Comments on: Power of sovereignty, standards of life and education Journalism for Citizens Fri, 06 Feb 2009 23:36:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabes Fri, 06 Feb 2009 23:36:05 +0000 The gap in the quality of education received by the poor and rich has increased over the years. Increasing the quality of basic education and ensuring that it reaches equally to the poor as well as the well to do in all parts of the country is indeed one of the necessary tasks of reconstruction.

At the heart of future equality of all subjects is education about the heritage of the different subjects of the country. Only such education will ensure that subjects are enlightened, respect each other and able to exercise their democratic rights. Sri Lanka’s education has not contributed to developing understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others. Neither has it developed subjects who are critical, independent and able to distinguish between myths and facts. This has created ideological impoverishment in the subjects. Political governance has travelled on the back of these ideologically impoverished subjects to self-destructive consequences.

At this time of vision building for a fairer future, inclusive in nature, it would be a great loss if content of education does not promote human rights, global citizenship and a truly inclusive multi-racial society. The willingness of the elite citizens in politics, media and academia to learn from the failures of the post-independence Sri Lanka is necessary for a change towards a more egalitarian content in education.
