Comments on: LTTE offers tax break to Sri Lankan businesses Journalism for Citizens Tue, 24 Feb 2009 21:47:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: neem Tue, 24 Feb 2009 21:47:35 +0000 Hilarious!!

By: saambanar sugumugam Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:26:26 +0000 Oh dear here we go again! Utter nonsense! What is your Source? We need facts not gossip!
Here are the facts!
1A group based in London bought these planes in a self assembly kit at the famous Hamleys Toy Store in London and presented to Prabaharan. These were on a ‘buy one get one free’ deal. Since he already had the superior fleet of toy planes he offered them to the Rajapase Brothers as good will gesture and to make peace (Evidence: 2002 Election results).
2Prabaharan also sent the brothers the mechanic who built his submarine (which is now a toy of the SL Army), to assemble the toy planes. (Photographic evidence in Defence Ministry website).
3Mahinda wanted to test the coverage of the Indian supplied radars which failed on previous occasions. So he sent the toy plane to Katunayaka controlling it remotely from his living room. The radar detected the plane and shot it down. (Mission successful!)
4His brother Chamyl has lately been bothered by the evidence gathered against him at the tax office. So he sent the second plane to the tax office to set fire to the incriminating evidence. The plane could not break through the Commissioner of Taxes bullet proof office (Mission failed!).
