Comments on: What undue humanitarian concerns? – Responding to Michael Roberts Journalism for Citizens Wed, 17 Jun 2009 23:25:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gini Appu Wed, 17 Jun 2009 23:25:52 +0000 “We all know that it was a suicide bomber who murdered Neelan is it really necessary to say so every time Neelan is mentioned?”

only if you want to distract from what Neelan would’ve wanted mentioned.

By: Devanesan Nesiah Wed, 25 Feb 2009 06:48:36 +0000 Response of Devanesan Nesiah to Observer, Rita and Dayan Jayathilake

1.To Observer; I agree with you about the futility of the armed struggle but not about how it should be ended; surrender may not lead to a just and durable peace.
2.To Rita; I understand your feelings but do not agree with your sentiments. Is there a viable alternative to a peaceful solution?
3.To Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayathilake; my focus was on the civilians and yours on the LTTE. Irrelevance apart, you distraught the facts.
The LTTE was encouraged and enabled to defeat the IPKF through resources supplied by the state for that express purpose. After the IPKF was out of the way, the state continued to stall the implementation of the Indo-Lanka Peace Agreement and the 13th Amendment, while the LTTE continued to attack the provincial government. The net result was UDI
The collapse of the Neelan – G.L Package was on account of opposition from the UNP as well as from within the SLFP. If there was UNP-SLFP backing, the package would have sailed through parliament. In the event it was first denuded of its devolution contents and then discarded completely.
It is claimed that the war is close to being won but the solution is reseeding. For example, throughout the second half of the 20th century no political party other than the Federal Party (ITAK) backed Federalism. It was only since the Oslo Declaration of 2002 that Southern political leaders began to speak positively of Federalism. With the expected winning of the war the earlier situation has returned; a consensus on the constitution having to be unitary is emerging among Sinhalese political leaders (apart from one or two from the far left)
Similarly, with the expected winning of the war, the prospects appear to be reseeding of reversing two decades of ethnic cleansing (of Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and others) In particular, Tamil IDPs, including those recently displaced, appear to have abandoned hopes of getting back their lands and are seeking to flee to India and elsewhere, (eg. PTI report in the Daily Mirror of February 23 of new arrivals in Rameshwaram)
We all know that it was a suicide bomber who murdered Neelan is it really necessary to say so every time Neelan is mentioned?

By: Observer Sun, 22 Feb 2009 01:09:09 +0000 In reply to rita.

you know there would not be excuses for most of these atrocities if the LTTE didn't exist. their brutality has spawn an equally brutal counter balance. ying yang. it was bound to happen. also remember wih jvp things were much worse! but was necessary at the time. this is why armed struggle never achieve their goals. you only aggravate your opponent achieving even less than what you had. understand this and we will have peace.

By: Observer Sun, 22 Feb 2009 01:00:24 +0000 It is surrender that is required not a ceasefire. The challenge with arms of the LTTE has come to its limits and it is high time that they accept reality and let people live. Time to try other avenues. Peaceful avenues for Tamil grievances. You will get the ceasefire when the enemy surrenders. In fact it will be a permanent ceasefire!

By: rita Sat, 21 Feb 2009 00:43:47 +0000 peace in terrorist country, where more than 80000 with corps burried, or burnt?

lots and lots named as tigers and gets arrested, murdered, woman and including underaged gals in mass amount getting rapped and murdered, in out of prisons.

more than 80000 dead, continuing to die, of these bomb,
churches/temples, schools , hospitals, in no fire zone area. jurnalists , and humanatarian aid personals, politican murdered,

these ruthless, barbarines of the government forces continue to murder in mass amount, children with amputed legs, hands, with shattered body parts all over the place. blocking all medical aids, food, to the affected area.
These forces trying to solicit underaged gals in haiti and got caught by the media. they thought they could get away like the do in there homeland. these evil forces even dont mind killing their own kids to hide the truth. lots of their own people , jurnalist murdered who were exposing the truth.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:33:21 +0000 Dear Dr Nesiah, there is a line in a Hollywood movie which goes "fool me once, I'm the fool. try to fool me twice, you're the fool". That goes for this ceasefire/encourage the LTTE to negotiate "nonsense. You ask ' Will ‘winning’ the war help or hinder the working out of a viable solution? …I don’t see how ‘winning’ the war will lead to a viable solution.' Really? If not for the LTTE's war against the IPKF, the Indo-Lanka accord would have been implemented, what with the Sri Lankan military in the North and East confined to barracks, 70, 000 Indian troops on Lankan soil, the anti-Accord JVP being fought by the Sri Lankan state, and the LTTE given 7 out of 12 seats including the chairmanship in the interim adminstration of september 1987. The same goes for the Neelan – GL package, which was torpedoed preemptively because the Tigers unilterally resumed hostilities in April 1995. How can you even mention Neelan without noting that he was murdered by a Tiger suicide bomber?
