LTTE held region of burried mines and ammunition.

Civil admonistration had been nearly dead for more than 2 decades. The ground situ is bitter than we media mongers can imagine. But all who care about the humanitarian crisis should come forward to help rehab these villages and towns . It should not go back to hands of a dictator like VP.

We need a pluraristic society. seperate tamil homeland is not the best solution for the porblems. aspirations of all our citizens should be considered including muslims and christians too.

By: N. Ethirveerasingam Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:57:02 +0000 Lionel Bopage,
It is refreshing to read a well argued, professional rebuttal of Prof Roberts two submissions. I am sure Prof Roberts will respond to you with equal civility and rationale for his position. With such concerned humanitarian and academics as you, Uyangoda, Liyanage, Edirisinghe, a just solution to the 50 plus years of the conflict can be achieved. But persons like you are a voices in the wilderness that is Sri Lanka now.

I agree with your statement, "… I do not hesitate to recognise that it does represent a sizeable proportion of Tamil political spectrum and aspiration. It is politically biased to claim that any true rapprochement can be conducted or achieved without the LTTE participation. " If the turn-out for the demonstrations in the various cities around the world during the past three months is anything to go by, "sizable proportion" of the Tamil diaspora's support to the struggle for which the LTTE is waging a war is evident. It is increasing and there is no sign of it abating. I have traversed the length and breadth of the NorthEast for more than 15 years and the substantial, privately expressed views, individually and in small groups, but not publicly for obvious reasons, support the aspirations of the Tamils that the LTTE is fighting for 25 years. To deny that such a support exists, whether one likes it or not, is denying reality.

It is not too hard to predict what the next three years will bring to Sri Lanka, when the "Welfare Villages," characterised by HRW as detention villages, under the Three-Year Plan, is implemented by the Rajapakse administration. Naturally a majority of the Tamils and other humanitarians will resist the Three-Year plan and its implementation, notwithstanding the sugar coating of the plan by the GoSL for the public and international community.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:36:31 +0000 Bopage writes that the LTTE "does represent a sizeable proportion of Tamil political spectrum and aspiration". He goes on to conclude "So it is politically untruthful to claim that any true rapprochement can be conducted or achieved without their participation. This will be the reality. Those politicians and bureaucrats who claim a settlement can be gained without the LTTE seem to be deluding themselves." Now the conclusion simply does not follow from the observation. What Bopage says about the LTTE, even if true, goes/went for the US Confederate politicians, the Chechen separatists, the Khmer Rouge, Angola's UNITA, Algeria's GIA and the JVP, none of which were part of the settlement or rapprochement that ended the wars in these states. Indeed, despite their representative character, their insurgencies were militarily crushed. Bopage also say "If the Palestinian struggle is anything to go by…" That's silly, because the UN , the whole Non Aligned Movement and the Palestinians themselves recognize the Palestinian question as sui generis, which is why the NAM opposes " country specific" UN mandates in general with Israel/Palestine being the sole exception.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:55:27 +0000 The reparations for the genocide of Jews in Germany were granted through courts in the US. There are similar cases now being heard in the US courts.

When this happens the riches of the unrighteous will come to flow to the righteous Tamils. Especially, at this time of Financial crisis, it appears that SL and its guradians have ignored the consequences of this fallout as with others.

Italy paid billions of dollars of reparations to Libya for atrocities committed in 1905s. For the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie that killed 270 people, Libya started paying in October 2008. Recently, a judge in European court agreed to hear claim for reparations for crime committed in 1930's. There is no time limit for such claims.

The present political captains of SL are not making noises about Tamil genocide and reparations. Instead, they are talking of political solution to the problem of NE, which is irrelevant now. The problem at hand is Tamil genocide, punishment of offenders and payment of hundreds of billions of dollars of reparations to Tamil victims both inside and outside of SL.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:54:08 +0000 Even if we overlook the illegality of the constitution and consider seriously the contents, it clearly stipulates that Buddhism should be given the foremost place in the country. Foremost even to a war.

Buddhism if put in one sentence states "let all beings be happy". Carrying out acts of murder, bombing and causing destruction of civilian life and property are against Buddhist principles. Therefore, the present war and atrocities against the Tamils of NE are blatant violations of the constitution.

For such an unconstitutional act, Sri Lankan state qualifies for punishment. And all the countries that supplied weapons have done so unconstitutionally for the present atrocities. They also qualify for punishment in an international court of law.

The Tamils who face genocide and destruction of property therefore qualify for hundreds of billions of United States Dollars of reparations in a court of law.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:52:36 +0000 Global Financial crisis is hovering. Recession is hitting harder. Even the exports of a strong and politically stable country like Singapore has dropped more than 30%. Soon, the wheels will come off the government of Sri Lanka(SL)

The constitutuion of SL – which I call a rebel constitution because the South drafted it without Tamil participation from the North East(NE) in 1972 and unilaterally decalared the island as a republic, while it was still a British dominion – was an agreed southern framework to govern the entire island.

Britain, the colonial master, should have revoked the republic. But it dissociated from its problem with a frosty response and permitted the NE to be subjugated and ruled by the South like a colonial power.
