Comments on: DILEMMA’S AT WAR’S END: THOUGHTS ON HARD REALITIES Journalism for Citizens Wed, 02 May 2018 03:22:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Piercing the LTTE’s Last Redoubt: THE HINDU Reportage, 21-30 April 2009 | Thuppahi's Blog Wed, 02 May 2018 03:22:26 +0000 […] Michael 2009 “Dilemmas at War’s End: Thoughts on Hard Realities,” 10 February 2009, … rep. in Roberts, Fire and Storm, Colombo, 2010, pp. […]

By: Reflections: Interpreting the Gash Files IV | Thuppahi's Blog Sun, 29 Apr 2018 06:43:22 +0000 […] Michael 2009 “Dilemmas at War’s End: Thoughts on Hard Realities,” 10 February 2009, … rep. in Roberts, Fire and Storm, Colombo, 2010, pp. […]

By: Sri Lanka’s Complex Background: Correcting & Amplifying Sheridan And Got?bhaya | Colombo Telegraph Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:09:12 +0000 […] Michael 2010 “Dilemmas at War’s End: Thoughts on Hard Realities,” 10 Feb. 2009,, rep. in Roberts, Fire and Storm, Colombo: Vijitha Yapa Publications, pp. […]

By: Sri Lanka’s Complex Background: Correcting & Amplifying Sheridan and Got?bhaya | Thuppahi's Blog Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:14:41 +0000 […] Michael 2010 “Dilemmas at War’s End: Thoughts on Hard Realities,” 10 Feb. 2009,, rep. in Roberts, Fire and Storm, Colombo: Vijitha Yapa Publications, pp. […]

By: Pragmatist Mon, 25 May 2009 16:48:44 +0000 Excellent article by Michael Roberts. I will certainly ask my kids to read it, as a lesson in Sri Lankan history.

Let me say this to Raja and all others who back the argument for two nations in Sri Lanka. There are more tamils living outside than inside of the areas that you define as tamil homelands. None of these folks, including myself and my family, wish to relocate to a newly created ethnic tamil ghetto in Jaffna or Batticaloa. YOU TELL ME what we are supposed to do, if your goals is ever achieved? Of course, this is a moot point now that the crazy Sun God is dead. Was it your idea that we should all give up everything and move in an exodus to the promised land?? How do we establish our right to live in such a ghetto? I am a mixed Tamil-Sinhala person who speaks only sinhala and english, where do I belong? Can sinhala people live in your homeland too? Can they do business too like it used to be in Jaffna pre1970s?

I challenge any PRO-TIGER members of the Tamil diapora living in Canada, UK, Sweden, Australia etc to provide me an answer to this question. By the way, please add to your answer what you intend to do too (i.e. your intent to move your entire clan back to this ghetto).

By: Cofused Thu, 14 May 2009 10:33:10 +0000 I am sorry. TAFFAI should be TAFII (Task Force For Illicit Immigration)

By: Confused Thu, 14 May 2009 10:24:58 +0000 Can the humanity in the 21st century justify civilian casualiteis in a war? The imperialist British bombed unprotected civilains in Dresden killing over 35,000 civilians even after the war was over. Can a war itself be justified in solving political/economic/social problems of this magnitude? Sri Lankan then president JR wanted military help from India in 1987 as he had to fight another war with disaffected Sinhala youth in the South. IPKF did what Sri Lanka military was unable to do at that time because it had no logistical or manpower to fight a war in the south as well as the North. It is important and pertinent to ask what will be the next step when and if the war was over as Wasantha Raja did. The history shows us that there hes been a history of oppression of people in the South and North by the state over centuries, and so-called independence in 1948 did solve nothing. The Sri lankan army continued its military presence in the North under what was then called TAFFAI arrangement. I know fully well that it was an occupation and the Tamils have resisted that occupation ever since. I think the current war has seriously undermined the possibility of a unitory state in future Sri Lanka without a military presence in the South, North and East. I do not think the present Sri Lankan Government would be in a position to offer a solution based on equality to all people in the country? Possibly, the next generation of Sinhala/Tamil people will understand the reality and fight for a society which wiill ensure equality and justice to all.

By: Calculator Wed, 01 Apr 2009 11:42:30 +0000 We can trot out ‘learned’ arguments for and against, depending mainly on our own sympathies. In the meantime a certain number of civilians (used as ‘Human Shields” ) die each day. Multiply the number of dead each day by the number of days the the fighting will continue if the government forces go on a “cautious assault”. How many dead will that be? On the other hand, what will be the total civilian deaths if maximum force is used and the LTTE fighters wiped out from Pudukudiirruppu area in a day or two?

By: Raja Mon, 23 Mar 2009 08:27:52 +0000 Mr Roberts entire argument is based without regard to the crux of this long drawn out conflict: There are two nations on the island of Sri Lanka. Tamils are not trying to carve out a new state, they are trying to free a nation that has existed for millennia while the sinhalese are trying to subjugate and occupy that nation. This reality becomes glaringly obvious when you look at Jaffna where you have 600,000 tamils being occupied by 50,00 Sri Lankan troops. The end-game is really more of the same. More occupation: this time in Vanni, in Kilinochchi, in Muliathivu, in Batticaloa and everywhere in between.

The position of the tamil people around the world regardless of their allegiance with the LTTE is clear: Let’s have a referendum. Let the people decide. It’s interesting that the GOSLs response to this argument is to completely deny the existence of the historic tamil nation. Just like the Iranians, who start out with a policy of not recognizing Israel deny the holoaust , the GOSL starts with the racist premise that Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhalese, and therefore have no choice, but to deny the existence of the historic tamil homeland. Curiously, it’s the same extreme “nationalists” who are quick to annoint President Rajapakse as the modern day Dutugemunu. Dutugemunu is of course, was according to Sinhalese history, the last Sri Lankan king to take his army to the north and defeat the great tamil king Elara to unite the island. By doing so aren’t these so called “nationalists” admitting that even a thousang years ago there was a tamil kingdom with a king named Elara?

By: SomeOne1 Wed, 04 Mar 2009 09:03:02 +0000 We must put the "Victory and defeat” in a proper context. Other wise, it doesn’t make sense. Winning the hearts and minds of the people trapped in the war is the real victory. I don't think that these people need a victory over their hearts and minds at this moment. Leave these people alone.

Some of the people caught in the wanny jungle at the moment are from the villages near Trincomalee district boarder, Madawachi district boarder, Mannar, and Jaffna boarders of wanny. These peolple have been displaced and became refugees many times. The people in the kokilai, and wali oya region has been made refugees for more than 20 years.

This will give some idea about the state of these people.
