Comments on: Tamil politics tomorrow: Options, challenges and pitfalls Journalism for Citizens Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:46:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:46:44 +0000 Punitham,
What on earth does the wrongful arrest of Chelva and Amir have to do with the 13th amendment? India knew all about the history of the Tamil political struggle when it agreed with Sri Lanka on the 13th amendment – and that was because the weight of Tamil Nadu led by MGR, the armed eelam struggle of the LTTE and others and the weight of the Indian state as represented by 70, 000 troops, could not extract a greater reform from the Sri Lankan polity. That's the structural space, buddy : use it or lose it.

By: punitham Fri, 13 Feb 2009 03:01:13 +0000 Chelva and Amir were put under house arrest after 1956 riots and in prison after 1958 riots!! Now ''Tamil politics must be in the context of the full implementation of 13th amendment. Any slogan which goes further will not only be Utopian but may provoke a backlash and a rollback of even this space.''

By: wijayapala Wed, 11 Feb 2009 23:15:55 +0000 In reply to punitham.

So Thondaman only got "crumbs off the table." Why don't you tell us what your own leaders had gotten for you- Chelva, Amir, and the one and only Thalaivar????? After 60 years who are better off- the N-E Tamils or the Upcountry Tamils?

By: citizen Wed, 11 Feb 2009 22:40:48 +0000 Enlighten us then man! And sow us how – if as you imply and possibly believe, the LTTE is any better? People who have attained power democratically or assumed power undemocratically, have often used violence in the hope of consolidating their power and whenever they felt a lack of confidence in their power to control and manipulate the masses.
So wake up from your monochrome Tamil dream punitham, and dream with the rest of humanity… become part of the world around you that is rich with diversity, without seeking refuge in your own ethnicity.

By: punitham Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:49:08 +0000 ''The Tamils need a Realist like an S Thondaman, who obtained more for his people'' is only ''crumbs off the table''. Just one example: last year I read in the Daily Mirror that nearly 9,500 upcountry Tamils couldn't vote in the provincial election.
There has been only a cosmetic change in the structural violence of the government institutions towards all Tamils in the last sixty years.
Barring journalists from the heavily militarised Northeast in the last thirty months, it's the reports of fact-finding missions that gave a glimpse into the fear and hopelessness of the people there. Not all reports were translated into Sinhala.
The South has been kept in the dark as to what the occupying army of forty years has been doing in the Northeast.

By: citizen Wed, 11 Feb 2009 07:09:15 +0000 Devolution of power is not merely a necessity of Tamils but of all parts of Sri Lanka that have been deprived not only opportunities but basic necessities and simple conveniences because of an inefficient, corrupt and unjust concentration of power and economic opportunity in Colombo – depriving equal opportunities to the rest of the country.
Tamils have been grieved further as a result of institutionalised discrimination, but even if both Tamil and Sinhala Racist elements cease to exist from this moment, the social asymmetries will remain – locking Mulativu and Monaragala in poverty while more luxury condominiums are built in Colombo.
These asymmetries have always been exploited in post independent Sri Lanka by those seeking votes and power. They have used and still use these inequalities to insinuate an (existent or non-existent) racism as their cause.
We as a society have to grow up and grow out of such petty thoughts, but that involves a revolution in the way we think. Perhaps a revolution is necessary to induce us to think! But our politics has to change too and such a change can only be brought about by our vote.
No matter whether we implement the 13th amendment (or not), or a Federal structure (or not) or preserve the status quo (or… NOT) we have to demand better from the politicians we elect. We have to be dutiful in electing competent and honest people as our representatives. We have to be mindful not to be manipulated by them or let them exploit our differences, grievances and vulnerabilities. We have to demand that they listen to us and not dictate to us. We have to ensure that those who do not, are voted out and replaced by others who are more worthy of our trust and cooperation.

By: rajivmw Fri, 06 Feb 2009 07:52:07 +0000 Some excellent ideas here. I doubt they can all be effected at a stroke, and as DJ advises, we must start within the space and opportunity available now. The process of reform will move in incremental steps, and that might be for the best, since this country has been put through too many sudden and ill-considered transitions. But progress there must be, animated by thoughts, guided by principles, and you have done well to offer yours. More power to you.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 05 Feb 2009 22:18:30 +0000 In reply to Sie.Kathieravealu.

This contains some good and interesting ideas but they are not currently practicable and the Tamil people cannot wait without being represented adequately. this means using the space available under the existing constitutional order, i.e. the Provincial councils, Parliament and judiciary.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 05 Feb 2009 22:15:35 +0000 In reply to Sam Thambipillai.

I watched the spokesperson of Caritas Canada interviewed last night on Al Jazeera, by its Washington Desk, and she said they do not know who bombed or shelled the hospital, so why does anyone take for granted that it was the sri Lankan armed forces? She also added quite categorically that it was the LTTE that was not letting the civilians go. Ethiraj Anbarasan of the BBC said today that the ICRC and UN confirm this. So why blame GOSL?

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Thu, 05 Feb 2009 22:12:05 +0000 In reply to Liberal Lanka.

Liberal lanka, I have nothing against aligning with the UNP if that is the most viable progressive alternative available. You obviously are unaware that I was a strong and prominent supporter of President Premadasa, who was a UNP president, and totally endorsed the bloc that the CWC, SLMC, EPDP and PLOT had with him. But Ranil is no Premadasa, and cannot win an election. If Karu, Rukman or Sajith were leading the UNP I'd have said that the Tamil parties should strongly consider uniting with it. If however they align with Ranil they will sink with him while sinking him. I do advocate and promote Thondamans, but that's S Thondaman Sr, not Arumugam. And I also would promote more Ashraffs, never Hakeems.
