Comments on: A recent trip to Vavuniya: For the future looks dark and gloomy Journalism for Citizens Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:29:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wathsala Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:29:26 +0000 In reply to Mattew Roberts.

You said: "Such a country cannot exist in western world" World is not west. There are systems other than western system. MYOB Mattew Roberts and western world.

By: Hari Narendran Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:43:59 +0000 In reply to Dayan Jayatilleka.

Poor choice of words on my part. We can both agree the LTTE needlessly engaged in highly provocative acts both under the Ranil and Mahinda governments. My point was more MR would not have come to power without the deal struck with the LTTE. The LTTE could not have better displayed its disregard for the well being of the Tamil people. The government, despite its rhetoric about the "evil, fascist, choose your language", LTTE, had no problems striking a bargain with it when it served their needs, regardless of the impact on the Tamils whose rights they claim to care so deeply about.
Going beyond that, the fundamental problem I have with your argument is that you always couch it in terms of the LTTEs behaviour. Surely that is no standard to go by? I am not arguing for the LTTE here. My contention is that the methods the government is using in prosecuting this war against the Tigers is deliberately highly damaging to Tamil civilians. Actions speak louder than words, and the governments actions when it comes to Tamil concerns do not say much. At the drop of a dime or the word of the defence secretary the arms of the law without hesitation or attention to due process and evidence, will jail/prosecute/hold indefinitely Tamils suspected of colluding with the LTTE. Yet when it comes to cases of state actors or its cronies like the TVMP in the East or Douglas in the north murdering civilians, media members, abducting children, etc, the law doesn't seem to want to work at all. Why the double standard? Why the refusal to let the media cover the war front or the camps being set up in cleared areas? If the truth on civilian casualties is what the government says it is, then surely letting the media in can only strengthen its position?

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Sun, 22 Feb 2009 12:20:34 +0000 Hari, you write: "One should also not forget the role the current government had in initiating this round of conflict". Check the dates of the first attacks on and ambushes of service personnel. Mahinda Rajapkse was being criticised in theSouth for not responding. He actually made a speech telling the Tigers not to mistake his (Buddhist) forebearance for weakness. So, Hari, just as in the case of Premadasa and CBK, Mahinda too, did not initiate this round of the shooting war. He did not draw first blood. He was just a few weeks into office! If the LTTE's Tamil rivals were shooting at them, having been massacred during the CFA, there was no reason to ambush soldiers and sailors on home leave!

By: hari narendran Sun, 22 Feb 2009 05:30:32 +0000 In reply to Dayan Jayatilleka.

Absolutely. Tamils have to sit back and ask ourselves is the community better off or further along the path of achieving its goals today than it was before the war started? The answer is undeniably no. More Sri Lankan Tamils live outside of the country than within it, the north & east's infrastructure is destroyed, an entire generation has grown up traumatized and brutalized by war. The Tigers inability to move beyond a military strategy and develop an effective political strategy to take advantage of the many opportunities to pursue a peaceful resolution despite reservations about the bona fides of the government bear a large portion of the responsibility for the current state of affairs. This however does not excuse the governments conduct either. Disappearances, summary executions, torture, arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment are not the tools a democratic government should be using against its own citizenry, especially ones you are trying to win over. By all means rightfully condemn the Tigers for their failures, but equally hold the government to standards of conduct that all civilized nations should hold themselves to. One should also not forget the role the current government had in initiating this round of conflict. For all the talk of restoring the Tamils democratic rights, this government paid the LTTE to disenfranchise Tamils and prevent them from voting in the election to bring down the UNP government of the time. Politics indeed does make strange bedfellows at times.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Sat, 21 Feb 2009 20:58:46 +0000 In reply to Hari Narendran.

While I agree with you ( Hari is "hari"), may I point out that 1987, 1990, 1995, 2003 and 2005 all came AFTER 1957 and 1983? Meaning that despite the crimes of the earlier years, the suffering of the Tamils could have stopped in 1987, if Prabhakaran had not fought the IPKF. They could have stopped in 1990 after the IPKF left, had he not gone back to war. ( in Island of Blood, Anita Pratap writes that she asked him why he went back to war "when Premadasa would have given [him] the North and East on a silver platter". His answer was that "he did not want the North and East on a silver platter".) Or these sufferings could have stopped in 1995 when CBK had no intention of starting a war, had Prabhakaran not initiated one. Or they could have stopped in 2005 had Prabhakaran and his TNA puppets not saboaged the Northern Tamil vote. So, I repeat, please place the blame where it is due.

By: Hari Narendran Sat, 21 Feb 2009 20:33:37 +0000 In reply to Dayan Jayatilleka.

None of the human tragedy in this report would have occurred had the government & opppostion of the time implemented the Banda-Chelva pact, or if successive governments had not indulged in anti tamil riots in 58, 77, 81, 83. Particularly in the case of the '83 riots, the hand of government officials was very clearly visible. Had a serious attempt ever been made to hold the organizers accountable, perhaps a large section of the tamil population would not have felt alientated by the sri lankan state. Even today, with incidents such as the Muttur aid worker killings and the murder of the students in trincomalee by sections of the armed forces, the state shows no urgency in bringing the perpetrators to book. It is hard as a Tamil to believe the Sri Lankan state holds us to be equal citizens due equal protection under the law. This is really the crux of the issue and why there is a persistent level of support for the Tigers despite their conduct. Sadly, it is almost a case of better the devil that is yours than the one that isn't.

By: Appuamy Fri, 20 Feb 2009 18:42:28 +0000 You literate Mattew Roberts we here in our country are illiterate.
Therefore, would you very graciously MYOB

By: Mattew Roberts Fri, 20 Feb 2009 14:23:53 +0000 Guys, don't think you can spread your own news by banning all media and banning NGO. Such a country can not exist in Western World now. If someone defends this policy, he or she should be either illerate or hard core nationalist. It is no point to talk to both of these people. Just one thing – Genocide can not be hidden by any means.

By: David Blacker Fri, 20 Feb 2009 12:00:51 +0000 Al Jazeera had reporters at Kilinochchi in January and earlier this month. Al Jazeera ran footage of refugees under shell fire (I guess Karuna provided that, or was it the military spokesman?).

"Soon, the Sinhalese soldiers will desert North East and take to their heels. I am waiting for that day."

Hope you've got a nice comfy spot 'cos it's gonna be long wait.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:24:32 +0000 None of the human tragedy contained in this report would have occurred had the Tigers accepted the Indo-Lanka Accord and the Interim administration of September 1987 in which they were given 7 of 12 places including the chairmanship. The Sri Lankan military was confined to barracks. Instead, Prabhakaran went to war against the Indian Peacekeepers. The story goes on: there was no need to restart the war in April 1990 abandoning talks with Premadasa. There was no need to blow up two ships and re-initiate hostilities unilaterally in April 1995, abandoning written communications with Chandrika. There was no need to abandon negotiations in April 2003. There was no need to sabotage Ranil's election campaign in 2005. There was no need to target Sri Lankan armed forces personnel a few weeks after Mahinda was elected. So, have the honesty at least at this late date, to lay the blame for the suffering of the Tamils where the blame is due.
